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Posts posted by Lisa4917

  1. I'm sorry, Alaska Mom. I went off on a tangent and a rant and you were the unfortunate target. I just get so frustrated. I've had friends IRL tell me, "He should just go work at Home Depot" not understanding that he would LOVE to do that, except they won't hire him. People do not understand that people on medicaid, people who are "the working poor"; it's not who you (not YOU; people in general) think. It's your neighbors, it's the mom in the preschool line, it's the kid on your daughter's basketball team. (Sports paid for by a generous aunt and uncle; so the kids don't miss out). But you'd never know it, because we all put on our "we're a normal family" face and just try to get through the day.

    Our system is greatly flawed. I don't know how to fix it, but I know that this isn't how things should be.

    I appreciate your apology, and again, I'm sorry you became my target for all the people out there who just. don't. get. it. Best wishes to you, too, and crossing our fingers for a healthy winter!

  2. Hey, Alaska Mom-I don't know what kind of dream world you're living in, but I sure wish I could live there.

    Forgive me; these are paraphrased from your very offensive post:

    "Very few people are being denied access to education, health care, or gainful employment" and "Work is there for anyone who wants it" and there are "government organizations to help you gain access".


    Are you KIDDING me? Let me tell you a story. My husband was laid off a year ago. He is still job hunting. Not because he is above doing ANY job, but because when one is overqualified (as in, former well paid project manager), places like fast food or retail won't hire you. Won't. Hire. You. And no "government organization" can make them.


    Health care? Well, we can no longer afford the COBRA payment, so we dropped it. Of course, private insurance companies won't TOUCH my husband, because he has epilepsy. So he's basically uninsurable privately. "Luckily" my state has All Kids/Family Share, which is medical insurance through the state. It has a nice, friendly name for the program, but it's Medicaid. MEDICAID. Thank heavens it covers his seizure meds...but of course his neurologist doesn't accept medicaid. Neither does my son's ENT, whom he sees for allergy shots. His allergies are a trigger for migraines, but we can't afford the allergy shots right now. Of course, we also can't find a pediatric neurologist who takes Medicaid to treat the migraines, so I guess my SEVEN YEAR OLD is screwed for at least the next few months. Easy access to health care, my ass. I can't even find a primary care physician who is accepting medicaid patients, let alone a specialist. And nothing makes you feel more like a second class citizen than going to Walgreens to switch over insurance to Medicaid and standing there crying because your blood pressure and migraine meds (mine) aren't covered and I have to play the "let's try this med" game.


    My husband has spent a YEAR trying to find a job, any job, to provide for his family. He's just found a free-lance job, for at least a few months, but no benefits, of course. My daughter, who was home-schooled last year, went back to school this year so I could go to work. No benefits, of course, but it buys groceries. The mortgage is another story. What government organization is going to help us if we lose our house, hmmm?


    So get off your high horse and don't throw around statements about how health care and jobs are available for ANYONE. They're not. We were a solid middle-class family and now I'm watching the mail for my medicaid card each month, and hoping like hell nobody gets sick. It's happening to people all over the place; you just don't realize it because on the outside everyone puts a good front. But it's happening, and it's bad.



  3. My daughter has been in a PS troop since Daisies in kindergarten. It is not the same school that she would attend; we joined this one because the leader was the first person to call me back! It has been wonderful; so much that when my daughter did attend first grade at public school our leader asked if I'd be switching her to that troop, and I said no. She knows these girls, she knows the leaders; in fact, I stepped up to co-lead this year. No matter where she goes to school (still trying to decide what to do next year!), she'll stay in this troop.


    Like someone else said, the success of the troop depends on the leaders, not so much where it's based.


    Good luck!

  4. For a really great soccer coach last year, we got him a gift card to sporting goods store. This year for teachers (I have one in public school and my homeschooler had speech through the public school), we are giving gift cards to Cold Stone Creamery.


    I've started giving gift cards to various places (Target, Starbucks, teacher stores, restaurants) to teachers because I used to be a teacher, and I know just how many teacher mugs and ornaments and plaques they get...and don't need! My thought is a gift card lets them treat themselves on a day when they might need a little pick-me-up.


    Hope this helps!

  5. 38 (last year) and they seem to be coming in fast and furious lately. Is there any truth to the old "stress will give you gray hair" theory? Cause it's been a very strange year around here.


    My mom, who is 80, has been gray for at least the last 25 years. But a few years ago, one of her kids mentioned her gray hair and she looked totally aghast and exclaimed, "I'm BLOND! What are you talking about?!" It was hilarious. She's not senile but apparently deep in denial about her gray! I plan to follow her example.:001_smile:

  6. Frankly, saying that gay marriage should be illegal because it's wrong from a Biblical standpoint means absolutely nothing to me. As it should mean absolutely nothing in our legal system. Religion is not law. Religion is religion. As in, some people's beliefs. Not mine. Same with divorce and remarriage not being illegal even though they may go against the bible's decrees.


    I try to be a good person. I don't partake in illegal (as defined by our government's laws; not the bible's) activities. I try to raise my kids to be good people. I try to be a good wife to my husband. Not because some book tells me to. Because I know it's right.


    Frankly, I more respect the opinion of "gay marriage should be illegal cause the thought of the bedroom act grosses me out" than "gay marriage should be illegal because the bible says so". At least the first is firmly presented as an opinion, while the latter assumes it's a given that we all believe in the bible's words. We don't. The latter is still an opinion; not fact; not a given just because it's written in a very, very old book.

  7. I was married in a beautiful ceremony performed by a justice of the peace. I take offense at the notion that my marriage is less valid than someone's who was married in a church by a religious official.


    There were no bibles present at my wedding. No holy water. Quite possibly no god present either; and if he was, I could not care less. What was there was the pure love and joy of our family and friends, and the man that I loved with all my heart. So is that a "civil union" or a "marriage ceremony"? I find the semantics ridiculous.


    Marriage between two people who love one another, same sex or not, can be a glorious institution.


    Even if one's husband happens to be Phred. Perhaps I should issue a blanket apology for ever telling him about this forum...:)



  8. I am homeschooling my eight year old animal lover daughter, and looking for a good animal study to do with her. I'm not sure exactly what I'd like it to include...I'd like to do animal classification, and learn about different animals, and investigate various animal-related careers. (Like, what job exactly would let her go to Africa to study zebras? There's got to be one!)


    I'm not sure if one program would encompass all these things, but I'm willing to investigate several to see what might work. I know we could just use animal books, etc, but I'd really like something that was already pulled together for me. Also, it needs to be secular.


    Thanks for any direction you can give me,



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