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Posts posted by reservejagmom

  1. :iagree: as well! Of All the Nerve!


    I'm so sorry you're going through this ... you're right ... how are you ever going to sit around a campfire with her?!



    Everyone else has already spoken so eloquently ... just wanted to let you know I'm here rooting for you too!



  2. :iagree: with everything Lori just wrote. This was EXACTLY the case with handwriting for my ds, age 11, who has SPD and fine motor delay.


    Vision therapy and therapeutic riding lessons have helped him tremendously!! We also use Sequential Spelling (SS) and this year he learned to use the keyboard with a program from the SS folks. His spelling ability has skyrocketed along with his reading comprehension and writing ability. He'll be 12 in Oct.



  3. :iagree:


    My ds, age 11, also has SPD/fine motor delay and everything Southern Mom has outlined -- we've done here as well. He now uses the keyboard for nearly all his writing and it has helped tremendously.


    Another thing that has benefitted him -- therapy horseback riding -- hippotherapy. We're fortunate to have a facilty just a few miles from here, especially since our insurance won't pay for any OT and the ps system said he didn't qualify for it. (Too long of a story to go into here ...) When he rides -- there is at least one person walking alongside and guiding him through OT exercises. You could try googling hippotherapy, etc to see if there's any facilities in your area.





  4. We've used the Beautiful America copywork book this year for learning to use the keyboard and geography/mapwork. I've had my ds, age 11/5th grade type out each paragraph for each state on the keyboard, then I printed out the state maps from the Uncle Josh's Maps cd and had him locate the places and fill in the blank maps by hand.


    He started out typing just one paragraph per day and doing the mapwork separately but as his skill increased he's now completing all three for each state and finishing the mapwork at the same time. Up until this year his fine motor skills were still very delayed so this has been a huge leap forward for him!


    OTOH, I also ordered a couple of the ancients books for him (A Triumph for Flavius, etc) and the corresponding study guides and he hated them. :glare:


    I also use the LL for the Elementary Child, vol 2 -- the lessons are very easy and short and we do a bunch at the same time. I have a separate diagramming book. Next year, though, I'll be using Analytical Grammar -- btw the Queens consider diagramming "twaddle".





  5. Hi! I'm so excited for you!


    Here's one of my favorites that only has ONE egg -- homemade pineapple upside down cake:


    1/4 cup butter

    1/2 cup sugar

    1 egg, well beaten

    1 1/2 cup flour

    2 tsp baking powder

    1/2 tsp salt

    1/2 cup milk


    Cream butter. Add sugar gradually and then add the well beaten egg.


    Sift flour, baking powder, salt. Add alternately w/ milk to first mixture. Turn into 9" round cake pan on top of pineapple topping.


    Topping: Melt 1/4 cup butter in cake pan. (I do this while the oven's preheating -- just stick it in there for a couple of minutes then take it out again) Add 1 cup brown sugar Place pineapple slices/cherries/peaches/nuts (I like pecans best) close together. Pour in batter. Bake at 375* 30-35 minutes.


    Flip out right away onto a large plate with a rim if possible.


    Also, here's another reipe I have for chocolate cake with NO EGGS! Its from my great grandmother's WWII recipe files when eggs and butter were rationed.


    1/4 cup cocoa

    1 cup milk

    1 3/4 cup sifted flour

    3/4 tsp baking soda

    1 cup sugar

    1/3 cup shortening

    1 tsp vanilla


    Add dry ingredients together. Cream shortening and add dry ingredients alternately with milk. Beat 1 min after all flour is added. Bake at 375* for 20 minutes. (Makes a one layer 8" cake) Frost as desired.





  6. My ds, age 11, is allowed on our street (the sidewalk, that is) and can go around the retention pond/block on the opposite side of our street. He has to wear his helmet and can only ride on the sidewalk. Its a half mile all around the pond. Our street borders the pond on one whole side; we live on the side across the street from it. There are houses and sidewalk all the way around.


    That's it. Around the pond is our whole little neighborhood. He's not allowed to go down any side streets out of our neighborhood.



  7. How about keeping her in the crate during the day -- unless you take her out to piddle before you let her run around? She earns some freedom AFTER she piddles outside.


    Our dog Clarence came from a pet shop -- and would piddle right in his crate! :glare::glare::glare: At least you're that far ahead! :001_smile:


    Good luck -- believe me, I know how frustrating it can be!



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