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Posts posted by Cedarmom

  1. My son is in his second year of college, living at home. I'm trying to be, as the previous poster said, more of a couselor or advocate then the mom telling what to do. If he's doing something that's annoying me, I try to talk to him about it in the same manner I would to a friend. Biting my tonue often to not give advice when it's not asked for. Mor uh huh, I see, and nodding then saying well here's what you need to do.

  2. Hmmm, my son is in college now. I didn't use extra texts (besides math and science) but we did use a combination of Omnibus and Well Trained Mind methods. I think that more than anything is what prepared him. True, we were using real books, rather than texts. But by asking questions the questions from The Well Educated Mind, he was able to learn how to get important facts out of the book. And we had done a bunch of outlining in middle school, and that prepared him to. I truly am a believer in Classical education, as it teaches them how to think. And then you don't have to worry about doing it just like someone else does it.

  3. [quote name=*~Tina~*;3469703


    I asked for one candy bar...that wasn't the green light to go wild. If he was trying to kick the soda habit and ask me to bring home a Pepsi for him' date=' I wouldn't pick up his four favorite sodas and throw in a couple extra just for good measure ;) I'd bring home ONE Pepsi (and probably a lecture to go with it).


    I think it's a combination of saboteur behavior, a bit of insecurity, and yes love too :) but dang it...I'm SO weak...guess that's the real issue here...this is a huge weakness for me and I want support not enabling :D


    Now...who wants chocolate?? :lol:


    ETA: He knows I LOVE books...but even so...he ain't never bought me a single one on his own accord!! Just sayin' lol![/quote]


    I'm thinking he figured if you didn't eat it he could. or not feel guilty when he does eat it. So, in dealing with it, I wouldn't ask him to get whatever, cause you know what is going to happen . He's just not on board with you. Which is frustrating, my hubby can be that way too. Now he's finally kind of getting it. But still if I say I'd like a little candy, i could see him doing the same thing. But every time you throw away the candy, your husband and friends will get it more. You are not the same person. Before you may have used sugar as comfort food, but now you are differant. When he sees that differance , hopefully he'll begin to get it.

  4. Ok, I posted earlier and said it wasn't since you didn't say no. But now Im thinking more. You want your daughter to feel like an adult and being in the city with a friend at night is something adults do. If you don't think she has the skills, maybe you should talk about that and make sure she does. It is differant because I have a son, but guys can get robbed too. It has happened in our downtown area. My son has season tickets to his college game and lives at home, so he often is in that situation. Usually there are lots of people around. One time the buses were differant and he was lost. He called and asked us to look up the nearest bus stop, which we did. Problem handled. Sometimes, yea I'm nervous. Somebody near there did get knifed. But, my son wants me to treat him as an adult.

  5. Put a tennis ball (or similar size ball) under your foot Stand on it.roll it around with your foot. So this for 60 sec on eqach foot twice a day.


    lay a hand towel on the floor. Try and pick up the towel with your foot. You scrunch up the towel with your toes trying to get get it all scrunched under your toes.


    My friend is a masseuse and these are the exercises he told me to do. If you can afford a massage, having him massage my feet was wonderful.


    The other thing that helped was going gluten free. Before that flare up were common . Now my feet hardly ever have pain.

  6. Eggs are cheap, we do that often for breakfast.

    Also canned tuna and salmon can be bought on sale. I mix with tuna with an eg, some spices and shape into a patty and fry in skillet with 2 T oil for about 3 min each side

    Tuna melt- Tuna, olil or mayo, veggies chopped up, pickles chopped up. grill on your thin bagels top with cheese


    Our meals are mainly veggies + meat, so I don't have any new ideas for that. But I do buy veggies that are on sale. And meat when it is on sale. Chicken thighs are usually cheaper than breasts. Hamburger can be bought on sale. You can make spagetti and put it over spagettin squash intseat of noodles.


    Don't forget if you are going the low carb route, you need to have more fat in your diet. The fat will fuel your body and fill you up. Avacadoes, veggies sauteed in butter or oil, fatty chunks of meat (which are also cheaper)

  7. What about just going to San Juan Island. They have parks where you often can see the whales come by. Of course-that is a more chancey thing then boats since boats can follow whale sightings. But it is cheaper. We were able to see whales and dolphins. I think there is a whale muesuem in Firday Harbor too.

  8. Just an encouragement.My son was like that at that age. Any questions and he acted like he was being interregated. I did as others suggested, and talked to him more when we were busy doing other stuff(driving, walking playing wii) I tried to make time and listen when he did want to talk. I let him tell me all about his video/computer games when he wanted-and acted as if I was interested in them. And somewhere in there he started to grow up and want to talk to me. Now he's living at home and attending the state college. He comes home and tells me bout his day, the good things and the frustrations. I don't have to ask him 20 questions, he just talks. So don't give up. Just maintain the relationship. Play with your son, laugh with him. You will build the relationship .

  9. He is majoring in engineering at the state university.


    No problems with admissions or transcripts.


    We had looked into admissions policy in his junior year. So we knew what the requirements were. There were some subjects that either needed to be accredited or have subject tests. So we made sure he either went to community college for a class in those subjects or tested.


    We did have a few questions. Our University had a person assigend to homeschool admissions who was very helpful.

  10. I agree with the poster who said not to get sucked into the drama. Teenagers are very good at drama-and even better at sucking moms in. Offer to help once, then if she doesn;t like your advice move on. Go and help the other kids, or do something else, but just let your daughter be. If she is whining and fussing, quietly ask her to go to her room with her school since she is disturbing the others. It helped me to sometimes pretend I was a school teacher teaching the student not a mom. What would a teacher do? Certainly not keep trying to please the student or listen to whinig. Best defense just walk away.


    I had certain things my son had to do. I was a draconian mom. On the other hand, being a teenager is good time to discuss things your student may want to learn, or even methods. Not when she is whining. But in the eveining over tea. What are her goals and dreams? What is is going to take to get there. Giving her more(not all) of a say in her education may help the battle.

  11. I gave up on my son when he was about 11, I wished I hadn't. The good thing was letting him type his assignemnts. Then he could concentrate on the writing process, without worrying ab out his handwriting. So, I'm happy I switched to typing. But I wish I would have kept up with handwritng practice. I think if I would have done it maybe 3 times a week for about 1o minutes, it would have helped. And that would be a very doable goal. He's in college now and hates his handwirting. Which isn't that big a deal since most of what he does is typing. But still, it would be nice to feel like your hadwriting was legible to others when it is needed.

  12. I remember having those feelings when my son entered highschool, and many times throught out the years. But homeschooling highschool was the best. It gave him time to pursue his desires. I was able to see all the foundation I had laid come into focus. Now we could have discussions about books, and other topics. It was so fun to actually see him grow wings. Yes, there were hard times, but I think the high school years actually ended up being my favorite years- I wouldn't trade them for anything.


    My son is now getting ready to enter his 2nd year of college. He was on the honor roll all year. He enjoys his classes and his professors have all been impressed by him.


    Yes, you can do it!

  13. Well you need to make the decisions that work best for your family,regardless of others opinions. What is the age of your son? We let my son do something similar for engineering when he was 16. He slept in a shared room with boys, but they were one to a bed and one on the floor-cause there was no way they were sharing a bed. But there was no adult chaperone in the room. There was a list of rules, that at least to me seemed rather strict. So, I felt good about that. I did worry about the things you mentioned. We talked before hand with my son about what to do in differant situations. At 16 I felt he was capable. YOunger probably not. Part of the reason I felt better too was becuase the people in charge of the event had sent out a list of policies/consequences for not following them, so I had the feeling they knew what they were doing. But for some things (Like kids download objectionable stuff on computer) you just have to know your kid is mature enough to make the right choice.

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