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Posts posted by 3monkeys

  1. My ds has completed the entire series.  I never even cracked open the teachers guide.  However, if you plan to use it as your only phonics program and need guidance on how to expand on the lessons, then maybe!  :) 


    My 1st grader completed 3 & 4 this year and did fine.  I think it's child specific and what level they are at.  They do sell a placement test but it's probably not necessary. 

  2. I have a rising 4th grader. He did FLL 1/2 but we tried something different in 3rd grade. I want to go back to FLL with him but not sure if I should start with 3 or go straight into 4. What do you think?

  3. I've only done the CAT online version. It specifically tells you to enter the grade you are going into. I did get a raw score, grade equivalent, percentile rank, and stanine. It was my understanding that they wanted you to enter the grade your child is going in, but it's testing the grade you completed. So if you enter 2nd grade, it knows you've completed 1 st grade. It's not testing a 2nd grader. I have given this same test at 3 different grades. Each one startss off easy, then grade level and continues to get harder. I had my first grader score at a fifth grade level for language Auding but everything else at 1st and 2nd only. That is completely accurate in what I see everyday at home. So my point is, no matter if you choose to put in 3rd or 4th grade doing the online version, you will get the information you want. I thought my 1st grader would do horrible with me putting him in as a 2nd grader, but after seeing the test I understand now that it isn't considering him a 2nd grader. Actually I'm looking at in now and it even labels it at the top of the page as CAT level 1 grade entering: grade 2. I know nothing of the printed version, so keep that in mind.

  4. They offer the online version that I've used and been very pleased with. You get immediate results emailed to you. I did as suggested and used grade above. Just know, it starts out easy and gets harder. They are not expected to know everything on test. So if he runs out of time before completing, don't panic as I did!


    With that said, don't be afraid to go a grade above. It really is setup regardless of grade to find out exactly where they are.

  5. I'm no expert but I'm sure more experienced moms on this board will chime in soon. I have read that many things can cause changes with the eyes, like puberty, growth spurts, etc. It could just be that he's older and the therapy will take longer. I do know the older you are the harder it is to correct. I assume that's for older adults who have lived with the issue and didn't get treatment. Stay tuned.....I know someone here will give you good advice!

  6. I would like to create a notebook for each child to do over the summer. Only to keep things fresh while we take a much needed break! My thought was to have math, grammar, writing/journal worksheets. Maybe seperate by week. Has anyone done this before? Any creative ideas? Blogs? Any and all ideas welcome!

  7. Can someone explain to me what low tone is?

    How it presents itself in childhood?

    How it relates to learning difficulties?

    Lastly, can exercise eventually solve the problem?


    I suspect it with my 9 year old but never knew it had a name. How do you get dx and if so, then what?


  8. My ds just finished grade 1 and has not memorized facts either. He's not much on memorizing anything though! I will say the more pressure I put on him by timing, drilling etc., made things worse. So I decided to let it go as long as he understood how to get the answer. Amazingly he learned more facts on his own by doing the problems and seeing them over and over and using his manipulatives. He may be more ready to drill by 2nd grade, who knows! He took his final test today for math and missed only 1 problem out of 40. So I consider that to be just fine! Oh and I may try www.xtramath.com this summer. Be sure to change settings to 6 seconds instead of 3. Also type their answers for them. it frees them up to think only math and not how to type!!



  9. That's awesome to hear! Ds was dx with vision disorders but we've been unable to afford the therapy. I think we need to figure out a way because I see him struggling so much.


    Some insurance covers it, so you should check it out further. Ours covered the actual exam under our medical, we do not have vision insurance. We have to pay for therapy out of pocket. Many will work out payment plans etc. It would be worth pursuing to find out your exact cost. My ds needed 30 sessions while my other son only needed 10. So cost is different for every child according to their needs.


    Praying you find a way if God's will!

  10. That's awesome to hear! Ds was dx with vision disorders but we've been unable to afford the therapy. I think we need to figure out a way because I see him struggling so much.


    Some insurance covers it, so you should check it out further. Ours covered the actual exam under our medical, we do not have vision insurance. We have to pay for therapy out of pocket. Many will work out payment plans etc. It would be worth pursuing to find out your exact cost. My ds needed 30 sessions while my other son only needed 10. So cost is different for every child according to their needs.


    Praying you find a way if God's will!

  11. My ds completed FLL1 and 2. In 3rd grade, we used Essentials in Writing which we really liked and it included grammar. Next year my son will be attending a co-op that will be doing IEW, so I do not need to continue with EIW. (Wow that's confusing!!) I would like opinions on what grammar only program I should use. I'm interested in Rod & Staff English, Easy Grammar, and open to others as well. I need something that is straightforward and not a lot of busy work or workbooky. Thanks for your help!

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