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Posts posted by Addicted2Coffee

  1. My ds and I will be using World Geography and You by Steck Vaughn. Below is a link to samples at Rainbow Resource. I found the hardcover text & TM used for much less at amazon. The student text just arrived and I think it will work well for my rising 5th grader. Each continent has an overview with highlights of many of the countries on the continent. There is a great deal of vocabulary covered and each chapter ends with review questions. The TM contains text answers and tests/quizzes along with activities, but I haven't received it yet to give you any more info. I plan to also use Kingfisher Geography Encyclopedia and have ds label and color various types of large wall maps for each continent.







    Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for. Just bought the hardcover and teachers guide for $17 (with shipping).

  2. My problem is I can't find anything I want to use for either really :tongue_smilie:


    Except sonlight core F, it looks awesome! :drool5: I'm thinking about using it for DD9 but I don't know if I can justify the price since it will only be for her.. Is it possible to use for an advanced 3rd grader? She can read 5th grade level books but I'm not sure..:bigear:

  3. Thank you for all your thoughts! I think I'm sticking to having her start cc as a junior (earliest you can) full time (hopefully) and then count those classes as her 11th and 12th grade classes so she will graduate high school and have an aa in history. I think it's the best idea for both of us, she still will have an aa by the time she's 18 but won't have to rush through course work. She is excited about this idea too. Someone had the idea of having their dd getting a GED so they can get more priority then if they were just a high school student with dual enrollment, I'm wondering if theres any disadvantages to getting a GED if you also plan to graduate high school and college?

  4. Sonlight looks Core B looks too easy for her. I've never heard of beautiful feet before I googled it. I'm going to have to look at it more, thanks!


    Tapestry of grace looks awesome but I think it will require to much of me and is way to expensive. Especially considering I'd only be using it for her.


    Any more? :bigear:

  5. DD13:

    Strengths- History, Math, Reading, Writing and Science

    Weaknesses- Grammar we're going over the basics, again. Also, she gets very frustrated when she doesn't get something *right* away. And being 13 ;)



    Strengths- She's average in almost every subject. Except writing.

    Weaknesses- Attitude big time. She complains about everything.



    She's above average in everything, but her weaknesses are math and science. (she's only average in them) but its been a breeze homeschooling her compared to DD9



    His favorite thing is science experiments :D We're getting are way through most of the curricula very slowly but that's okay!


    Right now our focus is figuring out how this is all going to work when I go back to work next Monday!

  6. DD13 will be a 9th grader so I'm no expert but she will be taking at least 3 AP Classes next year (her choice)


    She'll be taking AP Human Geography and AP Spanish w/ PA Homeschoolers and AP Environmental Science. I was thinking about her also doing BYU World History (it goes by continents) and dd wants to self study for the AP World History test just to see if she can pass it :001_huh:


    I think your dd could still take AP Geography and pass it as long as she studies it very well. You could do BJU Geography in 8th grade to prepare but I don't think it's necessary.

  7. Thanks. We just moved into a different school district, so I already pulled her out it was just the debate if we we're going to enroll her in the other school, which we decided not to.


    She has 22.5 credits from the public school, 25.5 if we could count Algebra 1, Physical Science and Spanish 1 which she took in 8th grade.


    She has taken some summer school classes through BYU Independent study and I think I'm going to get the 2nd half of the classes she was taking this year to finish them and some electives. Then she'll have 25 (or 28 if we can count the 8th grade classes) and I think that should be enough for her graduate early? :bigear: That's what she wants to do and then go to a University.

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