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Posts posted by clotheswasher

  1. Just stumbled on this post from last month and had to reply. My girls (now 5 & 7) started AWANA toward the end of last year. They (and I) loved it. I'm one of those mom's who'll sit outside the door and listen, and basically hover until I feel certain. It didn't take long!



    Due to program time changes, we switched to another church/group this year. Same hovering at first, but again,we're having a wonderful experience. We are truly blessed with the leadership there, and it's a rather small group. We have such confidence in them, that we let our 7yo attend the Sparks Lock-In. They worked on verses and went on a nature hike(short & before dusk), then had a "drive-in" movie parking their cardboard cars in the activity room for the viewing and snacking. This is the first we have let her do that (only exception being the Grandma's). She has a latex allergy and many food allergies as well, but after being around those instructors so much (and them having to be aware of her problems from the start), I had every confidence in them. Starting and ending each segment of the night/morning with prayer proved to be a very unique and cherished experience to her (and us).



    Next week is the last meeting until they resume in the fall, and we'll be sad to have to take a break. During the off-months, the church choir director works with the AWANA kids to rehearse for and perform a summer play/musical. We are Catholic and attend Religous Ed. and mass at our home church, but we feel AWANA gives them a unique and enriching experience that enhances rather than detracts from what they are learning at home from us and at church. I wish all churches offered a program like this. When anyone unfamiliar with AWANA asks us what it's about, we describe it as "BIBLE SCOUTS".



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