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Posts posted by OnEaglesWings

  1. Dogs I have, had or have known: Emmie, Skye, Ty, Monty, Banner, Lance, Kayla, Grizzley, Dante, Rebel, Dixie, Maverick, Freddie, Jazz, Glitzy, Gatsby, Sadie


    Cats I have had or have known: Tosti, Augen (German for "eyes"--he had big eyes!), Huckle, Quincy, Diva, Pete, Tilly, Cricket


    Enjoy your new kitty!

  2. We use Bsafe and have been happy with it. www.bsafehome.com I'm sure they'd have a Mac download. We've had it since 2002, which was too late. Our then 13 yo son had already been exposed to internet p*rn. I didn't think he'd do such a thing :(


    Since then I've told lots of friends with young boys, "get it before you think you need it...because you don't want to be too late."


    Get it tonight!

  3. Don't have any experience with it.... but I am looking at:



    They do let you download a trial version.




    This is the one I'm looking into based on the strong recommendation of a friend who also owns a private business that helps kids with learning issues. Not that reading speed is necessarily a learning issue. Rather, she has seen lots of products and recommends this one.

  4. When I post an ad (For Sale or WTB), I personally prefer to be PMed because it gives me automatic record of any transaction that transpires. So, when replying to a WTB ad, I usually PM them and then also reply to the post telling them I've PMed them (in case they don't get email notifications about PMs). I don't usually do the email option because I like to have records. The email option doesn't give me that.


    By posting either place, I've basically "invited" people into my life, so I don't feel my privacy has been violated by a PM. I guess that's the way I hope the WTB post-ers feel too.

  5. Not actually a song, but..."This little piggy went to Target...!" (as my then 18mo would say it--of course, she'd been to Target many times so that must be where the pig was going!)


    I'm sure there are more. I'll be trying to remember them all day. Mine are all older now (19, 17, 14, and 10). It's been a long time since I've heard them sing those sweet songs.

  6. I have alcoholic relatives in my family, and their behavior/choices have definitely directly affected me. So, I have experienced this "fallout". I disagree with the statement "there is almost nothing good about it."


    I meant there is almost nothing good about alcohol. Not alcholism. There is NOTHING good about alcoholism. I hope I didn't offend. I too have experienced the fallout first-hand. Nothing good at all.

  7. I haven't read all the posts, so maybe this point was made already. I've read that there is a medical/physiological (not just social) reason for a higher drinking age: the brain is not finished developing fully until the mid-20s. Alcohol use (use and/or abuse) prior to this irreversibly damages those developing brain cells. If this is true, then 18yos are not adults.


    Another point to consider is that a lot of 15 and 16 year olds look 18. Lower the drinking age to 18 and THEY will be buying liquor. Or their 18 yo high school buddies will be buying it for them.


    Just a few thoughts. I hate alcohol and how it destroys people and families. If you haven't experienced the fallout of alcoholism, you have no idea how damaging alcohol can be. There's almost nothing good about it. I personally would be happier in a "dry" society! Can't imagine it...but I'd be happier! ;)

  8. What I really want to do is bury my head in the sand....

    What I will probably do is the cotton ball thing today and then see if it's any improved tomorrow, then call the doc.

    I read about ingrown toenails before I posted the first time, but could not decide if that was really the problem because the top edge of her nail is clearly visible--it's just a problem on the side of the nail.

    I don't think the nail has been improperly cut, but dd has probably been wearing shoes that are too small. I'll have to check on that today. It's one of the things that falls between the cracks sometimes. Unless one of the kids tells me their shoes are too small, I forget to check!

    That thing with going to the doctor sounds nasty. If any of you are pray-ers, would you please pray that home-care things will work for this one?

    Thanks a bunch,





    I've said a prayer for you and her! But I also wanted to let you know that the doc probably wouldn't do the surgery thing right away. As in my son's case, my husband first gave him antibiotics. My son's infection was definitely on the side of the toenail. The antibiotics helped at first, but the infection has come back. If this second round of antibiotics doesn't do the trick, then he'll see a podiatrist--who may or may not decide surgery is needed.


    I wouldn't think there's any harm in waiting a little longer and trying some home remedies (including new shoes!) first. If it persists or worsens, take her to the doc.

  9. My dd10 has what I think is an ingrown toenail. I don't think it's the top edge of the nail, but it's along the side of her big toenail. Over the course of a week or so, it's developed, grown, pussed, popped open like a blister(then she picked off the loose skin on the blister), and now her toe just looks awful. We've been doing epsom salt soaks, and at this point she says it really doesn't hurt very much, it just looks bad. Was I supposed to take her to the doctor for this? I've never had an ingrown toenail before, and I didn't realize it would be this bad!

    Do I take her to the doctor?

    Am I supposed to be doing something other than the soaks?:bigear:

    Somebody, please, just tell me what I'm supposed to do...




    Take her to the doctor...here's our story:


    My husband is a family doctor. When my son's toe got all red, he had him do the soaks. When it got pussy, he immediately started him on antibiotics. My son's been off the antibiotics for a few days now, but the toe is still looking nasty and has started getting pussy again. My husband is starting him on another round of antibiotics, but said he will most likely need surgery (yikes!) to cut away the toe nail. He said that needs to be done when it keeps getting infected. He will need to go to a podiatrist for that.



  10. I'd be careful. Someone is willing to go around the posting rules here to get the item sold...what other "rules" are they willing to circumvent? I'd personally be afraid of losing my $$.


    This can be true, but a week ago, I was a person with no posts but LOTS to sell! I'm just an honest person with way too much homeschool stuff on my hands! Until I could get enough posts to sell my stuff, I contacted people from the WTB board who were looking for something I had. I did sell one item that way. It's on its way to her now!


    Just another look from the other side!:)

  11. I have asthma and I've also experienced the anxiety kind of breathing trouble. Yours sounds like it could be either! :)


    Generally when I have asthma (which is frequent), I also cough and/or feel very constricted deep in my chest. It feels deep in the lungs. I usually find myself sitting or standing up taller so as to open my chest in attempt to get more lung space. Moving, yawning, etc., doesn't relieve it.


    When I've had anxiety breathing deals, it feels different. It's more like I'm breathing shallow or just can't get my breath. That is when I feel the need to yawn or change positions and feel the tightness in my neck. Tightness in the neck might be more a symptom of anxiety. It feels like a straining in the neck, but there is no real tightness in the lungs (which is where I feel it with asthma).


    So...maybe you ought to talk with your doctor about it. If it's asthma, you definitely need to have a medical plan. Asthma needs to be treated--allergy medicine might even be enough. If it's anxiety, then you can become equipped to handle it (with or without medicine). Sometimes just knowing makes it better.


    I hope this helps a little...even though I gave no clear answer!



  12. I have been teaching step aerobics for nearly 20 years (that's scary even to write!). And yes, new people are always a little lost (which is a far gentler way of putting it!) and intimidated and frustrated. I always say it takes a good 6 weeks of coming regularly to class to just get used to what all the names of the steps are called! Once your brain absorbs all of that, then your body can finally follow along!


    Be sure to let the instructor know that you are new. Hopefully, she can show you some modifications or simplify the class. Another hint is to stand right where you don't want to stand: Front and center! If you can't handle front, at least be center. It's so much easier to learn when you are facing the instructor head on.


    Truthfully, the problem is not you. The problem is those dang mirrors hung all over the room! If we didn't have the mirrors people wouldn't be nearly so self-conscious.


    Keep going. Have fun. Enjoy the music. Enjoy the movement. Enjoy laughing at yourself. It's just PE afterall!


    ~Kim, who dreams in step lingo..."Repeater knee, over the top. Up knee down tap...!" ;)

  13. You know, the first thought that came to my mind after reading your post is..."burn out," "system overload" or even generalized anxiety. They can go together, of course, and either could cause hypersensitivity.


    I pray you can find some peaceful time to unwind each day and for more extended periods a couple times a month. Find space to breathe, to be quiet, and to just BE. Maybe that'll help. If not, please consider talking with your doctor.





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