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Posts posted by eight_gregorys

  1. Hi,


    I think I missed the previous thread, but I thought I'd post about my experience.  I had a roux-en-y last June, so I'm 9 months post op.  I have lost almost 100 pounds and have had a great experience.  I started at around 265 pounds and I currently weight 166.  My goal is 150 so I'm confident I will hit that weight.  I have a host of other medical issues (lupus & ra).  While those conditions haven't improved, (They have remained about the same.) I'm off all medications I was on for blood pressure and I'm no longer pre-diabetic.  My blood pressure is completely normal.  Exercise is so much more pleasurable now that I'm not overweight.


    The only issues I have had are with hypoglycemia.  This started recently and is usually associated with me not eating breakfast.  Not eating breakfast has always been an issue for me.  I'm being more intentional about making sure I eat in the morning and it hasn't been as much of an issue.  I do have to be careful though as my A1C is actually pretty low and when my blood sugar was checked recently it was 41, which is way too low.  I know this is a common problem from other people that I have talked to so I just wanted to put that out there for you.


    I won't lie, this has been hard.  Transfer addiction is very common.  Food is very emotional for many people, me included.  I didn't realize how much I would eat/snack when I was happy or sad or bored, etc.  I discovered just how much of an issue that was for me after the surgery.  I just never thought it was an issue to eat what I wanted because I cooked from scratch, didn't keep processed stuff around, etc.  I keep healthy stuff around, but I like to bake.  I don't bake much anymore because it just doesn't bring me joy like it used to and neither does going out to eat.  I just don't want to go out to eat because it isn't fun anymore for me.  The good thing is you won't be hungry initially so it won't bother.  At around 6 months post-op cravings start to come back and you will start to feel hungry again.  I ended up finding a therapist to help me work through some of my food issues (and other issues, too).  It really has made all the difference.  I just thought I'd mention it because I didn't know just how emotional this journey would be.  I found out after the surgery and sadly I have shed many a tears over this.  It is so embarrassing to admit that.  I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.  It is not an easy road, but I would do it over in a heart beat.  The confidence I have, the improvement in my health, and the ability to exercise/ do physical things has been so.....so....so worth it.

    • Like 11
  2. I'm doing alright considering.  I'm just hoping things calm down stress wise.  I'm struggling with trying to get everything done and getting everything done with a good attitude..  Hubby told me last night that he really wants to spend time with me.  The last few times we've had date night, I've asked to go home early because I was just feeling so crappy.  It's just really tough because he only considers date night....outside of the house.  Of course, I want to go places, but I'm just so tired.  I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with that and still spend time with him.  


    How do you ladies deal with this type thing?  Hubby is sweet and non-demanding, but this really laid pretty heavy on my heart.  What are some ways you spend time with your spouse when you feel bad?

  3. Jean,


    It was an allergic reaction, twice.  It is pretty common for a lot of people with these drugs.  They pre-treated me for it with steroids and benadryl while I was at the infusion center, but I reacted anyway.  The same thing happened the next day, too.  Mostly, I was just terrified because I had never had a throat closing reaction before and I didn't want to freak my hubby or kids out.  I seem to be ok now, which is good.



  4. TG,


    Thanks for the words of wisdom.  I think I just needed to vent to someone I felt "gets it".  Emotionally, I'm feeling much better.  I had my first round of chemo on Tuesday.  It went ok other than I broke out in hives during the infusion.  The next day I was back at the ER because I broke out again and my throat started closing up.  Not a pleasant experience at all.  After IV steroids and benedryl, things calmed down.  I'm hoping the weakness, queasiness, and tiredness subsides soon.  


    Apparently, going through rounds of chemo isn't significant since I don't have cancer.  A friend messaged me to ask what the chemo was for and I told her that my lupus was really bad and I needed it for that.  She literally responded, "Thank God.  I was really worried there for a second."  I just wonder if people realize just how insensitive that is.  I'm feeling better about things.  I had a long chat with my hubby about all of this.  That definitely helped.  


    I hope that you feel better soon.  I have been to the ER with chest pains more times than I can count.  Have doctors mentioned costochondritis?  It's basically an inflammatory process of the rib cartilage.  I have had it for several years and it is scary because sometimes it feels like a combination of pain and pressure, which always lands me in the ER.


    I will be praying for you as well.


  5. Andrea,


    I have received the same pitch from my in-laws about MonaVie.  So frustrating.  :(  Not to mention, I'm not a big fan of multi-level marketing anyway.  I couldn't even have a conversation about how I was doing because I must be sick because I'm not spending $300 a month on MonaVie.  I have 6 kids.  I'm not spending $300 a month on juice that there is no empirical evidence to show would help me in the first place.  I know people mean well, but it can be very painful to have to listen to the nonsense.


    Spinal surgery does not sound fun at all, especially taking care of little ones.  Mine are finally at an age where they can help, but I feel bad that they have to do things I should be able to do.  I know they are learning responsibility, but I just want them to be kids.


    I just feel spent.  Drained.  Frustrated.  Being in what should be the prime of my life, but having all of these things going on.  I feel like the life is being sucked out of me.  It stinks to be surrounded by people, but feeling so alone because no one gets it.  I try not to get hung up on the negativity, and stay positive.  I just wish my family could understand how much pain I'm in, all day, everyday, and cut me some slack.  This is hard to deal with and I feel like I'm alone in doing it.


    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well and I appreciate you doing the same.  

  6. Thanks, Jean. 


    I agree with you, totally.  I know God hears my prayers, but it's the same thing.  For whatever reason, I have not been healed and I have accepted that.  I just wish others would, too and stop telling me I'm a bad Christian because I'm still sick.  It's like me being sick makes people uncomfortable.  It's really weird.  


    I just feel like these diseases are a double whammy.  You are really sick, but because you don't look sick people think you must be fine.  To me it is more frustrating than the actual sickness itself.  I don't have anyone to lean on that really understands how bad things are and how debilitating it is physically, mentally, and emotionally.  :(

  7. Well, I've been away for awhile.  I'm pretty sure it's been over a year.  It's been a very, very, very hard year illness wise.  I've been very depressed and kind of shut myself away from the world.  Probably the worst thing to do, but I've just been in a funk.


    So you don't have to dig to remember what my issues are....I have Lupus, RA, Fibromyalgia, Hashimotos.  My primary doctor also thinks I have interstitial cystitis.  I'm so sick of more and more issues that cause me pain every stupid day.  I'm 32 and feel like crap...like I'm sure you ladies know.


    So the lupus is wreaking havoc on my kidneys.  It's the worst it has ever been.  I went from no evidence of kidney disease to stage 3 almost overnight (5 is the worst, but at 4, is when transplant is put on the table).  To the point that I'm having two rounds of chemo (cytoxan) and rituxan (biologic).  I was in a trial on Benlysta.  Didn't work for me at all.  Cellcept didn't work for me.  Arava didn't work.  I'm literally running out of treatment options.  I don't think my family understands just how bad it is.  Which is probably my fault.  I'm not as forthcoming as I should be.  Mostly because I don't feel like people understand.  Even family.  I know they care about me, but they just don't get how crappy I feel or how crappy it is to go through these treatments.


    Don't even get me started on people at church.  I'm sure they mean well, but if I hear I just to keep praying one more time....I'm going to scream.  My entire family has prayed for my healing for 8 years.  I'm not sick because I lack faith or because I haven't prayed hard enough and it makes me so angry when people say that.  <sigh>  I just feel utterly defeated.


    So how are you ladies doing?

  8. We used a similar type charter when we lived in California.  K-8 it was a great experience.  Once my oldest hit high school it was a nightmare.  So I checked out the link and it was the same kind of deal we had.  You get to choose curriculum.  I saw the WTM Academy was on the list of vendors.  So were Timberdoodle and Rainbow Resource.  We ordered lego robotics kits, took classes at the local learning center, took PE classes, etc.  EMH sports is what we used and they are statewide.


    I think it's a great idea to provide materials to your kiddos that you may not be able to otherwise.  I have six kiddos and spending $400 on lego kits, is not something I can just do all the time.  KWIM?  Testing was easy.  Two days a year for a couple hours.  It was pretty painless for my kids and we didn't do anything to prepare other than our normal deal.  We had to submit learning records once a month.  Basically, you had to list one learning activity per day.  It could be "we did page 40 in our math workbook that covered place value to 100" or something like that.  Our contact teachers were great.  There are a few hoops to jump through, but nothing I feel is super annoying.  Totally worth it for us when we lived in Cali.  Lots of education opportunity.  

  9. I purchased it, too.  I received a refund and also received an email about beta testing.  I looked around the site and wasn't overly impressed either.  I would stay far away.  Last year it was supposed to be finished by Septemberish??  Almost a year later and beta testing starts.  It makes me angry that people paid for this and are still waiting for a functional site.  There are way better options.  OLLY for Mac.  Homeschooltracker has an online version now so you can use with any operating system.  Homeschool helper for ipad and maybe android.  I'm not sure since I just have an ipad.

    • Like 1
  10. We used it when my oldest was in younger.  I liked it a lot.  You can substitute other books for the recommended books.  I didn't care for the penmanship or spelling program.  I like something more structured like All About Spelling and Handwriting Without Tears.  I used the Volume with the Day by Day and that was it.  I also used this sight.  It was very helpful.



  11. I have. We've lived in a lot of places. Raleigh, NC has the best library system I ever seen. I lived one county over and paid $50 a year to use it. I would have spent more, if needed. It really was that awesome and had tons of homeschool friendly items. Here our library is ok. I wish I had access to a better one. I would spend that if there was a really good, better option.

  12. TG...that is awful. I hope your son is doing better. I can't imagine dealing with that with a child.


    Good news for us. My husband has new job that is comparable to his previous one, which is awesome. My insurance approved the CellCept. So hopefully it works with no serious side effects and I can come off all this prednisone. The prednisone helps, but it has a whole bag of unfun side effects and I despise being on it. This is my last shot before I have to have a port put in and start infusions, so I'm praying this works and gets me in remission. These are not decisions I wanted to make at 31.

  13. I hope you the GI doctor can help you.  It took several years and more doctors than I can count to diagnose my lupus.  I was labeled depressed and a hypochondriac by many of those doctors on the way because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.  Once I finally got a consult to see a rheumatologist, he diagnosed me in all of 5 minutes.  I actually had a doctor tell me that the blood in my urine was completely normal....nothing to worry about.  She was an idiot and I had lupus nephritis that whole time.  Thankfully, when we moved I had to change rheumatologists.  So far I love this guy.  He spent an hour and a half with me when I saw him week.  I don't think I've ever had a doctor that was as caring and generally concerned about my health and well-being.  Sometimes doctors get so wrapped up treating the disease, they don't really treat you like a person...kwim?


    Autoimmune & chronic diseases require persistence to get a diagnosis sometimes.  Its frustrating and finding a compassionate doctor is hard.  Finding a doctor when we moved was hard all by itself.  Every rheumatologist here wanted to review all my records from the last year before they would agree to take me as a patient.  There are 4 rheumatologists here and 3 of them refused to take me as a patient.  I was actually told, "I don't have time to deal with the complexity of your issues."  The other two told me something similar.  "Your problems are too complex."  Well who the heck did they think was going to take care of me?  They all knew how many rheumies there are here.  I'm actually glad though because I really like the doctor who decided he would treat me.  I have just never heard of this junk before.....rejected by a doctor.


    I hope that your appointment goes well, Jean.

  14. Jean,


    I'm kind of in the same boat now. We started school late this year. I'm feeling run down and ragged. I found out yesterday my current regimine isn't working and I'm not happy with any of the alternatives offered to me. My RA has gotten significantly worse and so has my lupus. I will be starting CellCept this week, as long as my insurance approves it, which normally isn't a problem. My joints hurt like the dickens and every single joint I have is affected to some degree. Oh and the company my husband works for filed bankruptcy Friday and laid off 95% of the staff....with no notice at all. So now.....he's looking for a new job. I'm sick and tired of all this stuff. :(


    I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. Trials are very frustrating. I'm trying to focus on how God is working in my heart and teaching me something. It's hard. I hope things get easier for you. Are you on any meds now?

  15. Jean,


    Oh, my....I greatly dislike when people do things like that. Honestly, I don't think they know what to say. It is so unnerving though. I really resent having "an invisible" illness. As if being sick isn't bad enough...but everyone around can't even tell that your sick. So frustrating.


    I hope you get answers. I know what it's like to know something is off/wrong and all the tests were normal. It happened to me before I was diagnosed for about a year or so. Every doctor said the labs were normal so all was fine. We finally started school this week. We've been meaning to start for the past 6 weeks and I'm still not as organized as I'd like to be either. Worry about getting yourself better, that's what is most important.



  16. We used to live in Raleigh two years ago. We were involved with a homeschool coop at Crossroads Church. It was fab. I think I still have a contact that lives there. I will see if I can find the info. I know it was difficult for me as well finding info about coops when we moved there. I will post more info as soon as someone responds to my email. :)

    I found it.






    Here is the local homeschool yahoo group. It is very active and people post all the happenings on it.



  17. We're moving to the Raleigh-Durham area in a few months and I need help! I'd really like to find a co-op or resource group to help me out. I have a 6th grader, 2nd grader, and 3yr old. I know lClassical Conversations is big in that area, and I'd done CC before, but it's just not my favorite. If it's all I can find, I'll probably go for it though. Can anyone point me to some websites or groups in that area? I need some help and accountability so any information would be greatly appreciated!

    We used to live in Raleigh two years ago. We were involved with a homeschool coop at Crossroads Church. It was fab. I think I still have a contact that lives there. I will see if I can find the info. I know it was difficult for me as well finding info about coops when we moved there. I will post more info as soon as someone responds to my email. :)

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