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Posts posted by Nursemommy

  1. Thanks that's very helpful. I am single working mom so the simplicity of it appeals to me. I like the CM method but would like a bit of gramma etc earlier due to provincial learning outcomes. I just got a free samsung galaxy so free books are a perk. Although I get 1000 per year for my dd from our registered school I can use it to out towards piano dance etc which would be more than what I could provide as a single income. I only have one child. I like thy OFE has booms divided by subject which makes it easier for me to change. I also appreciate that there is *some* workbook stuff which will be useful on days when DD goes to another hs families because I work (maybe once or twice a month, joys of shift work).


    Any other opinions would be helpful!

  2. Ok, I have read through her works. I love her philosophy BUT i have to subscribe to BC Ministry of Ed PLO's.:banghead: My hs will be as CM as I can make it. All lessons 10-15min ish. DD will be 5 in October so we will start hs in September. Plan is to do 40 4 day weeks as that is what works for our life. I have scope and sequences available for my resource teacher and think I have a reasonable plan but really REALLY need some feedback. I just can't see keeping DD out of Yr0 next year. Not sure if we will do yr 0.5 or 1 the year after when she is six. So here is the plan:



    Phonics: Combination of Alpha phonics and Delightful reading (each 2x per week)

    Read Alouds: Various from the AO yr 0 and SCM site. Will read at bedtime and during day when able.

    Bible: Using Ergemeiers Story Bible and ESV bible reading OT, NT, Psalm and proverbs weekly (one week from Story Bible Next week from ESV). Approx 10 Memory vs for the year.

    Copywork: Using Getty Dubay. One letter per day done perfectly five times

    Math: MEP Reception and maybe Rightstart? (each 2x per week or should I just do MEP?)


    Outdoor time as much as possible


    Nature Study: Was thinking about beefing up science by adding in Elemtnal Science which uses living books but has some great science experiements 2x per week. Uses Comstocks nature study and Mudpies and Magnets

    Hymn/folk song/composer study: Listen to selections in car/while playing

    Art Study: Thiking about making puzzles out of some prints for her to play with. Will offer artist as she asks.

    Poetry: One poem per week

    Memory Verses: Approx 10 verses to remember for the year.

    Foreign Language: Immersion, we count in french, I use some french words when I can. Thats about it.


    In Grade one we will start using Nallenart for French and Story Starters for creative writing. Also will start with journalling and nature journal(she talks I write)

    I think this satisfies, as much as is possible, my desire to do CM homeschool while still satisifying my local educational requirements?



  3. I know that CM said nothing until six however here she would and could have started preschool in September of last year. My plan for next year was a year 0 from AO; she states taht children under six, while they should not have formal "school time" they should have some things. I was thinking about foucusing on Bible, reading, writing and Math. I play classical music in my car and will be burning a CD with classical composer, hymns and folk songs mostly pertaining to what we would hear and use at our church/life. I was going to make some puzzles out of the classical art to promote exposure. Lots of time at the zoo and aquarium and park. For books then following AO would be appropriate no? I was thinking about MEP reception or Right start math. and Getty Dubay Cursive. She knows her letter sounds and can identify she just isn't ready for phonics. Nothing too terrible formal however still some short lessons with LOTS of time outside. I just keep freaking out...I guess mindset of "school".

  4. I think its possible. I haven't started yet but will be in September. I am a FT ER nurse. Not really any money from Ex. Before I cemented the decision to HS I requested "permission" from ex. I have used my vacation time to take half days off so to increase the number of days that I will HS. I have three HSing families from my church who provide babysitting for free (since that cost made it impossible to work less) and who will "do school" with my daughter when I can't. That enables me to teach four days most weeks with some five days weeks and some three day weeks. I will have to teach on some Saturdays and some (few) Sundays but I will make it work. I think it will be a struggle but as a single mom its something we are not unaccustomed too right? My daugther is worth it; to know that I am the primary influence in her life and that I can decide what she will be taught and exposed to (in asmuch as its possible). Thats my take on it thus far anyway.

  5. Hi all,


    I have been pouring over all your comments for several weeks now; like every newbie. I have read through volume one of CM's works and have the CM companion by Andreola. I have looked at HUFI, AO, Milestone Academy, HOD, MFW and Mater amabilis. I don't mind adapting the religious portion (we are Baptist/calvinist)


    Here is the thing; some of my HSing will be done by some other mothers from my church on the days that I work (I am FT ER Nurse working shift, I can teach three or four days per week) They won't be able to do so many read alouds as they each have four children of their own. My daughter will be five in October. Which fo the curriculums that I have looked at will most facilitate this?


    I think I want a non-boxed curriculum as the schedule may stress me out so AO, milestone HUFI, Mater amabilis etc would probably be best; I want one that is academically rigourous but user friendly, liberal but still has reasonably strong science base. I want her to appreciate good literature but still be interested, have strong writing skills as research is a valuable skill (I am hoping she will be university bound). Spelling and grammar are improtant to me. I would llike to stick with a CM approach but am open to ANY suggestions. Also, I am Canadian so I need to be able to switch out some history for Canadian content without a HUGE issue.


    Thanks in advance. I am also a member already of all the AO groups etc.

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