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ChristyB in AL

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Posts posted by ChristyB in AL

  1. I started my diet 3 weeks ago. I am basing my diet on the principles of SBD but not strict by following their recipes and total meal plans. I just eliminated all the starchy foods and sugars.


    I have lost about 10 pounds, and around 15 inches, total. I also started exercising regularly again. I think if you eat a lot of breads/pasta/potatoes you may lose more than I have. I didn't eat a lot of those foods anyway but feel a lot better when I really limit those foods.


    HTH---I never have been a follower of "diets" but to me, the South Beach Diet is a practical way of eating for life. :)

  2. Honestly, I'd complain to the owner. Both the dance schools we've attended have been very careful to provide a detailed list of required class and recital attire and then stick to it. You know going in what recital and costume fees will be, when they're due and there's no surprises. IMHO, that's the standard for a professionally run studio.


    You have every right to be annoyed and every right to express that annoyance to the studio owner. I'd also start asking around about other schools in your area to find one that has a more professional administration.



    Yep, what she said.

  3. were gone. My hubby kept saying,"Now who told you this was funny? Who told you to watch this movie?" I think we sat there confused looks on our faces. BUT then over the next week I just kept thinking about that movie! And got it again to view with our sons....and we have laughed and laughed over it. It is the most quoted movie in our home.


    We often sigh those long sighs that Napoleon does.


    "Your Mom goes to college!"


    "Girls only like guys with great skills!"


    "This is pretty much the worst video ever made!" "Like anyone could know that, Napoleon."


    "My lips hurt real bad!"


    Oh, I could go on and on with the quotes!!:D

  4. For a GREAT inexpensive Algebra 2 program look into Lial's Intermediate Algebra. 7th edition will run around $50 including postage for text, video lessons and solutions manual. But only the text is needed--easily purchased for under $10 including priority shipping!



    Thank you so much--I just found the 8th edition set (with DVT's) for $30.00

    But I noticed that you mentioned the 7th ed. Is the 7th better, or is this a good deal??


    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

  5. ...oldest son has been counting down the days til it opened. (They are 15 and 16.)


    Dh and I went with them to see it, and personally, I really enjoyed it!! Like the others said, the first 15-20 minutes were focused on him (Tony Stark--IronMan) being a playboy, and you get to see the change in him through the movie. I really don't remember any bad language, the one s*x scene and of course, a good bit of violence.

    I also think it is much better than the Spiderman movies.


    I would *not* let my younger kids---maybe 11-12(?) and under--- see it.

  6. not all of what you posted but enough to identify!


    I have been having a hard time getting the housework done. I keep telling myself that somehow we will get it done but we don't. My kids are teens, everyone picks up after themselves for the most part so don't think we live in a pig sty.

    There are just days when I would rather cancel the day. Stay in bed as long as I wanted. Read. Sleep more if I wanted.

    I have been wondering if it has something to do with this time of year. People may call it spring fever but I am not sure if that is the correct term. I don't think it is uncommon for us homeschool moms to get burned out this time of year, so in my case, that may be it.


    I am sorry, Mara. ((hugs))

  7. I have read through this whole thread. It interested me since I have 2 boys, ages 15 and 16. Looking back, the years of 12 and 13 have been the hardest thus far. There were frequent outbursts of anger from both of mine. They both fought/bickered (never came to blows--not allowed here!!)more those years than ever before. My sons now act more like comrades/friends and it is a joy to watch.


    I would have done exactly as you did---my oldest plays football and to have that taken away would have straightened him up.


    I don't know what has happened since this consequence was enforced but at some point Jan needs to realize that this was the choice that he made. He needs to understand that life is a series of choices....where we are and what happens to us is (not always but normally) because of the choices that we make, and that is true for an adult as well as a child.


    I am sorry for all the other *stuff* you are dealing with--just sorry about the whole situation. I will be praying for your family.

  8. purposely sleeping late day. SO we did that pretty well.:D

    Then we:

    ~ate breakfast/brunch together

    ~oldest one finished school work

    ~I posted some curr. for sell online

    ~Um, we ran to the library

    ~I took the boys to lots of stores so they could try to sell ads in the football progam to help raise money for their football fees.

    ~I am now trying to decide what to cook for supper.


    I love Saturdays! I almost didn't get anything accomplished today!

  9. My name is Christy. I have been going by ChristyB in AL for 4 years or so. Before that I was ChristyB in Deutschland, or something like that, while we had the opportunity to live in Germany for 2 years because of dh's job.


    We homeschool our two sons, ages 15 and 16. We have homeschooled since the beginning. Our sons are hoping to earn advanced academic diplomas, so they have a lot of work to do. Plus they both are very talented and gifted pianists. They spend a lot of time learning their classical piano pieces. (We have a WONDERFUL teacher from Russia who graduated from the Conservatory in Moscow.) They also play football--my dh jokes that they are the only piano playing lineman etc. he has ever known!:)


    Other than homeschooling, my hobbies are reading, scrapbooking, baking/cooking, and trying to find new ways to save money. :D


    I haven't quite gotten used to the new format--I like the old format better. But I know I haven't spent as much time here since the switch!

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