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Posts posted by amyk

  1. Here is my question, and it could be really dumb, but it is something I don't understand. Those who vaccinate have protected their children against the diseases we are talking about, right? So why does anyone say that if you don't vaccinate you are putting other people's children at risk? You are only putting at risk those who have chosen NOT to vaccinate, not those who have vaccinated. But it is the pro-vaxxers that are up in arms about their children being at risk. Am I missing something?

  2. It's ok for them to memorize definitions without fully understanding them :) Grammar stage is for memorization, logic stage for understanding how all the parts of speech work together. When my daughter was in 8th grade I was memorizing these kinds of definitions with youngers and she chimed in, "someday you will really understand what that means!"

  3. Most Latin classes will use American order.


    My husband teaches in high school and he made the switch to UK. The biggest reason is that he uses Hans Oerberg's Lingua Latina and Oerberg lists everything in UK order. The biggest advantage I see to UK order in terms of memorizing is that dative and ablative (which are always the same in the first and second declensions and in the third declension plural) are together, and the nominative and accusative are together, so the nominative/accusative are the same in the neuter rule is easy to see. 


    That being said, whatever order you use, if you know it well you will be able to function just fine in a classroom that uses another order.

  4. The CAT starts in Kindergarten and tests in reading, language mechanics and math. We have always done this starting in Kindergarten (this test is read to the kindergartener) and found it a great encouragement and a rite of passage from one grade to another. There is a test prep booklet you can get to give them an idea of the format of the test and prepare them for what it will be like. The tests are $25 from Seton testing, we take it at home, send it off, they grade it and send you an official document with your child's scores.

  5. We had a flea problem thanks to our cats too, a couple of years ago. They seemed to become immune to Frontline. I was worried we were breeding super-fleas in our backyard! And my poor dd got *nailed*. (I guess she's the sweetest one of the family!)

    I'll echo the recommendations of the PP about the pet treatment, but when it comes to dealing with the infestation in the house, I have two words for you:

    Flea Busters. http://www.amazon.com/Fleabusters-Rx-Fleas-Plus/dp/B000MS6Q2Q

    That stuff *works*!! Yes, you have to wait about 6 weeks to get rid of all the life cycle stages, but in the meantime a couple of those glue/light traps work pretty well to catch the adults.

    Good luck!!

    I second this--this stuff is awesome!
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