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Maureen in Hawaii

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Posts posted by Maureen in Hawaii

  1. Aloha all,


    I teach co-op classes here in Hawaii and will be tackling P/SAT prep soon. So far I've looked through College Prep Genius, Barron's, McGraw-Hill and the College Board materials.


    Does anyone have a recommendation one way or the other on any of these materials?


    Thanks so much!


    Maureen Combes

    - Currently teaching Latin, IEW Writing, Logic and Rhetoric, and P/SAT prep



  2. Aloha all,


    I teach co-op classes here in Hawaii and will be tackling P/SAT prep soon. So far I've looked through College Prep Genius, Barron's, McGraw-Hill and the College Board materials.


    Does anyone have a recommendation one way or the other on any of these materials?


    Thanks so much!


    Maureen Combes

    - Currently teaching Latin, IEW Writing, Logic and Rhetoric, and P/SAT prep



  3. Aloha,


    My son is at freshman biology/science level and I'd like recommendations for secular curriculum. We have the Prentice Hall Miller/Levine textbook, which is wonderful in its own right but dry and rather difficult without a teacher. I'm looking for something that might engage him a bit more, and that doesn't break the budget in the process. He's quite bright and eager to learn, but not motivated by a textbook.


    Any suggestions are appreciated!





  4. Aloha,


    Does anyone have a suggestion for a secular biology course for my freshman-level son? He started with the Miller/Levine (Prentice Hall) textbook but it's just too difficult to do alone (uninspiring with no human interaction, and challenging material). Ideally a DVD series or online course would be great, but our budget is also limited so the more economical the better.


    Thanks so much,


  5. Hi all, I'm new to the forum, just started homeschooling this year, and want to find a good place to start history with my 7th grader. I'm not familiar with the abbreviations VP, SOTW and MOH. Can someone spell them out for me so I can research more? We'd like to just get a general overview at this point. He went up through the Egyptians last year in public school and hates history, so I want just a broad brush approach to keep him happy with school while being exposed to the overarching story. Any suggestions are welcomed! Thanks.

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