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Posts posted by Brindee


    Kinetics Books has the first seven chapters of their geometry program available for preview. We signed up for the trial and so far dd likes it better than Jacobs. I think once the full fledged program comes out, we will go with this rather than continue with Jacobs which seemed dry to her. My $0.02.
    When is it set to be done and available for purchase?
  2. Having said that, Saxon is a very solid program, better than TT for sure.
    :confused: Ummm, really that's a judgment call. TT works fabulously for many, many kids! For us, 2 of my 3 kids deplored Saxon, so we used a different curriculum. I wouldn't "bash" Saxon, though, since I know many who have done well with it also.


    My two older guys both did TT Geometry and had no problems at all with it. Both scored extremely well on the ACT/SAT with it. I recommend it and it's far less expensive than Chalkdust. Personally, I don't care for Saxon at the high school level, but I haven't seen their stand alone Geometry. TT gets routinely bashed on here, but IRL, I've only seen positive and very positive results.
    Yes, thank you!


    My point with this is that not all curriculums work well for all students. That doesn't make it a bad curriculum necessarily, it just may not work well with a certain child. Keep an open mind, since we can all give you suggestions, but noone here knows your dd like you do, so we can't say what will definitely work or not work! :001_smile:




    All I can say is I DON'T recommend Rosetta Stone... It's one regret I have from homeschooling.


    Then, my other advice is to realize that as long as you pick SOMETHING and keep her loving learning while doing it, things will work out. ;)

  3. As someone said on the General Board, I'd take care of the tonsils and adenoids first and see how things go with her, maybe retesting her hearing and things before proceding with an exploratory surgery! His jump to surgery kind of scared me too!


    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

  4. What about her adenoids? My son had "trophy-sized" adenoids that blocked him from hearing (he flat-lined the hearing test and was starting to read lips at 3 years old) and he had constant ear infections. He also had major fluid build-up, as there was no room for it to drain. He had his adenoids removed and tubes in the ears, and he's been fine since. I know you said there was no fluid, but I was just curious about the adenoids.

  5. Just :grouphug: for you. It's not easy deciding and doing what's right for your kiddos. I know some people have known since the beginning that they'd homeschool and never considered other options. I envy those people, and I'm certainly not one of them.


    :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: to those working through all this. It certainly isn't easy! We never considered homeschooling until right before we started, so it was a big change in plans for us! I'm glad we stuck it out, and am thankful to friends here who helped me get started, and have been so very thankful for the help I've received online here at the Hive!

  6. My younger two used to love to massage my shoulders/neck/back, feet and brush my hair. It was always their idea.


    As he got older, DS18 thought about massage therapy, but decided against it. DD is interested in being an RN.


    Both of them had a special way, but dd, especially, had a special touch that others didn't.


    My mom was a nurse, and she'd come home very tired. I'd rub her feet, and she always told me that it helped her the most when I rubbed her feet than even if my dad did.


    I did that a lot, and loved helping my mom, but I didn't want to do that for a living. :)

  7. Like others have said, I have LOVED homeschooling! Each of my 3 have been different, and it's been an amazing experience! I wouldn't trade it for the world!


    We had bad days. We had times we struggled. However, we would have had struggles and bad days whether they were homeschooled or in a school outside the home! I absolutely LOVE that I will NEVER say, "I wish I would've spent more time with my kids" because that would've been nearly impossible! :D Now that they're older, I see the difference it has made for them, and am so thankful I was blessed with the opportunity to homeschool and have my children home with me!


    It may not work for everyone. I have a friend who cried when talking to me one time, as others had told her she was doing the wrong thing by going back to work and putting her daughter in daycare. I would NEVER tell someone that! That's a very personal choice, and she is a very good mommy! That's what works best for her, and what she chose after much thought and prayer.


    So for me--loved it, wouldn't want it any other way! For others, whatever works best. Any forcing of it would tend to negate the benefits!

  8. Oh Nance. I am just in tears for you. What a horrid, lousy day. :( The hell miscarrying women have to go through to get any degree of medical help is so unreal and unfeeling and lacking in all compassion. :grouphug:


    I hope tomorrow is a little better. And the next day more so. And I hope you are able to conceive a sticky bean ASAP. I am praying for that for you. :grouphug:

    :iagree: Praying for you to be able to conceive a healthy one soon!!! :grouphug:
  9. The Milburn Hotel is a great location. You are close to Lincoln Center and a bus/quick subway ride away from Times Square (you could even walk it if you are ambitious :001_smile:). You are also close to Museum of Natural History (which is amazing) and Central Park.
    Thank you!


    My dh liked the location of The Milburn Hotel better, so I booked us there. I also booked Amtrak to make sure we could get there and back. ;) So we are getting set! :thumbup:


    Now I need to do more research on where we want to go and how long it will take, etc., etc.



    THANK YOU everyone for your help!!! :grouphug:

  10. I'm not sure what a New York Pass entitles you to. I guess it depends on what you want to see and how much time you want to spend there. Remember that the MET and Natural History are a whatever you want to pay donation. Also factor in travel time from one place to another. My opinion is that one can't see everything in a couple of days. All the museums have so much in them. I love to see a show. And your kids are old enough to want to walk through neighborhoods like China town and just enjoy being in the city, sitting in sidewalk cafes and wandering a bit.
    You pay a certain amount, then you can use the card to bypass lines and get in, and if you go to a few places you save some time and money. That's the gist of it I think, from what I gathered while searching.


    Since we want to do the touristy things, I was trying to figure out what we could actually do in a couple of days to make it worth getting....taking into consideration not overdoing it TOO much, and the logistics of getting from one place to another. It includes a guidebook that shows where everything is, which helps you see which things can be done on the same day since they're in the same vicinity.

  11. Amtrak only goes to Penn Station.


    Have you read the reviews on Trip Advisor?


    I would check out hotels in Hoboken/Jersey City. Then you can take the Path train back and forth.


    Getting back and forth through the Lincoln Tunnel can be easy or it can be a nightmare. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to when there will be an accident or construction, etc.

    What's the Path train? Should I just Google it? Thanks for the info.!
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