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Posts posted by Gamom3

  1. I was just going to chime in here with the same comment.


    When I replaced my basic sewing machine six years ago, a seamstress friend suggested Babylock.  She was a convert from Bernina to Babylock so this had me sit up and take notice.


    But when I went to the local Babylock dealer, I found the staff to be less than helpful.  I bought a basic Viking Husqvarna machine because of the local customer service aspect.  After purchasing the machine, I was enrolled in a new owners class (a free service).  Machines are repaired locally with minimal turnover time--although I have not needed to have any repairs done. 


    So my advice is to test drive the machines, but also get a feel for customer service.  If you are sewing for business, the latter is critical.


    Both had outstanding customer service. I do recall the Babylock store having instore service. I can not remember about the Viking though--seems like they said they did instore service, but not 100%.

  2. Good advice! I am going back out today to look at the machines more. The Viking goes off sale today, but if I need to wait on the embroidery I am gioing to wait. That is a lot of money and I want to get as much advice and feed back before I spend. Like my hubby said it isn't like I can take it back. I do know something about sergers and what I want out of it.

  3. Thanks I did see that the Viking did go up to the 8x14 hoop, but does not have the bigger color screen and it was a sewing machine on top of the embroidery machine. I was curious if the sewing abilities would limit the embroidery but the sales lady said it did not. She said that she actually owned the Viking machine herself-(not sure if that was a sales pitch).  Of course the Babylock was nice(I told my husband it was like looking at cars for him) I know the Babylock has a good rep but the Viking was nice and it did have the larger hoops and the software included. The lady at the Babylock store said I didn't need software(very confused).

  4. Thanks I did see that the Viking did go up to the 8x14 hoop, but does not have the bigger color screen and it was a sewing machine on top of the embroidery machine. I was curious if the sewing abilities would limit the embroidery but the sales lady said it did not. She said that she actually owned the Viking machine herself-(not sure if that was a sales pitch).  Of course the Babylock was nice(I told my husband it was like looking at cars for him) I know the Babylock has a good rep but the Viking was nice and it did have the larger hoops and the software included. The lady at the Babylock store said I didn't need software(very confused).

  5. I am looking at purchasing a embroidery machine and a serger. I am looking for good machines that I could possibly start a small business. I went yesterday looking at sewing stores but of course they show me the most expensive ones. BabyLock Spirit($3299) and the Viking Topaz 30(given that this one was on sale and was a sewing machine, but still very pricey $2500--included $500 of software). Babylock serger($1400) and the Viking Huskylock 21(on sale $699).


    I over heard one lady say that she uses a Brother HE(I believe a 240) embroidery machine and is very happy with it and does well with her machine. I don't want to throw away money by purchasing a less costly machine and later need to purchase something else or spend a boat load of money and never recoup my cost of the machine. 


    I was very impressed with the Huskylock 21. It did what I wanted it to do--roll hem and cover stitch. I do know that the babylock is easier to thread, but that does not cover the extra $700. I had a Bernina years ago and I sold it because it didn't do what I wanted and have never replaced it.


    By the way I started looking not for just a small business but for our new granddaughter. I want to get back to my sewing and thought about this just to bring in some extra $$.





  6. Thanks...I will have to talk with both to find out for sure--I am not sure how much SS my parents get. Right now it is looking like he won't be able to claim them. No one thought about keeping paperwork. I really hate it because they could have really use the refund to help pay a bill or two.

    I had spoke with both of my SIL's (one claims my MIL and the other her mother) neither have a paper trail. I am just afraid if my son doesn't dot all his i's and cross all his t's he is going to be the one being audited.

  7. My son has been helping my parents last year--something he took upon himself, since they have helped him over the years. Someone mentioned that he should claim them on his taxes this year. He is single. My parents are on SS. We were told that my parents receiving SS did not matter, but they did use this money to pay their bills. If he helped pay other bills of theirs would this qualify him to claim them? Also what type of proof would he need to show that he helped them--the reason why I ask is because he gave them cash so he would not have any proof to give. Also should he claim them both or just one--when we look at the form it ask if they were married.

    Thanks for any advice

  8. I'll tag team this with Arcadia :tongue_smilie:. Let's look at the Hutch. (BTW, who made these calculations? You or your niece? It's very confusing to use w and d twice like this.) My notes are in blue.







    Hope I'm helping here and not making things more confused.




    No my neice did the calculations--she said she had to do ratios and was following her lesson from that day.


    Thanks that is what I was thinking as well, but I forgot to mention that the teacher told her that the hutch which is 4.5 would take 6 full squares(4 full squares for the whole number and then 4 x 0.5 = 2 more squares)--this does not make sense to me. To me it should only take 4 full squares and half of another. If you do it the way the her teacher says, then when you get to the 1.25 you would take 1 square for the whole number and then another full square(0.25 x 4=1)--which would make the decimal larger than the whole number. This is where I was lost.

  9. I must be totally blind(I am actually good at math)..I am still not seeing how to draw this out--pulling hair out!


    Let me ask--do the numbers look correctly calculated?


    Ok neice says that her teacher told her that she would use 20 squares to graph the width of the room. So I am assuming that she multiplied 5 x 4

    If that is so then she will need to use 25 for the lenght 6.25 x 4


    On the furniture--in blue for the graph



    54â€w x 15â€d x 78â€h

    width = 4.5 square

    depth = 1.25 square

    4.5 x 4 = 18 (this makes no sense since the room is 20 x 25 squares on the graph and originally the table was only 54inches)

    1.25 x 4 = 5

  10. Looks like your nieces are suppose to draw a floorplan of a room on the provided graph paper. So 20 squares by 25 squares on the graph paper would be the outline of the room. Than draw in the furniture like the table, hutch, chairs and buffet ignoring the height dimension and label the actual 3d (length, width, height) dimensions on the graph paper. The hutch is kind of overhang on the table by an inch but would fit on top of the buffet easily.



    I get that part I just am not sure how she is to calculate how many squares(I know it might sound silly) but for some reason it isn't making sense--I reallly think I am overthinking this.

  11. For some reason I can not seem to get this in my mind. I am hoping someone here would be able to help.

    This is from my nieces homework and it is driving me crazy that I can't figure it out.



    Make the Scale Drawing

    Your scale is one inch = four feet


    On the next page you will find a piece of graph paper. Each square is ¼ (or 0.25) of an inch wide. Four squares are one inch long. You may use this or any program you may have to make your drawing.


    • First, figure out the scale dimensions of the room and draw it on the paper.

    • Then figure out the scale dimensions of each item you are placing in the room.


    A. Room 20 feet by 25 feet Scale Dimensions =

    1/4 = w/20

    4w = 20

    w = 20/4

    w= 5


    1/4 = L/25

    4L = 25

    L = 25/4

    L = 6.25




    Draw the outline of the room on the graph paper or in the computer program you are using.


    B. Fill in the table.

    Furniture or Item

    Actual Dimensions

    Scale Dimensions


    54â€w x 15â€d x 78â€h

    54/12 = 4.5

    15/12 = 1.3

    (w = 4.5, d = 1.3)


    1/4 = w/4.5

    4w = 4.5

    w = 1.125


    1/4 = d/1.3

    4d = 1.3

    d = 1.3/4

    d = 0.325



    53â€w x 31â€d x 30â€h

    53/12 = 4.4

    31/12 = 2.6

    (w = 4.4, d = 2.6)


    1/4 = w/4.4

    4w = 4.4

    w = 4.4/4

    w = 1.1


    1/4 = d/2.6

    4d = 2.6

    d= 0.65


    Chairs (6)

    19.25â€w x 18.25â€d

    19.25/12 = 1.6

    18.25/12= 1.5

    (w = 1.6, d = 1.5)


    1/4 = w/1.6

    4w = 1.6

    w= 1.6/4

    w = 0.4


    1/4 = d/1.5

    4d = 1.5/4

    d = 0.375



    63â€w x 16â€d x 33â€h

    63/12 = 5.3

    33/12 = 1.3

    (w = 5.3, d = 1.3)


    1/4 = w/5.3

    4w= 5.3

    w = 5.3/4

    w = 1.325


    1/4 = d/1.3

    4d = 1.3

    d = 1.3/4

    d = 0.325




    It looks to me that she has the math correct, but for some reason I can not wrap my brain around how to do the graph( I think I have been looking at numbers to much today).






    Make the scale drawing. Use the graph paper on the next page or any computer program which you know how to use.

  12. Never used a lace loom myself but I think this is what it's telling you to do. You make the 5 strips with the loom. You need to join the strips. You take a strip and join the yarn to it. (There are different ways to join the yarn, look up a way that you prefer.) You will join at the first stitch of your strip. Then you make a 6 st chain and put a sc in the space made from the ch-6 on the strip. The ch-6 is where the holes for the lace come from. Does that help?


    I have made the 5 strips, but I am not sure where to join them. Is it at the end of 10 where I joined in the middle of the end? Is it at the beginning of the 6 ch on the side? That is what I am having problems with understanding..where exactly would I join the strip? Do I join it where ever I want? Do I join with a slip stitch? Thanks for your help

  13. I have a neighbor that is asking for some reading/spelling help. Her son is memorizing words when he reads. She wants him to learn to break them down phonically because he is having trouble with spelling..her example was "trial" he has memorized the word, but he can not sound it out or spell it.

    He seems like a kids that would enjoy learning as long as it is fun.


    He is 7 and in an advanced private school.

    Any advice?

  14. How do/did your child narrow down what they wanted to take in college? My son will be dual enrolled this year and he is taking the basic English 101 and Math 111 this semester, but next semester he is taking Anatomy/Physiology and PreCal/Trig--he might not even need these classes. He is uncertain what he wants to major in.


    He wants to take these courses and I don't want to tell him no because it might open the door to something else.


    What do/did you do in this case?

  15. Ok I am feeling down right now and need to vent. I really am regretting homeschooling my kids. I have always homeschool our 2 youngest and our oldest from 4th grade.


    I see that the socialization is a big problem for my boys. My dd is doing fine, but my boys on the other hand are/have really struggled in this area.

    I have done everything I can possibly think of: church, sports, get together with other homeschoolers and non homeschoolers, clubs, co-ops, etc.


    Our youngest ds is 16 and does nothing during the week. He goes to church Wednesday and Sunday that's it.


    I do try my best to get a few of their homeschooled friends--who live a good ways away from us--together once or twice a month. I found out tonight that the church that my kids go to, which is a huge church, no one there has anything to do with my ds. On Sunday's he said he goes to class, goes to the main service and then outside to wait on me. On Wednesday's same thing happens. He does not talk to anyone and no one talks to him!


    Even though I have LOVED having my kids with me and teaching them, I regret everything about their social life and I don't know how to fix it.


    I am so hurt right now that I don't even know what to do. I can not put them in the local school system--it is an awful school. We have enrolled them in a cyber school. My son will be dual enrolled in our local Community College this yr and will go twice a week. How many kids his age will be there and in his class..no idea


    What have you done in this situation?

  16. those of you who have their child in CC did you purchase a digital recorder for your student? I am wondering since this will be my son's first "in-classroom" class, I was thinking a digital recorder would be great for him--he hates taking notes.


    If you did what did you purchase? Did your student think it helped them?

  17. How did you go about getting into it? Did you go through an online school or a CC?


    I want to make sure it is a legit school before I enroll, so if any of you have done the online school please let me know who you used. found an online school which will run $995 for the course, I don't know if that is a good deal or not. ( http://www.futuremt.com/ )


    Are you doing well with your job? Are you working from home? Was it easy to find work? Is the pay worth it? My youngest will graduate in 4yrs so I would love to find something at home for now and then maybe go out and find a job--that is if the home job isn't paying off.


    Any advice/suggestions?

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