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Posts posted by jentwo

  1. A search for dyslexia brings up anything and everything. :) I am wondering if people have tried and true methods they've used for audio and visual dyslexia.


    So far we've found a good thing with The Sentence Family. I'm learning quickly that dd wants to put everything into story form so we've picked up several waldorf books that put educational ideas into a story. I don't think spelling will ever be that easy but she does enjoy AAS even though she can't spell the words to save her life.


    Also, what things will help raise her self esteem? She loves learning, loves stories, is a math whiz, but greatly dislikes herself because of her difficulty reading and writing. :( We constantly remind her that she's smart but her brother is nearly three years younger and helps her with spelling and reading (in a caring manner) so she's reminded that she doesn't "get it" like others do.



  2. Thank you so much. DD's fine motor skills are a bit behind her other skills and writing has been a big issue. She wants writing to be over and done with as soon as possible. Additionally, I have a four year old who is learning to read on his own and has been begging for spelling of his own. I'll see if he's interested in it when I am working with dd.

  3. Thank you so much. DD's fine motor skills are a bit behind her other skills and writing has been a big issue. She wants writing to be over and done with as soon as possible. Additionally, I have a four year old who is learning to read on his own and has been begging for spelling of his own. I'll see if he's interested in it when I am working with dd.

  4. Try the book Eat, Drink and Be Vegan. All non-dairy, most wheat-free and lots of recipes w/o soy. :)


    My dh (and ds) has aspergers and while autism presents differently in everyone, those sound more like allergy symptoms than autism IME. Much of autism is missed social cues or ability to tolerate social situations.

  5. Has anyone tried both?


    We've used SWR and it is hated here. Spelling is a dreaded subject. Besides that, the words are promptly forgotten once the test is over. It's not a phonics problem because the phonics rules are memorized and could be quoted during deep sleep.


    Any suggestions? Is All About Spelling any different that SWR?



  6. I have it and have used it for 6 months now. It is comprehensive... but time intensive (very, very time intensive) and unless you plan everything precisely. That said, my dd is a manipulatives/hands on learner who wants to think things through and it's not working for her. I've been trying to get rid of it so she can use RightStart Math, which I believe is equally comprehensive but laid out more.

  7. Spell to Write and Read is an excellent program. The complete set is $98 (?) on Amazon and includes the rule cards. My dd, who dislikes reading practice, writing and spelling, picked up on the rules very quickly. The words progress up to a high level so the $98 goes a long way.


    HTH! :)

  8. Yes, the Paducah City DPP asking for more than required is what started my post, however, I've always been curious. Alot of homeschoolers in the area use and endorse HSLDA, but not all of us of course. I'm in the county by the way, so I haven't heard of anything different going on here. Are you close Jen?



    Yes, I am north of you in Illinois. I am on the 3Rivers yahoo list and there's been a lot of talk about the DPP letters and I know that there are at least three HSLDA members that have contacted them for legal assistance for your county.


    A similar thing happened last year in Williamson Co, IL (next to me). The truancy officers were showing up at the homes demanding to see all of the same things that your DPP is asking for this year.

  9. Alison,

    Are you inquiring because of the current problems with the DPP in the Paducah area? I think several HSLDA members have contacted them now to voice concerns over the DPP trying to require more information than they are within legal limits to ask for.


    I am in Illinois but I know there has been a lot of talk about the issues KY DPP is stirring up this year.


    FWIW I am not an HSLDA member but have considered it for various reasons. At this time I feel confident enough in my own legal knowledge to defend myself if need be.




    Is there really a problem with her writing her way if it's neat and readable? I'm a lefty and I struggled too with handwriting only because I was taught a certain way and I naturally wanted to write another way. It was uncomfortable for me to write the way I was being taught but I did it. Only until I adopted my own style did I not mind writing.


    Now I write as a right-handed lefty, my letters slant to the left and I write in a cursive/print style which is very comfortable and most of the time...readable. :)


    If it were readable I would be thrilled. At this point neat isn't an issue because the readable part would be an improvement! :lol: Her penmanship is awful! Any letter or numeral that is circular in form she writes as curlicues. I've often wondered if there's some other (more comfortable) way she can write because she's a lefty.


    She wants to write, wants to read, etc. but when it comes to actually sitting down to do it she wants it over quickly. I've been trying not to push her and will instead suggest she help her younger brother with phonics and sounding out words. She enjoys that immensely. I guess what seems odd is that she had started reading on her own nearly two years ago and now dislikes it.

  11. My dd is six and loves math and history and is "in" second grade for all subjects but language centered materials. She greatly dislikes reading, writing and isn't thrilled with grammar though it's easier for her than reading and writing. Phonics is a cinch for her and she's known her phonics work for some time but when it comes to actually putting it into action she balks and doesn't want to read anything but the simplest of material. We've tried several curricula and haven't found anything she truly loves in those areas. I'm considering Explode the Code and Growing with Grammar for this year. I'd love suggestions for a fun curriculum that would interest her.


    She's a lefty and I think it is frustrating for her to do writing because she wants to write things her way. Any suggestions for how to help a lefty write easily?



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