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Posts posted by jannake

  1. Does anyone have a Christian Book Distributor code that they don't need right now? I need to order several things for school. I called to see if they have a current code and she said the only shipping codes they have are on catalogs and in magazines. I checked my recent catalog and I can't find a code. If you have a code you would share please email me at Jethridge@nc.rr.com.




  2. Hi,


    I just received mine today and I am not sure what to think of it yet. I did appreciate that I was given a discount code when I called to ask some questions about the program. The discount code did not work for me and they caught the error before I was able to call the next morning and they refunded me the amount of the discount. The gentleman I spoke with recommended looking at the free downloads to assess what level is appropriate for your child. Maybe after a week or two I can remember to post as to how it is going for us.



  3. I have 2 pre-teens who want to save their money for an i-pod touch. I know that a new one goes for over $200 so I am nervous about allowing such a purchase even if they save their money. With that said is there a place to buy used i-pod touches and if so, what do I need to know before purchasing one used? I think I would feel better if they started on something a little less expensive.




  4. Both my girls were non-stop thumbsuckers. One child even twisted her belly-button while sucking her thumb which I have learned that other children do as well. However, when I talked to the pediatric dentist about both kids he said he would have never known that they sucked their thumb because the teeth did not indicate it. However, they will still need braces just because of other dental issues. He actually advised me not to force them to stop as his research had indicated that it actually caused them to do it more. The stress of having to stop makes them want to do it more. He said peer pressure actually worked better and then I explained I am her peer pressure because she is home schooled. The pediatrician was also saying just wait it out and we did. Each child decided a goal and a prize. The really both quit overnight once they determined the goal. We prayed for God's help and they did it. I would occasionally catch them at night when they were fast asleep but I did not see the during the day. They were both about 6 when they stopped.



  5. What online resources would you recommend for children with dyslexia? I am looking specifically for on-line classes, resources for books on tape, typing programs that help with tracking, etc. Thanks in advance for your help.



  6. What do you use for your 2nd or 3rd grade student for writing? I really like the IEW program but I am wondering if there is anything that works nicely with this for the younger grades. Any suggestions? Your help would be appreciated.



  7. Hello,


    I need to leave feedback for a rather unfortunate transaction. However, I cannot find the post so I do not have the URL to list it. I have searched using the person's name and the item. I do have the communication sent back and forth from my pm box saved. How do I post if there is not record of the original post? I just don't want this to happen to someone else.




  8. I just found out in November that I have a severe intolerance to gliadin which is like gluten. I have been off of gluten since that time since you follow a gluten-free diet with the gliadin intolerance. I will go in April to see if I have the genetic marker for Celiacs. However, it doesn't really matter to me because I feel better w/out the gluten. I am concerned about one of my children and the Dr. suggested that I get tested to see if I carry it and then I will know with more assurance whether to put my child through it. I pray that you find answers. I know that it is scary. My prayers are for your family.



  9. Hello,


    I just wanted to let you know that my ANA has been positive for over 15 years. They told me at that time it was likely going to be MS for me. I didn't exhibit signs for rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. The doctor at the time told me his wife had a positive ANA and she hasn't had anything come up. I have been to several different Dr. and still no answer. I have been for several MRI's on my neck and spine and I do not show plaque other than that from migraines. Recently I started losing hair and went to my general practitioner. She said that she wanted to test my vitamin D level because they were finding that people with symptoms that indicated things like lupus, MS and others were being found to have low D levels. My level was extremely low and we started the D at a large dose. So you might want to have them check the vitamin D level. I asked the pharmacist who filled my D and he said he was seeing more of this because we aren't in the sun as much and when we are we put on sunscreen.

    Hope that helps.

  10. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Heatherlynn in Texas? I ordered some books from her on October 27th and they have not arrived. I have posted to the thread and sent her private messages but have not heard from her. She has not been on the board since early November so I am just wondering if something might have happened and they just were not sent out. Thanks for you help- Janna

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