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Posts posted by LillyPie

  1. I will look into Weaver!


    TIBBY!  I copied and pasted this to a file for me to remember.  SUCH good advice and ideas here.  I kind of had what you said floating around in my head but could never have put it all together into a "plan".  


    Question about all these cycled programs like HOD, MFW, and Tapestry - I have trouble seeing the "success stories" on them.  Sonlight gives these long testimonials about how educated the actual kids turn out who do the program - winning scholarships etc.  I have trouble feeling confident that the cycled programs "work" - I need to hear from some families who have used it and had kids go through this cycle and learn WELL.  I don't need scholarships or geniuses around here - we are missions minded and much of the kids education will come from travels and real life missions experience - but what I do need is confidence in the programs.  Anyone push kids through these programs with good results?  


    THANK YOU!!!!

  2. Many of you have been kind enough to offer up suggestions as we added 2 children to our family by adoption from Ethiopia a few years ago, and then another we are currently in process for this Spring.  We have added another child to bring home with that one - both with dwarfism - so 2 more from China for a total of 6 under 7 years old.  That story is here:  http://roepnack.blogspot.com/2013/09/adopting-two-our-son-with-dwarfism.html


    The ages of our children will be 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, and 2.  I am going to need open and go with the ages and medical needs, and I am now officially tossing all "preferences" I had about currics out the window and am open to ANY Christian core that is good for combining.  I hate switching around (don't we all!) but I cannot use the system we are using now (Sonlight, Abeka, & BJU combo) and would like to hear feedback on streamlined cycled combo cores like MFW or HOD or WHATEVER!  


    I used to be a special needs and public/private school teacher, so I tend to overkill and recreate the wheel.  I have to let that go now and take a boxed or ready-made set - and SONLIGHT is NOT it!  I just do not like it - it's great but it is not for us.     :)  


    Large families with close age kids - tell me your favorites!!!  


    THANK YOU!!!!







  3. THank you to everyone.  I am honestly a little overwhelmed in a good way over all this advice and am prayerfully considering all of it.  I have decided to go with BetterChinese curriculum for preschool and use it in advance of her homecoming with my 5 year old with a wonderful woman from church who is a retired Mandarin professor from Beijing who taught in the US state college system who has agreed to tutor us once a week.  We do have videos of Haven, and she does speak Mandarin, but with a thick providencial accent and not too many words.  We will take it slow and see how she does.  All I know is that the Lord has laid it on my heart that this child needs to maintain her mandarin if she is willing when she gets here.  Her dwarfism leads me to believe there is a bigger picture to this leading from God.  He is faithful to confirm or close doors, so I will just keep walking in faith that we are to learn this language.  I will update you guys soon!



  4. I had no plans to keep her fluent (hadn't thought about it) and reading these replies, I have never been more sure of a decision so quickly as I am that I will try to keep her fluent and provide her with classes to maintain.  Thank you for this suggestion, it really feels right for our family.  Also, I will teach my 5 year old to speak Mandarin.  I know this is a VERY tough language.... Am I supposed to wait for a certain fluency in reading before I teach another language to my bio 5 year old?  also wondering about my 3/almost 4 year old?  Probably a better question for the bilingual board, but while I am here.....

  5. Hi All.  

    You guys were a big help during our last adoptions as I panicked over curriculum and shared cores/grade levels, etc.  


    We are at it again.  This time she is 6 and has dwarfism and other special needs, and she will obviously come home speaking Mandarin.   Because of her dwarfism she has been denied going to school.  (Her story is on my blog, below.)


    My questions are basically from an age/esl/grade level perspective as we play catch up here.  Our other kids are 5, 3, 2, and 1.  We use Sonlight and Abeka.  5 year old will go with me to China and is learning functional Mandrin (at a much better rate than I am!)  Any of you out there have any suggestions on the following topics?  



    -two in kindergarten, different paces

    -we are worksheet/book people - this will not work for new DD.  audio or visual currics you love?

    -combining an OLDER child (new DD) with a younger in preschool to catch up without causing weird dynamics?

    -focus on language first, other areas second?  


    and any other advice.  


    Much appreciated!







  6. Get the 'Burb. :) I had one before getting a minivan...HATED the minivan. Now we're back in a 'Burb.


    I prefer the bench w/ the flip up. The captains chairs are too hard to climb up and through the middle to the back seat.


    I can stand on the running board, lean over the flip up, and to the back seat to buckle a child in the back. No problem...and I'm only 5'4".




    Sometimes when you post, you know what you WANT to hear. And then someone says it. :)


    Thanks everyone. Keep em coming. I was really hoping to see more blood drawn between the burbs vs the minis...but hey.

  7. seriously.


    i cant get a minivan, there is not enough cargo space for what we do around here. we tried.


    we need the burb and its all we can afford and still get some safety on the road.


    ALSO, we literally have nothing to spend since we just did the double adoption, so a minivan for 3K is not going to get me ANY safety. i would be in a 1990 caravan or previa for that price. :)


    i would rather drive the clunker and have a little safety.


    so, for all you minivan people, pretend you are shopping for your new odyssey and deciding between a bench with flip up or captains for four britax boulevard seats. pretend you are not talking suburban.

  8. I have the new ones home from Ethiopia, and we now have 4 full sized carseats.


    I have now been without a car for almost 8 weeks and we have all been at home...


    shopping for OLD suburbans, like in the 3k range...think 2001?


    bench in the middle or captains for 4 full sized carseats? none of them can buckle/unbuckle, so i was almost thinking bench with the flip up left up permanently near the door. i cringe thinking about having to climb in and around the captains to buckle.


    don't tell me to get an odyssey. i'll freak out.

  9. Oh wow. I would SO not worry about formal lessons at those ages. Schedule play time, nap time, snack time, and such, read to them a lot, go to the park, bake cookies... There's lots of time ahead for learning. It's okay to take another year to "learn" to be a family and develop solid bonds and routines. A lot of learning can take place in the course of work and play at home. Sorting silverware can help with shape discrimination. Comparing different kinds of leaves at the park helps develop compare/contrast skills. Playing with playdough (homemade is best, that store-bought stuff is icky) helps develop small muscle strength and coordination. Talk about what color things are, what shape things are, how many of something you see. Practice counting and saying the alphabet while you drive to the store. But I really would advise just taking the pressure of formal lessons out of the mix. I know, you've heard it. But I'm so exhausted just thinking about 4 under 4, with new adoptees, that I just had to say it.



    Thanks to both of you. I had to quote this and say that even though I've heard it before, I think I just needed to hear it again.


    I think i will just clean out their craft cabinet a little, get organized in the school room, and focus on working with what I have for the time being. Hopefully this is just the "no-car, haven't left the house during the week for 7 WEEKS (seriously) and am going to feel better when i can get these kids out to the museums and parks etc.


    the new ones are very portable, love to go places, so i think i will set my sights on a summer full of field trips. :) but still, love to hear more advice on any easy guided learning.

  10. Ok, thanks to all who helped me stay strong as I waited for my Mimi and Moses to come home from Ethiopia.


    So, for reference, I have

    Lilly, 4

    Daisy, 2.5

    Mimi, almost 2 we are guessing?

    Moses, about 10 months (first boy, no interest in anything but staring at my face and getting snuggled up!)


    The schoolroom we had set up for preschool is not working so great now as the craft table is low and Mimi tends to cause trouble. I have lost the time to organize our curriculum for the lessons for my two oldest. I am seriously considering ordering Sonlight preschool even though I think my oldest is ready for K, just to stall us a little longer.


    I HAVE to have open and go.

    We still do not have a vehicle that fits us all, so I can't get to the library or the craft store for lesson materials easily. I need easy. I literally own the Betty Lukens set and fall asleep cutting the felt out everynight, so we barely use it. I don't have the energy to organize anything right now! I know people keep saying "skip school, they are young", but me and my oldest have been schooling since 2.5 and she is much happier with a school morning under her belt.


    Is sonlight the easiest in terms of exhausted, no planning time, etc etc.


    We school when the new baby boy is sleeping, and our new Mimi stays up and schools with my 4 and 2 year old. She does not like anything but puzzles and reading right now...everything else frustrates her very easily that my other daughter enjoyed at early 2 (fingerpainting, etc) Mimi looks at me like ive lost my mind when I bring out paints, etc. books are good.


    i think my oldest is ready for sonlight K (or whatever its called now) but she is still a young 4 and i would rather be behind schedule than ahead.



  11. my daughter is four and is showing signs of wanting to read, i was planning on waiting but she is asking me contstantly "What's this say" and now sounds out words on her own like this: "cee ay tee" instead of c-ah-tuh for cat. i think its time for some mommy training.


    i have heard good things about Abeka's handbook for reading, even for 4 year olds. any other great reading ideas, or feeback on TOPGTR, abeka, etc.

  12. Just wanted to give my fellow hivers the heads up that I am giving away 3 copies of "Kisses from Katie" this week on my blog



    For any of you fellow homeschooling mommies with daughters or sons with a missionary heart or mindset, this book is the modern day "Amy Carmichael" story. Katie was only 19 when she left for Africa, and is now the 22-year-old mother of 13 daughters.


    Honestly, it would be a great book for a tough teenager who may be having a hard time with being appreciative or struggling with their faith or direction. All around, it's a great read!


    Katie is such an inspiration to me, and after following her story on her blog and learning what God can do with a willing heart, we decided to adopt 2 infants from Africa, who will come home early next year.


    Thanks, Ladies!

  13. we did this in March. My big kids were newly 6 and 4 and our babies were 10 months and 20 months. Honestly, it's a blur. We basically just survived. But I'm so glad my oldest wasn't in school. We really needed that time to get to know one another. I actually did not have a single minute of overlapping nap time until September. The baby slept 9-11, the toddler 11-1, the 4 yr old 1-2:30 and the baby again 2:30-4:30. It was INSANE!!!


    My tips:


    -School 6 days a week for 30 minutes, all year long. This way you can accomplish what a more typical family will do in a Aug-May 4-day calendar. You and your DD both have the routine of doing something every day, and it's just more manageable than trying to do 1 1/2 hours. Add to this time read-alouds when you can. (Now, depending on if your 20 month old is walking you might have more time than 30 minutes but not for long).


    -Don't buy a boxed curriculum. You won't use it and it will make you depressed to see all the stuff you don't really have time for. I recommend Ordinary Parents Guide for Teaching Reading--and MAYBE five in a row if you're feeling ambitious. I don't think math is necessary for a bright five year old. If you teach her to count, she'll be able to go straight into Saxon 1 or Singapore 1 or whatever without a K program. OPGTR will be perfect for a relative to pick up while you are gone.


    -Do double time now. If you think you need science, or history, or any extras for kinder, do them now. If your babies have similar eating and sleeping problems, or developmental delays as most institutionalized kids, you will not be able to do anything except eat, sleep, and play for a long while (a few months or more). Your primary goal when the babies come home should be PLAY and if it will help you to focus on play, double up on your schoolwork now, so you can rest easy knowing she can read when you go to Africa.


    -Remember: You are building a family. The lessons your 4 kids will learn this year are much more important than whether they are fluent readers at age 5. This was hard for me (as I typically am prone to acceleration), but I preached it to myself and most days I believe it!


    Many happy congratulations!! We have been so blessed with these little ones--I know y'all will be too.



    I would love to touch base with you and pick your brain about your adoptions!

  14. All of these posts are so encouraging and helpful. I love homeschool mommies. :)


    Yes, I would love any adoptive mommies from anywhere to friend me on here, I am still trying to figure out how...or you can google connect me on the blog. I am going to need constant reminders not to panic about everyone (family, friends, lady at groceery store) telling me to "get that kid in preschool" BOOOOO! I can do this!


    Anyways. Message me or friend me, or hit me up on my website. I would love to hear about MULTI CULTURAL ideas for preschoolers!!!


    Thanks for making me feel tough again. :)

  15. Thanks to all of you. I am freaking out just a little because in the last 2 months since we began this process, all schooling has pretty much gone to shambles. I know you wil appreciate this little tidbit: I was keeping all of Lilly's art projects and completed letter doodlings in a nice collapsible file. It made me feel organized. 2 weeks into the adoption, I took that file folder and dumped it upside down in a huge hurry to take a bunch of documents to the courthouse for the adoption dossier, and all my daughter's cute little preschool "portfolio" is in a big messy mess, now jeering me from inside a cabinet in the den. Ugh.


    I think lots of outdoor time sounds good. And good books. And TOPGTReading. I have to remember to be flexible or I will break!



  16. I tried to post this here but somehow ended up putting it in the wrong area. I am new here and am a little lost, but am a long-time WTM HS mom.


    Here's the repost from the "wrong" thread:

    We were on track with homeschooling over here, and are about to have a MAJOR disruption. I need the hive's help.


    My oldest daughter Lilly, 4, loves her school work. We were doing a smattering of all kinds of stuff, trying a little bit of a few currics, and she is now showing all the signs that she wants to learn to read. I think she is ready.


    My youngest daughter Daisy, 2, loves to do tot activites while sissy learns.


    We have just accepted the referrals for two unrelated babies in Ethiopia and will be bringing them home in the spring, God willing. By that time, baby boy will be 7 months and baby girl will be about a year. People keep assuming that I will now drop my homeschooling desires and just send Lilly to school, since I will be so busy. I do not agree with this, but I am realistic about my expectations in so far as how much time I will have for planning activities and curriculum.


    I have never been one for all-in-ones like Sonlight, etc, because as a former teacher I really enjoy putting my own creations together from all over the place. However, I now need to give the all-in-ones some consideration.


    For this year, I need to find a program with lesson plans built in, etc. One that even a family mamber may be able to pick up on with the girls while I take the TWO trips to Africa required to bring home my babies. I also want to get Lilly started with reading. I am thinking that when reading about attachment disorder and how much work I am going to have on my hands with these new babies, I need a curriculum that basically drives itself. The exact opposite of how I like things.


    So, can anyone help me? I need suggestions. :)


    Here's our family website, in case you want to follow along with our crazy little adventure. www.roepnack.blogspot.com





  17. We were on track with homeschooling over here, and are about to have a MAJOR disruption. I need the hive's help.


    My oldest daughter Lilly, 4, loves her school work. We were doing a smattering of all kinds of stuff, trying a little bit of a few currics, and she is now showing all the signs that she wants to learn to read. I think she is ready.


    My youngest daughter Daisy, 2, loves to do tot activites while sissy learns.


    We have just accepted the referrals for two unrelated babies in Ethiopia and will be bringing them home in the spring, God willing. By that time, baby boy will be 7 months and baby girl will be about a year. People keep assuming that I will now drop my homeschooling desires and just send Lilly to school, since I will be so busy. I do not agree with this, but I am realistic about my expectations in so far as how much time I will have for planning activities and curriculum.


    I have never been one for all-in-ones like Sonlight, etc, because as a former teacher I really enjoy putting my own creations together from all over the place. However, I now need to give the all-in-ones some consideration.


    For this year, I need to find a program with lesson plans built in, etc. One that even a family mamber may be able to pick up on with the girls while I take the TWO trips to Africa required to bring home my babies. I also want to get Lilly started with reading. I am thinking that when reading about attachment disorder and how much work I am going to have on my hands with these new babies, I need a curriculum that basically drives itself. The exact opposite of how I like things.


    So, can anyone help me? I need suggestions. :)


    Here's our family website, in case you want to follow along with our crazy little adventure. www.roepnack.blogspot.com





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