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Posts posted by Follstad

  1. I need to find some related books for my son to read, and/or for me to read to him that correlates with BJU Heritage Studies 5. His reading level, though, is more like 4th grade.


    What I love about Sonlight is all the living books. We veered away from SL for him, though, because it was too much reading for him. He likes BJU, but, we/I struggle finding books for him to read that align with what we're studying. Just hoping someone else has come up with a nice list of books!!! Or at least someone who can point me in the right direction.




  2. My almost 9 year old son loves his Nintendo and seems very versed in whatever game/level he's on.


    Had a thought, it's too bad there aren't any games that wove history into it, in a fun, competitive way that would make it a natural learning experience.


    Unless I just don't know about them. Or, are there any kind of computer type games that do the same?? He's currently going through auditory processing and vision therapy, so it's a struggle to teach in the traditional manner at the moment, while he's doing so much therapy. Trying to think outside the box!




  3. Thank you for reminding me about WWE! I have the book and we did part of Level 1 a couple of years ago!! This will be a good place to start. I can't even remember why we didn't continue with this, but glad I kept the book. I'll just need the workbook.




  4. Okay, i'm preparing for next year and I've been re-reading the WTM. I've already purchased Sonlight Core F (5), which is a study of the Eastern Hemisphere.


    My question is, this doesn't really correlate with the WTM methodology, does it? We have LOVED SL, but, now that I've looked at the WTM again, I'm confused as what to do. How does this study fit with WTM? Is it a big deal that it doesn't? Generally, does SL follow the WTM path?




  5. I feel we are WAY behind in writing, and I don't even know where to begin.


    We use Shurley English, and that's pretty much it. Both DD 10 and DS 8 groan every time there is a writing assignment, and I groan along with them.


    I borrowed Writing Strands, didn't really like it.

    I borrowed IEW, but haven't really even looked at it because it sounds like it will take SO much time and work.


    I'm considering having my DD take a writing class next year. My son's not ready for that as he's in CAPD and Vision therapy at the moment, so that is pretty much his "Core" for the foreseeable future.


    I looked at Brave Writer a little bit, and thought I might like that. How many writing curriculums do I need to buy before I find one that I like and that works??






  6. We live outside Tampa, FL.


    We pay $17.50 per half hour, once a week, although, my 10 year old is now having a 45 minute lesson, so it's $26.25 for that. We used to have group lessons and she did not charge for those. We've been going to this lady (81 years old now!) for nearly 7 years and she's been great. I know at some point we'll have to find another. :(



  7. Yes, my daughter finished AAS Level 6 earlier this year. She's 10 in the 4th grade. She really breezed through all the levels. I liked AAS because it went over the 'rules' which I've forgotten! She's a natural speller. We've not done any other spelling program since then, but, I am looking at incorporating another soon, just haven't figured out what. A friend turned me onto Spelling Power, and I want to check that out. I really want something easy, of course. My friend says she spends maybe 15 minutes a day with SP.



  8. Thank you for replying.


    We've only really discussed it with our daughter. She turned 10 in October. I think she is intrigued with the idea. Maybe they mostly wonder what it would be like, as it would be a new experience for them. We touched on some Latin, but really just ran out of time in the day. I work with her for about 4 hours in the morning, as she competes competitively in gymnastics. We could always alter that schedule to give us some more time for school.


    I've always used SL with her. Maybe that needs to change. But, I really like it. She really likes it.


    My son has a June birthday, and is a very young 3rd grader.


    I go back and forth.


    Thank you.


  9. Hello,

    My kids are 10 and 8, in the 4th and 3rd grade. We've always homeschooled, but it's always been such a struggle, and not so joyful. My oldest daughter is a good student, she 'gets' it and does well, although, I do think she is not challenged enough and wants more 'friendships'. I get the attitude quite frequently with her. It's draining.


    My son, well, it's been difficult from the beginning. Discovered over the last year he has CAP and currently doing FastForWord, and I also believe he has vision issues, and he'll get tested soon. I think, hope, he may rise to the occasion being accountable to someone other than mom.


    We had them both tested 1.5 years ago, for other reasons, and daughter is at a level about 5 grades above what she's in, and son is at grade level. With that, I just don't seem to get everything done and feel I'm not giving them everything they need academically. I think they would both thrive in a different setting, away from me! The school we're considering is a charter school, smaller class sizes, and goes through 8th grade. It's definitely better than the traditional 'middle school' situation. We attended an open house, and I did get a good feeling about the school.


    I worry mostly about my son with his issues. I know he's struggling with reading, spelling, comprehension, all the things that I think is vision related, and CAP related also. My thinking is that we're working on all these issues and he should make great gains by August.


    Anyone else struggle with this decision????? I am really torn. I worry about the influences they will face, but I guess they will face them sooner or later. I just want what's best for them, and I sort of feel like our relationship is suffering because of me being their teacher.


    Help with any words of wisdom and advice you may have!!!!!

    Thank you!


  10. Hello,

    My almost 7 year old son is not all that into learning. At least in the traditional way; sitting and listening to mom read, question and answer. My daughter soaks it all in, and WANTS to learn. SO, I am trying, desperately, so follow his interests and make 'learning' more exciting for him. Right now, he is very into guns. We fought it for years, but now we're just trying to teach him everything about them, safety, parts, history. I want to put together some kind of unit study, but this is just not my forte. I need a little help. Has anyone done anything like this, or know of a unit study on guns that already exists??


    I'm just not very creative and tend to need stuff mapped out for me to get it done. Any advice??


    Thank you!


  11. We're using both I (with my 6 yo ds) and II (with my 8.5 yo dd). I simply read to my son and my daughter works independently. These are mostly stories (I) with some vocabulary mixed in, simple prayers. I like it, it's not too involved, and fairly short. I don't really see much in the way of character building, at least not straight out. HTH



  12. Hello,

    My almost 7 year old boy has been in Taekwondo for 3 years and it has helped with his focus and attention tremendously, not to mention his coordination and confidence. Another benefit is giving him the tools to either get away from an attacker, or defend himself. His instructors stress, stress, stress personal responsibility, respect and a host of other great character attributes.


    With this said, my son still needs redirecting and patience on my part. But, I cannot even imagine how he would be without the Taekwondo.



  13. Definitely every day!! My son is almost 7, in first grade, reading fairly well with SL readers, and we have read every day, and will continue until he has crossed some invisible threshhold to reading and decoding independently. Not sure when that will be. He is a reluctant learner, can't/won't sit still for much else, but because 'he' reads every day, his reading is coming along very well.




  14. Someone had suggested Christian Light Education for teaching grammar. I visited their website and saw all the other subjects offered, so now I'm curious as to what others think about not only language arts, but also science and social studies. I'm looking at possibly all three for both my ds, 7, and dd, 8.5. Second and third grade next year.


    Also, is social studies the same as history?????


    Thank you!!!

    Sarah in Tampa

  15. Hi,

    Thanks for all the great replies, once again, everyone is so helpful! Although, it sort of points me in several different directions! I/we have used FLL, WWE, and we've done the ETC. We're a bit behind in the first two. I've also purchased Write Shop, the first two levels, but haven't started that. I guess I feel I have my foot in too many different resources, and even still, am worried I'm not covering what needs to be covered. Which also makes for over-buying and then needing to re-sell what doesn't get used!! I'll have to check out some of these other suggestions at our convention next month.


    Thanks again!


  16. Hi,

    In K and 1st with my dd8, I did use SL to some extent. I tried it with my ds6, but it just didn't work. I've really not done much in the way of language arts this year, and feel a little behind. I guess I'm looking for the grammar end of it; I've just about decided on AAS for spelling.


    Anyone have thoughts on Shurley English, and does that incorporate spelling? And, is it easier to pick a program that does both?


    There are just too many choices!!!!


    Thank you!


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