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Posts posted by SueS

  1. I have to look at these more in depth, but that's the sort of thing I was looking for to start my son writing about books....in 9th grade! I just haven't had my kids do book reports. Does everyone have their kids do them? I guess it's to get them to the point of discussing them more thoroughly in high school. The workload for literature in TOG seems overwhelming to me and something that I don't remember doing much of, although I find it fascinating.

  2. I am using TOG. I am just starting my 14 yo 9th grade ds on some rhetoric literature and history...very slowly. He hates writing. I just had him read (actually, I had him listen to the cd of) To Kill a Mockingbird. I want him to write a book report on it since we aren't going to discuss all that Tapestry of Grace has in their curriculum. TWTM recommends Writing Strands 6 for book reports, but I think he would struggle with starting there.


    Would you give me some quidelines or suggestions for what to have him put in a book report? Something concrete that I could tell him and he could follow. He doesn't like to write and I seem to be continuously modeling it for him. He hasn't been doing book reports previously.




  3. Well, that makes me feel better that you are thinking of putting a 9th grader in the Writer's Workshop. The instructor thought it was ok, but I don't think selecting the appropriate writing class for high schoolers is really his forte. Yes, he has a great Bio. He writes for Hillsdale College, so I am comfortable with his knowledge and ability. I'm just wondering if this is going to be enough for a 9th grader who hates writing and hardly writes at all. Then again, maybe it will be the best thing for him. I am also glad to see that you have your 10th grader in Lost Tools. I looked at that, but it seemed to be a higher level than where my son is at right now. I'm so thankful you replied.

  4. Yikes! I meant to get up and get the book to see what lesson she is on. It's 72. We used it last year and we moved this summer and the book was in transit so we didn't do it for a few months. I backed up and retaught a bunch of lessons. I'm getting concerned because she reads almost each word letter by letter with me holding my finger over the letters and revealing one at a time. And, her older sister has struggled.

  5. Uh oh. I don't see any replies. Has anyone used this? I'm getting a little nervous because the class is starting REALLY slow. I spoke with the instructor who, I think, has an incredible bio and assured me that this is appropriate for a 9th grader for his writing portion of English. But, I doubt that he has any idea what a 9th grade writing class should include as he is not a homeschooler nor a teacher.

  6. My 6 yo daughter is in 1st grade. I started Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading in Kindergarten with her. We are at lesson and it is going slowly. She is still sounding out most words. She doesn't seem to get the silent e at the end makes the vowel say its name. I have to remind her with each word. She confuses b and d most of the time still. Should I be concerned? I have 6 kids. Her 10 yo sister is not a great reader. Two of her older brothers read really well. I'm wondering if my 6yo is on track or if she should be reading more easily. This is the first child that is using OPGTR.

  7. This is so frustrating. For the first time I want to use The Potter's School for my son to take Spanish 1. Actually I wanted two of my kids to take classes from them but with this experience I've already found a different program for my other son. I tried to register online. The site kept saying there was something wrong with my user name. I don't believe I've ever registered with them before. I called and emailed and went to the live chat. Nobody has answered the phone. I got one email reply that asked what the error message was- that was yesterday. The live chat guy just said to contact the administrator. He wouldn't even answer my question about what one would normally use as a user name.


    Is this the norm for TPS??


    Should I even use them?


    Any suggestions for a different online Spanish course for 7th grader?

  8. Stephanie,

    That was HUGE help. You "gave me the permission" I was looking for...not all the worksheets, just read, discuss, write---yeah! Now, I need help with the having him write part. I was planning to use TOG writing this year for the 1st time. Will that incorporate writing for literature?


    Where do I read what SWB said about writing about literature? In the Well-Educated Mind? I just ordered that from the library.


    What about learning literary terms? TOG includes it in Dialectic (and maybe Rhetoric but I'm not sure). I had a hard time getting all of that in during the past few years but we did some.

  9. Hello,

    I'm using TOG. Last year we finished YR 4 U1&2 so I plan to finish YR4 U 3&4 this year and then move onto YR 1. This is the way the years will work out for my 14yo:

    9th YR 4 U3&4 and YR 1 U1&2

    10th YR 1 U3&4 and YR 2 U1&2

    11th YR2 U3&4 and YR3 U1&2

    12th YR 3 U3&4 and YR 4 U 1&2


    I wondered about not doing YR 4 U3&4 this year so I could do one TOG year each school year, but my ds really wants to learn this part of history.


    So, what title do I give those histories on a transcript? Can I just call

    9th Ancient History

    10th Medieval

    11th World

    12th American Hx


    Really 9th is a combination of 20th Cent Am and Ancient.


    Literature Question: Can a student just read literature for it to count as literature? Or must I have my ds do the literature worksheets and/or discussions of literature from say, TOG for example?


    Logic question: I plan to have my ds use The Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox as a Logic course this year. Would those 2 books be one credit?

  10. I thought I posted this the other day, but I can't find it anywhere. When do you do your planning and prep for the year/week. Do you do it during waking hours or when kids are asleep? I guess this is mostly for those with little ones who need to be watched. Does your dh help you watch the kids? I am always trying to cram it in after baby (toddler) goes to sleep, before he wakes, etc. I would love a few days (or more) during the summer ALONE to get ready for school.

  11. Ugh. This decision on which grammar to use is so hard. We did R&S last year and it was good. I want something that the kids can do mostly on their own, I want them to learn grammar and I want them to learn diagramming. It sounds like AG is more in depth than GWG (GWG is really only meant to use up to 8th grade).


    How much time will have to spend teaching AG?

  12. I think I am going to switch from TT to Chalkdust. My son may go into engineering and from what I've read TT isn't as rigorous as other programs and more rigorous programs may be better for possible future engineers. So, he finished TT Algebra 1 last year. What did he miss that I may need to cover before (or during) his Chalkdust Algebra 2?


    The Chalkdust company recommended that he take Algebra 2 since TT is weak in Algebra 1 (their analysis).

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