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Posts posted by dawno_momof3

  1. My son will be in 5th grade next year. Here is what we are planning for him with the approximate time I think it will take him.


    Math(1 hour /day)

    Grammar (20 min/day)

    Vocabulary (15 min/day)

    Spelling (10 min/day)

    Writing (30 min /day I think - we are using a new program)

    Typing (15 min/day)

    Spanish (30 min/every other day)

    History/Literature/Geography/Art (combined 1 hour/day)

    Science (experiments at co-op with a homework assignment during the week, done on a day we don't do spanish)

    Music (2 hours/ week through a theater program)


    Hope this is somewhat helpful. It does look like a lot when it is all written down, but the time that it actualy takes after you get in a groove is not so bad. I also take advantage of the fact that he can do some of this totally on his own and only ask when he needs help. I correct his work so I can be sure he is grasping what he is learning but he enjoys the fact that he can accomplish learning by himself and without me hovering over him.

  2. We have 3 children - dd 6th grade - Dialectic level; ds 4th grade - Upper Grammar level; ds 1st grade - Lower Grammar Level. We have been using TOG for 6 years and we love it. I have also used SOTW as it lines up with TOG because I happen to have a copy of it, but TOG is so much richer. Here is an off the top of my head list of things that I enjoy about TOG.


    - The literature selections connect to what they are learning in History

    - They get a solidly christian worldview

    - Guided discussions! I am no good at doing this on my own so I love that they have the questions and ideas for discussion all layed out for me.

    - You can easily choose how much or how little you do (on busy weeks we just do the core history)

    - I don't have to search for hands on projects they have done the searchig for me

    - We use the compter version now and I love how searchable it is and that I can easily print out the questions and worksheets.

    - The majority of the resources are available fromt he library (althoughI have had trouble getting some of the Bible history selections from our library

    - In addition their customer service is awesome, I have talked to them multiple times and they are always willing to help in any way that they can.

    - All of the kids are studying the same time period together so that when my daughter reads to my younger son she is getting review of the easier material she is studying and often times she gives her brother cool fun facts that she has learned in her reading.


    Hope this helps!

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