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Posts posted by mommyoftwinboys

  1. Hi everyone!

    I haven't been on here for awhile (trying to limit my computer usage)..but I could use some ideas. We'd like to do something for Easter as a family to help others since most of the West celebrates the birth one week before us we thought it would be nice to serve the poor on that day. However, I'm finding that is hard to do...apparantly shelters and soup kitchens around us are overwhelmed with volunteers( which of course is a good thing). Can you think of something else we could do? I was thinking of making blessing bags to keep in the car for homeless but I'd love some other ideas you may think of....We plan on attending Palm Sunday service but after that we are free...any suggestions?

  2. My son was so atypical that they tranferred him via ambulance to a different hospital because 3 doctors didn't want to make the decision it was Kawasaki. We met with an Infectious Specialist at the new hospital that basically said-if we didn't treat and it ended up being Kawasaki we could be in trouble, but treating wouldn't hurt him. We ended up treating, even by then(because we believe he was completely healed by a miracle with help from the priest)he was totally and completely fine. I'm glad we treated him and thankful he hasn't had any residual effects.

    Prayers for you and your family, I know this is soo tough.

  3. Jillian-

    An intial echocardiogram won't always show Kawasaki. The aneuryisms do sometimes show up right away, they sometimes take weeks. My son's echo was totally clear in the hospital but he had to be on aspirin therapy for 6 weeks and had two more echos-one at 2 weeks and one at 6 weeks to be sure. I'll be honest..and hopefully as gentle as I can...it sounds alot like Kawasaki. My son had the same exact thing. Random rashes that would come and go, high fever and his labs were never off the charts. When we first were admitted they were high, but not out of line and then they settled back down when he got IV fluids. With Kawasaki, the treatment makes the chances of getting an anyerism almost nil(like 2%) vs. not getting the treatment 25% chance...

  4. Praying...

    Please have them revisit that Kawasaki disease. My son had Atypical Kawasaki-meaning he didn't have all the symptoms. It's good they are giving her an echo. But, he was the same high, high fever-no strawberry tongue. He did have the red eyes, but no peeling of skin,etc.

    Prayers for your sweet Jennifer. I know EXACTLY how you feel right now.

    The priest came when my Joseph was in the hospital and asked St Panteleimon to intercede and my son's fever went down IMMEDIATELY...

    Something to consider...

    Maybe ask the priest to come and pray?

  5. I have had this ache in my lower abdomen for 3 weeks now. It comes and goes and isn't sharp or terribly painful...I'm just aware of it.

    I've been to two OB/GYN's because I could have sworn it was my ovary on the left side(I'm breastfeeding and haven't started my period yet). Both OB's did an ultrasound and said it wasn't my ovaries..all they saw was a lot of poop...

    I then went to a GI doctor and again she felt like I may be constipated.... She felt around the area and didn't feel any tumors or anything...

    For three weeks? I'm still going #2... so I don't understand.

    She also had my thyroid and calcium checked-both were normal

    I eat very healthy(although we have been at a couple of fast food places in the last couple of weeks)...I eat lots of fiber-green smoothies, beans, not much meat...

    I'm at a loss of what this could be...could i have pulled a muscle on that side?

    What would you do?

  6. I like the idea of 2 Christmas's:D...but it would be complicated for fasting...maybe Father would agree to let us not fast for *American* Chirstmas-just one day? I'll have to check...

    And I agree with all going to one calendar... I'm curious..does anyone know if the Orthodox churches outside of America all follow the old calendar? Or is it just in Russia?

  7. So, we met with my dear priest Fr. Alex this past Saturday for about 2 hrs and he is going to chrismate my husband and older boys at the end of Feb. We are all very excited and we all love Fr. Alex. Of course, the Slavonic is a bit of an issue and he gave me a book another priest made for him( this priest was Irish and a convert) that taught him church Slavonic...

    But, the old calendar..ahhh I remember feeling so different as a child because we were Orthodox and I went to a parochial school. Yes, Icouldn't take the communion but the worst to me was the different days for Christmas and Easter. If we decide to stay at the ROCOR(we may end up at the GOC-not sure yet) how do I get over this and how do I change this for my kids? *They still believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny*

    I know this may sound silly, but it isn't to me...

  8. I know what you mean mommaduck...


    I do wish I could feel comfortable nursing in the other two churches mentioned, but I can't. At the ROCOR church they asked me (nicely) to go sit in another room during coffee hour because I had to nurse the baby. I wasn't sure if it was because they thought I would feel more comfortable or it was uncomfortable for them to have me there nursing...I mean..I do have a cover...

  9. Yes, when we attended the GOC this past Sunday, they did kneel twice during the service...I was kindof standing there like :confused:...I had never kneeled before growing up the ROCOR and likewise in the OCA....

    when in Rome...



    I will say though...it was soooo nice to have a nursing room that I could watch and still be apart of the service....I had never seen that before in an Orthodox chuch(probably because our churches were so small).

  10. Do you or your children have any experience with this that you'd be willing to share?

    My husband has been corresponding with them for about a week. He has 64 credit hours and wants to finish his degree(it's required with his new position he is taking). They said that they could accept 57 of his credit hours and he could finish his BSBA in General Management in 1 year. He would CLEP 19 and take 2 courses...


    Would love some feedback-the good and the bad if you have it to share :001_smile:

  11. It's probably not it, but my son had a fever(he was 5 months old at the time-he's 8 months now) for 4 days. They admitted him to the hospital immediately after I brought him to the doctor and he was diagnosed on the 5th day with Kawasaki disease. If not treated, it can affect the heart and cause anyeurisms...Please take him in. Kawasaki is diagnosed by symptoms, not by a specific blood test(although they do have some they use)...he could have atypical Kawasaki....

    The classical symptom all doctors look for in Kawasaki is 5 days of fever.

  12. I agree...

    I think we'll let it go...I certainly don't want to gossip about the priest with the others that left that would not be right. We all know why we left and I'll just leave it at that. If situations arise where they want to talk about it, I'll just change the subject.

    I think we'll just stick with the GOC or the ROCOR and let it be...thanks for all the great advice here-I love this group!

  13. All of these families are lovely families. In fact, all of them are converts and are very serious about their faith and the Orthodox church. In makes me on one hand want to let it go and on the other call the diocese and alert them to why, I believe, this is happening. I'm mean I feel the church may fall apart due to the priest's apathy toward his parish. One of the gentleman told me he was in the hospital and called and the OCA priest never came(even though he had been going to the church for months-he'd recently relocated to the area) so, he called the priest from St. Nektarios and he came immediately...even though he'd never been to his church!

    I guess, in reality, I should be grateful I found another church. It take take every bit of 45 minutes to get there, but I feel like we have another option now. I guess i really should just light a candle and pray for the OCA parish and priest...

  14. Well, thought I'd update you guys with what happened today. We visited St. Nektarios today and it was a beautiful church. During coffee hour, I recognized a family I had remembered from the OCA church when we visited a year ago. We got to talking and they told us they had left last summer with another family. Then they introduced us to another family that left the OCA as well...Can you guess the reason ALL of these families left?

    This makes me feel horrible. In one way, I feel better knowing it's not just me...you know how you can sometimes second guess-am I being too harsh, too sensitive?...well, apparantly not...

  15. Little...the Greek church is St. Nekatarios in Charlotte,NC...check it out the website seems really neat! They even have services streaming live!


    Ideally speaking(in this non-ideal situation)..I'd like to get everyone chrismated at the ROCOR and then go back to the OCA but I'm not sure how that would go over with the OCA priest since we had the meeting about chrimation last Sunday with him. He felt my husband should become a catechumun first and then proceed(which would be totally fine with us but we both(meaning my husband and I) felt that the priest seemed inconvenienced by it...

    The ROCOR priest knows my husband and while he wants to meet with him privately next week, he feels he can go ahead and be chrismated into the church without that(my husband was baptized R.C.)...

    The problem lies in if we did go back to the OCA and my husband wants to partake in the Eucharist..how that would play out...the OCA priest would wonder how he got chrismated, ywim?

  16. Mommaduck..thanks!!!!


    Let me preface this post with asking for forgiveness from you all. I fear I have painted this priest in a very bad light. He may be a nice, wonderful person...this I do not know. In our experience, he has just been very aloof, uncaring, and what seems to us, that he just couldn't care less if we are there or not. He did make an attempt to get my twins' names right this past weekend, so maybe, just maybe he is slow to warm to people...I'm not sure. I hate that it sounds as if I'm attacking his character or his anything. I know, being a cradle Orthodox, I feel more equipped in knowing it's not the priest, but the Church that is the most important. I worry about visitors(although there has been none that I'm aware of since we've been going there)...maybe he just doesn't like *us* meaning my family for a reason I do not know....Please forgive me if I've gone to far or gossiped about this too much...

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