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Posts posted by JulieE

  1. I'm looking for independent work ideas for my 7 yo dd, so that I can work on with my 5 yo on math and phonics during this time.


    Criteria: She has dyslexia, and I need to be with her during all reading and handwriting times. She would need something with few instructions to read, at least until we get further along with her reading.


    Thanks in advance!

  2. To be blunt: does anyone pick and choose which kids to hs and which to send to ps? My 5 yr old needs to be evaluated. He has 2 older brothers that go to special education classes because of their severe autism. My 5 yr old ds has been verbal and social, so I figured no autism. But I'm 2nd guessing myself. He is very rigid, UBER aggressive - attacks all of us, throws fits that would make my severely autistic sons proud when they were that age. He goes in to the fridge and pantry and clears eats all the food he can grab each day (he's off the charts in his weight) I've modified his diet, seriously limited any screen time. I don't know what to do. I've done kindergarten before. But this child cannot have a single.minute.of.downtime or he is literally throwing bricks, stabbing with pencils, taking the ipad he grabbed and beating his siblings over the head with it, etc. I've cherished 3 years of hs'ing my dd's, but I'm at the end of my rope!


    If I do send my ds to K, do you think my 9 & 7 yr old dd's will have problems with them staying at home? (we will have to go drop off and pick up my 5 yr old everyday). I've been sick to my stomach, my bp is up - all trying to figure this out.

  3. We were planning to start school on the 27th. I've purchased books, worked on a schedule, etc. In the past week I started having a LOT of anxiety about homeschooling again this year.


    There a couple things 'added' to the mix this year: 1) I have a now 3 mo who has been miserable with reflux, even with meds. 2) I will add my 3rd student, my 5 yr old ds, to the mix. He is a HANDFUL. I've been working on his diet. He has impulse control, rage, and ocd in large doses. I was seriously thinking about sending just him to ps, but then realized it would be so disruptive to stop school at home and pick him up after 2 each day, and we would have to do away with our homeschool group outings during this time. 3) I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to fit everything in a schedule. I've combined as much subjects as I can to work on as a family, but doing the Lang arts & math with the 3 separate kids, as well as just the daily needs of my little ones - it's really overwhelming me right now. I have a toddler that's potty training (and yes, ideally that happens quickly but doesn't seem to be the case with my lo's), I have my 2 toddlers that need my attention, plus my infant that needs lots of attention and is usually screaming when she is awake. And let's just say that I have not been handling the stress well, either. I've been cranky, naggy - not a good role model to my kids.


    I was thinking that I just need to back off and focus on LA & math - anything else is gravy. But then I feel so guilty: my 3 hs'ed kiddos would receive music, art/crafts, citizenship, etc at school, but not at home. How many years can I say 'not this year' (last year I was so sick with the pregnancy), while other kids are being exposed to the extras?


    I'm wondering if this anxiety is a message from the Lord that the path I was pursuing was wrong? Or if this is a lazy part in me unwilling to 'go through the fire' - work on my own shortcomings of attitude/fortitude/patience (etc).


    Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

  4. I would say go for it as well. I just had my 8th at 40 yrs old, so you are a youngin' to me ;)! There are pros and cons of having kids close together. My older dd's, 9 & 7, are really enjoying and taking part in care for my now 3 mo old. They enjoy each milestone - the smiles, the grabbing at bright toys, the head being held up. My 3 & 1 yr old, on the other hand, see the baby a lot of times as their nemesis: they want my attention, or the attention of their older sisters, and the baby is getting it. I try to divide my attention as much as possible, but there is still a lot of jealousy. Yes, chances are they will be play buds - my 5 & 3 yr old are as thick as thieves. But speaking of thieves, my 5 yr old, quite honestly, is not a good role model a lot of the time - he has impulse, rage, ocd issues, and my 3 yr old is modelling all of these traits. My 5 yr old is becoming a bit more mellow each year. So it is not always necessarily the gold standard, imo, for kiddos to be very close in age. They can still be buddies with a bigger age difference. My older dd's read books, play leggos, and play games with their toddler siblings. Then they have time when they want to read books, etc, and be alone. I think it is a pretty healthy balance. I'm not against having children close together - I wouldn't have it any other way, but to me I think back when I had 2-4 kids and no helpers (my oldest 2 are severely autistic), no one to share and cheer the milestones, and I think "How did I DO that?!"


    Best wishes to you - what a blessing to still be of age to have another child!

  5. We've been on Rightstart A & B for 3 yrs now. Why? I started with my older dd when she as in 1st. My other dd (2 yrs younger) liked to join us for games and the songs. My younger dd was ready to really start level A last year. What I did was alter days - both would do a level B lesson, then a quick day of level A lesson, instead of pulling them aside and doing individual math lessons with each. Why? I was pregnant pretty much the whole of last school year, and was trying to cut down on extras. And my older dd wasn't showing any mastery, so I figured she could go through the material again.


    What I have now is 2 girls w/little to no mastery. When I sing the song they will fill in the 5+ ____. They can do evens/odds, some add'l skip counting. Haven't quite grasped that after 19, 29, 49, etc, start back on 0 again. They are not getting that they need to combine to add, they count on their fingers. And we're nowhere near subtraction.


    I broke out Math It for the summer to work on math facts.


    My question: Should I continue with Rightstart? If so, should I work with the girls on different levels? How long do you do each day? If I have 2 on different levels, do I do games that correspond with the lower level? Should I be doing something different as I'm teaching? Last year we would finish about 2 lessons/week, and do 1-2 math games.


    I had given up and bought MUS last month, and was planning to use it. But I see that most people recommend MUS over RS? Should I give MUS a try and settle with what will work the best in our household?


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Hi there,


    I'm new to this forum, but not new to special needs. I have 2 sons (12 & 11) with autism - not the quirky type, the down in the trenches / Oh Lord what is THAT on the walls?! type. Some of my other kiddos have special needs as well, but TODAY I would like to ask about dyslexia. My 7 yo dd has a lot of the characteristics. I have not taken her to be diagnosed. She is due for her 3 yr re-eval with the school district next spring, and I am going to request that be looked at as well. She homeschools, but receives speech with the school district (those evil R's!). So right now I'm going on the theory of 'if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck..'


    She has particular trouble reading/writing her numbers. I don't have her do copywork for school. She was doing better with her numbers (for her limited worksheets with Rightstart) last year, but today we were doing some Life with Fred, and yikes - those numbers were turned every which way. I'm a bit worried - I planned to start MUS and wondering if it's going to be too much worksheets.


    Anywho, the confines I have are: 1) limited income - no Barton for us. No parade of specialists - we've had a lot of medical bills this year & are on 3 different payment plans, and once we get an EKG bill I figure we'll be on a 4th. I am looking for some basic / lower cost things I can do to help her and ease her frustration with not being anywhere near the same level as her 9 yr old sister. I'm not hyper about her being slow to read and write. The grandparents ARE. My mom throws fits, bursts out crying "She can't READ. Look at her, she WANTS to read and she CAN'T READ!" (and it's not in the spirit of 'poor thing, she may have dyslexia, it's in the spirit of you (ie, ME) are not teaching her and if she was in public school she would be reading'). My IL's are not far behind - but they take the nagging approach - serious nagging.


    ..anyway.. got sidetracked! Is there a sticky somewhere of dyslexia resources? Of recommended reading & writing programs, of evaluation and treatment options? Recommended websites? Books?


    Thanks so much, Julie

  7. I took my 9 & 7 yr old dd's with me this past Sunday to try out a new church. A megachurch. A Southern Baptist megachurch. I think this may very well be the 3rd strike as far as my mother is concerned (1. 8 kids 2. hs'ing 3. Baptist Megachurch). If I vote for Romney it would be instant shunning, but I'm straddling the line as it is ;)


    Back to the point: It was a totally different experience for me: huge church, worship band, etc. But I like the sermon, and I like, at least on paper, the family and kids programs the church offers. I would like to try out Awana this year. They also have many other activities.


    PROBLEM: I dropped the girls off in Sunday school. When I picked them up I could tell my 9 yr old dd was REALLY upset. She didn't want to talk until we were in the car away from everyone. She said the teachers in her class spent a good deal of time socializing in the hallway, and worse, their were girls in her class sitting right behind dd who were having "vivid" conversations about seeing private parts on adults :confused: DD did say their were other hs'ers in her class, and she met one girl who was really nice.


    I had someone call from the church today to follow up with our visit. I didn't give (private part) specifics, but I did say that my dd was really upset.


    Where would you fall? Under the 1) Run far far away and never go back category? Or, like my neighbor suggested, 2) Teach/give dd lifeskill tips for dealing with yuckiness like that with the assumption she will encounter it everywhere? Actually, this is the 1st time dd has encountered something like this, and she was shocked to the core, which I am thankful for - she knew it was very inappropriate, and has asked to return to our member church where the girls (albeit in income levels way higher than us, and many elitist, for lack of a better word in my mind) are much better behaved.

  8. I started a new thread with this question: How do I log in to discovery education? Thanks!

    My kids are slightly younger, but we used Salsa Spanish, free and available here, last year and are using it this year as a supplement. I wanted something more in depth for my K'er and we now use Elementary Spanish available on Discovery Streaming. Besides being a booger to navigate, I like the program and it is free for us, because of DH's job. The kids love the little activities, and even my 3 yo goes around speaking small phrases in Spanish. It might be too kiddie for your older one, but we love it, and most importantly, it gets done. I log on, play the video 3x, watch Salsa episode 2x a week, and once a week do an activity sheet. They watch during lunch. Maybe not the best idea, but I finally get some quiet! :D
  9. I would check out your local library and see what they have.


    Books we've loved (unabridged)


    Little House series

    Mr. Poppers Peguins

    Ramona the Pest

    Ginger Pye (or any other Eleanor Estes audiobooks you can find)

    Peter Pan

    Just So Stories


    our personal favorites:

    Five Little Peppers and How They Grew

    Five Children and It


    ..I know there's more but that is what stands out in my mind right now.

  10. Aww.. thanks for your replies, ladies. Some great advice/comments/humor:)



    That is so hard. :grouphug: I go through something very similar with my mom, but not for homeschooling. Write out a list of reasons why you homeschool, and read it when you get down. Have your DH deal with the IL's. And realize that no matter how well your kids turn out, you may never get your mom's approval. And that's ok, because if you were raising your kids to get her approval, well, you wouldn't be their mom!



    I think this is part of it. It hurts that my mom, especially, is so terribly disappointed in me & gets emotional and hostile about it: homeschooling, large family, not in the "official" work force, etc. Personally, I'm just as disappointed with her decisions: she went back to school when we were in our teens, got her masters, and now breaks her back 6-7 days a week as a caseworker who gets paid peanuts, gets more cases stacked on to her all the time, gets salary cuts, etc. THAT is what I'm supposed to ditch my kids for?! I've never told her that I don't understand her choices, that I don't approve - why would I want to be ugly just because she chose a different route than I would take?


    For some grandparents, it is very important to be able to compare notes with their friends, and boast a little. Other folks are very invested in what others might think. My guess is that there is some of this going on, as opposed to doubting their children as teachers.

    THESE are my IL's - my MIL drills the girls when they come to visit. And, of course, the girls go deer in headlights (eg, "what is 7+2?" A: "13:):001_huh: It's wretched. My MIL probably thinks I'm lying on the couch all day watching soaps.

  11. We're going on our 4th year homeschooling. I talked to my mother yesterday and it didn't even occur to me: I should be avoiding her right now, until she asked "When is the kids first day of (public) school?" I said "I don't have an exact date, we will be homeschooling this year again." Response: teary voice and nasty comment before getting off the phone asap. I spoke to my IL's on Saturday. Same question.


    Apparently I'm missing the ball. After birth I am supposed to wait about a year, then farm the kids out wherever I can. That is what is normal. Anything else is too stressful, how can I possibly expect to give each kid the attention they need (as opposed to a teacher in a classroom with 30 kids).


    I'm sooooo worn out from this, every July/August. The grandparents, my neighbors. What is so offensive to them? Last year I literally went into hiding late July/early August. I avoided the grandparents - didn't talk to my parents until right before Thanksgiving. Avoided neighbors. This year I thought the hiding/shutting myself off is not healthy, so I decided not to. Now I'm second-guessing this.


    So do I cave and ship all the kids out? Or start avoiding everyone & be the loser daughter/parent again? :confused:

  12. I'm a bit ocd - the abacus they use has 5 yellow and 5 blue on each row, then switches the color layout halfway down, if that makes sense. The book repeatedly refers to the yellow vs blue, so I would want an abacus that is close to the RS one. My toddlers actually destroyed our wooden one, so I have 2 of the less expensive plastic red ones.


    I have the math games book. TBH I've never used it. Forgot I even had it - I think I bought it used. Will have to break it out and see.


    The actual cards for the games - agree with the above poster - I would buy those and save myself time.


    Their clock - destroyed by toddlers. I have a foam one I got in the dollar section at Target that does us fine. You can also make your own with a paper plate and brad.


    The color tiles we've used a lot. The geometry reflectors (think that is what they're called) are a bit silly imo.


    I guess to summarize: TM, 1 workbook, plastic abacus, tiles, & laminated cards for games would be my must haves. CD - maybe you can find the tune online? (editing: you know I think they have the melody in the back of the book, so you can play on the piano and know it). The only song we've used again & again is the Yellow is the Sun song. The writing numbers- nah.

  13. Nope, but I have to say my breathing rate got a little faster when I read your post;) I decided to switch from AO to SCM, and ordered some resource & curriculum material yesterday. Once I have all the materials here I will sign up for the 30 day scheduler trial and let the planning begin! Have a great day tomorrow:001_smile:

  14. If writing is a weak point, what about doing oral narration, then move into written narration of chapters? I started using this with my oldest dd this past year: http://www.christianbook.com/heart-journaling-through-year-young-writers/michelle-van-loon/1886061319/pd/6061319, though in the spirit of disclosure, it is usually a struggle to have her do the assignments - she struggles with writing, esp creative writing.

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