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Posts posted by Dthornton12

  1. Is there any area that you would supplement with FIAR?

    I'm using:

    FIAR, HWT, explode the code, math u see alpha, tons of readers, sight words, possibly life PAC history&geo grade 1 (but I'm thinking we will end up hating it.)

  2. What are my options for spelling?

    Would WWE and hwot cursive be over kill?

    I bought lifepac history grade 1. Is that one ok?

    I also got FLL 1/2.

    I'm trying to find something for math. I hated math and want something fun. Is there a way to make math fun? Lol

    What else would I need?

  3. And were starting your homeschool experience all over, what would you do?

    I would like something that's all together for Luke. I'm afraid that i will leave something out. He is coming out of public school kindergarten. He can read, write, add, and subtract. Should I go a to 1st grade curriculum?


    Malorie is almost 4 and she knows her alphabet and how to count. She can't recognize numbers, but can recognize letters. I have some "getting ready for kindergarten" Kumon workbooks that she's been attempting to do. She can do them if i guide her through it, but gets off task if I'm not right there.


    Today was our first day and I feel very overwhelmed. I need some type of structure.

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