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Posts posted by Kmommy

  1. My daughter writes her own books. She is very creative. Weird, but creative...LOL.

    She is an excellent typist on the computer as she "writes" her own "chapter" books.

    Hmmm, I would say they are about 10 pages in length, double spaced, typed.

    But, her "summarizing" skills stink. Even in school she would write WAY to much detail about the story she just read.

    Yes, she will be doing(or planning on doing) 4th grade Grammar. I have not decided if I should with WT2??? Looks like a lot of grammar already.

    What do you think?

    I have both R+S 4 and GWG4.

    I do not need a seperate spelling program as she is an excellent speller.

    Was planning on using WW4(new edition), do I need that?


    Thank you!!:001_smile:

  2. Ugggh, My daughter is in the middle. Is a very good creative writer, great reader, speller.

    She has never done dicatation, narration, or copywork before.

    Oh, she will be 10 in September, "4th" grade.(Came out of PS 3rd this year)

    I have NO idea which level to start her in, 1 or 2??:confused:

  3. I was under the impression that FLL 4 was out?? If not, do you know when?:confused:


    We have never used this. I looked at samples of grade 3, and it looks challenging. My dd will be 10 in the fall, just came out of PS Grade 3, but was HS prior for K,1,2.


    Should I start her in 3? No experience with narration,dictation. Only copywork. If not, I may have to go with R+S 4.


    Thank you:lol:

  4. I know there was a HUGE thread on this, and my eyes drooped reading all of it.

    I get it, but the workbooks for the levels they have out now are probably to "young" for her. She will be in 4th/5th this year. I know you can use the book without the workbooks. But does the book give you suggestions on "where" to find passages to use for dictation/copywork?

    I have the Harp and the Laurel Wreath, can I use that?


    Also, from what I understand, I can use FLL 4 with this?


    What does SWB recommend after FLL4, is it Rod and Staff? I like R+S but LOATHE diagramming.



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