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[email protected]

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Posts posted by [email protected]

  1. Greetings!


    I would have gotten to this sooner, but it happened at the same time as the Weekend Workshop. It has been very busy the last two weeks, but I do apologize for not checking in before now.


    Good News: No one is getting banned! :)


    It may take a little research to find the more efficient answer to your problem. As a moderator and admin, I don't see what you see. My options are different, so if you happen to have a screen shot of what you received, that would be helpful for me to see.


    Why you received a message: Very often, brand new users with unknown links in their profile or in their post will be flagged by the system. This helps us track down spam early. It generally has nothing to do with the content of the post, but rather any suspicious links.


    Hope that helps for now.


    WTM Mod.

  2. Greetings Everyone!


    We hope that those of you along the East Coast with us have survived the storm with little or no damage. The Peace Hill Press office is still standing! However, we do not have power, so our office remains closed for the time being. Half of our staff (including SWB) are also without power, so if you email the webmaster or any moderators, please be aware that it may take some time before you receive a response. We will let you know as soon as our office is back up and running again, and we will try to get to all your emails as quickly as we can. :001_smile:


    Peace Hill Press

  3. To our customers: If you purchased an audiobook of The Story of the World, Volume 1: Ancient Times, only between February 1, 2011 and May 15, 2011, you may have received an audiobook whose first CD is defective. Due to an error at the CD manufacturing facility, a very small number of discs in this batch were recorded with a completely different book (not a Peace Hill Press product).


    As soon as we were made aware of this mistake, we pulled the defective CDs from our warehouses, and the manufacturer tells us that new, corrected CDs will be in stock next week.


    Most of you will not be affected by this. To find out if you are one of the few whose CDs are in error, listen to any part of Disc 1. If you hear content from The Story of the World, then your audiobook is fine. If you hear anything else, please contact Peace Hill Press at 1.877.322.3445, and we will gladly send you a replacement for the first disc.


    The Peace Hill Press team

  4. I can make this happen if you like.


    If I could delete this thread I would. I worded the subject as well.


    I am NOT saying that any victim "deserves" it or was "asking" for it. We have had children in our homes that were victimized while infants/toddlers and I know this can extend up to the elderly, special needs, etc.


    I still do stand by my thoughts that how you dress DOES affect how men/teens view you and where their thoughts go. They do need to work on controlling their thoughts but on the flip side, I don't want my daughters to be the ones tempting them either.

  5. Internet Explorer is the default browser for Windows. The default for Macs is Safari. Firefox is another very popular browser, and google chrome is still fairly new.


    There was some phasing out of certain versions of certain browsers a little while ago. It could be that you need to simply update your current browser to a newer version. It could also be that the pages themselves that you were looking at before have not been updated. If that is the case, there isn't anything you can really do about that.

  6. At this time, we are not accepting further participants for the November Test Run. For those of you who replied after the cut off, I will take your names down since we may need a second test run in December.


    If you are a current participant, be sure to respond to the first email that was sent out. I am still waiting for a few volunteers to respond. If you have not received the email, please check your spam box before letting me know.

  7. Wonderful! Thank you all for volunteering. This will be the group for the test run. We may have another test run later. So if you wanted to volunteer but missed this one, there may be another opportunity in December.


    For those of you who have volunteered for the first test run, I will send you all an email with more information before the end of office hours tomorrow (5pm EST). If you haven't received a message from me by then, send me a PM. Thank you all for your help.

  8. Greetings folks!


    For those of you who hadn't seen my most recent post on the possible WTM conference thread, we have decided to look into doing an online conference early next year as well as a local conference later in 2011. In order to determine how an online conference will work, I would like to do a test run with the program we will be using to run the webinar. I would like to recruit 20 brave individuals to help me out with the test run. The program is free to use, but you will be required to create an account (email and password) in order to take part. You do not need to be computer savy to participate. You will need to have access to the internet. If you have a webcam or other camera device for your computer, that would be helpful though it is not required. The idea is for me to be able to successfully guide potential online conference attendees through the system. I do not have a set date for the test run yet, but I am aiming for a day in the third week of November before Thanksgiving. If you are interested in participating in a test webinar, please reply to this thread and I will send more information by email or PM. I will take the first 20-25 people to respond. Thanks for your help!

  9. Thank you all very much for your feedback. It has been most helpful. Those of you who checked that you may not be able (for financial reasons or distance issues) and those with younger students have been taken into consideration. Here are some of our updated ideas:


    I think we are going to look into possibly having both an online conference and a local conference for students in high school levels and those going into those levels. It is possible that we may have a more traditional lecture conference online and a student/parent workshop set up for the other. Please remember that nothing is guaranteed at this point. We are just beginning to look into options.


    I will leave this thread up for a while so you may continue to leave more feedback. We appreciate your

  10. Our original idea was something along the lines of a college prep. seminar for students who would be starting college within a year or two, but we weren't certain how many parents had students around that age. Your feedback is most appreciated and helpful.


    To those of you with younger students, at what age do you think a younger student would benefit from a conference specifically organized for them? In other words, how young do you think is too young? Which kids would you take with you to the conference and which would you make other arrangements for during the day?


    For those of you who mentioned online web conferencing, this is a option we have considered before and may be a possibility.

  11. We are trying to determine the level of interest in a multi-day seminar, held in Williamsburg, where students of high-school age studied a particular topic or skill with Susan Wise Bauer.


    THIS IS NOT YET A DEFINITE EVENT; we are merely assessing the interest in an event like this. No dates or details have been determined yet.


    Would you and your students be interested in such a seminar?


    If there is sufficient interest, we may conduct follow-up polls dealing with more specific aspects of the event.

  12. Hi all,


    The original Activity Book for Story of the World 4, designed for older students, didn't have coloring pages as the other AB's had.

    But folks have asked, both here and via email, whether we'd consider creating coloring pages for SOTW4, especially for young students or for younger siblings who are listening to the older children's history lessons.


    You asked, and we've done it.

    The Story of the World 4 Coloring Pages are now available as a PDF download. Go to http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/volume-4-coloring-pages.html to download samples or to buy the whole thing.


    These are 42 brand-new coloring pages (one for each chapter of The Story of the World, Volume 4: Modern Times), featuring the fascinating events and characters of modern history. Ned Kelly the Iron Outlaw? He's in there. Laika the space dog? The Blitzkrieg? Evita Peron? Emperor Puyi? Yeah, them too, and lots more. We're very excited about this product. Some of these people and events have never before appeared in a coloring book, and we've done our homework to ensure that the pictures are accurate, as well as exciting, fun, and age-appropriate.

  13. Hi all,


    The original Activity Book for Story of the World 4, designed for older students, didn't have coloring pages as the other AB's had.

    But folks have asked, both here and via email, whether we'd consider creating coloring pages for SOTW4, especially for young students or for younger siblings who are listening to the older children's history lessons.


    You asked, and we've done it.

    The Story of the World 4 Coloring Pages are now available as a PDF download. Go to http://www.welltrainedmind.com/store/volume-4-coloring-pages.html to download samples or to buy the whole thing.


    These are 42 brand-new coloring pages (one for each chapter of The Story of the World, Volume 4: Modern Times), featuring the fascinating events and characters of modern history. Ned Kelly the Iron Outlaw? He's in there. Laika the space dog? The Blitzkrieg? Evita Peron? Emperor Puyi? Yeah, them too, and lots more. We're very excited about this product. Some of these people and events have never before appeared in a coloring book, and we've done our homework to ensure that the pictures are accurate, as well as exciting, fun, and age-appropriate.

  14. Don't you worry that Gary Williams is going to have a heart attack or a stroke on the court. He makes me so nervous the way that vein pops out and his face gets so red!


    Go tigers!! (Clemson)


    :lol: Sometimes, but I have full confidence in Gary. We've been through many years of vein popping excitement together now. :001_smile: I think he may have even mellowed a bit since John Gilchrist.

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