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Posts posted by abc123mom

  1. Well, I know its been years since I chipped my tooth as a kid but at that time nothing was done. There was a lot of pain in the beginning which did go away in a day or two. After that I had to wait til I was well into my teens(think around 17) so that my permanent tooth would be fully grown when it was capped- At least by my senior yearbook pic the cap was in place not noticeable at all:) Who knows nowadays maybe they keep giving you new caps as your tooth grows but back then you just lived with it til your tooth was fully "adult size" before capping it.


    All that too say -I dont think waiting til you get back will make any difference. Sorry to hear she chipped her tooth. I still remember the pain of the air getting up to the nerve as it was exposed. But let her know the pain did go away in pretty quick time.

  2. I was wondering if you could share what homeschooling your highschooler with mild cognitive issues looks like. My ds is at @ a 4-5 gr reading level and doing TT 7 this year. The normal highschool route doesnt appear that it will be doable for him next year as he enters 9th grade. I am trying to figure out how to provide a "high school" education for him -any thoughts or help from those who have BTDT would be very much appreciated.

  3. I am trying to work on some remedial reading for my ds who is 14. I spoke to a consultant at HSLDA and she recommended High Noon books. I had never heard of them so checked out their website. There is a lot there. Was wondering if anyone has had experience with these and if so what products did they use? My son struggles with comprehension more than anything else so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  4. I would appreciate any ideas for English for a "not so fond" of English or literature kind of student-My dd is more Math/Science oriented.


    She did MFW AhL in 9th, Lifepac English 10.


    Any ideas for something that is more of a "get the job" done sort of thing.


    She did very well with an online Writing a Research Paper class through Landry Academy. So if you have any online ideas that would be great. Most of the online classes I have found seem to be more AP classes which would not be a good fit for her.



  5. My 13 ds suffered from croup repeatedly until about age 8. (Many said it would go away by that age but alas it never did) He eventually had his tonsils and adenoids out (age 8) and hasn't had a bout since. I was very thankful-those were long, scary nights-2 ER visits, steroids, antibiotics and little sleep-Hugs to you.

  6. I enjoy getting up early to do devotionals, read the newspaper, exercise and eat breakfast before the kids crawl out of bed. If I get up at 5:30 I can usually manage that before they come down at 7 AM. Then I can focus on them and getting them started with their day.

  7. My dd had this when she was 6 years old. She had been sick for several days and finally after trips to the ped doc w/ no ans. we brought her to hosp where she was admitted. Took @1/5 days for a solid dx but once she had a special IV treatment(caught early enough)she was okay. We had to followup with cardiologist for about a year to make sure there was no heart damage--


    She is now approaching 15 and recently ran her first 5k--she is fine now w/ no residual effects


    Praising God they caught it early with your grandson, too. That is key!

  8. My dd is finishing up AHL --we had a very good year and learned much. Both my dd and I liked the independent aspects of MFW. It was very well laid out and covered much-good instructions for writing essays and while some of the reading wasnt exactly to her liking-not a big Illiad fan-she did learn from it

    Rigorous enough for us~


    I had done SL Core 1 & 3 years ago before finding MFW-I like the layout and ease of use of MFW

  9. My dd is finishing up TT Alg. next week. She has done the entire year independently and is avg. in the B+/A- range--she is an avg math kid and has no complaints with TT-when she doesnt understand something she just listens to the "teacher" explain the solution and that clarifies it for her.


    We have also sold TT when we were done with it(TT 4 and 5)quickly on these boards. We have/or are using TT 4,5,6, pre-alg and Alg--I think it is worth every penny.

  10. I was wondering for any of you who may be using MFW AHL-did any of you substitute Odessey w/ something else or just skip it. Is there a movie recommendation for this? The reason I ask is that my DD has been sick lately and missed a lot of school. I am trying to think of a way to cut out something or at least make it a bit quicker to help her get caught up.

    She has many plans this summer so I dont know that we would be able to squeeze it in there either. Thanks for any advice.

  11. My 12 ds is using Winston Grammar and it is going very well for him. He sounds alot like your daughter. He conts. w/ speech ther for apraxia and does not retain things that are presented auditorily--Winston Grammar is just right for him. AAS has been a godsend for him w/ spelling-again very visual and hands on--

  12. I am another TT fan. DS is using TT6 and DD is using Alg 1. They both are doing very well with it and my DD is doing Alg 1 totally independently. A good thing 'cause I dont know if I would be much help. She is avg. 88 on her tests and really seems to be grasping all the concepts. Some may say it is behind but my kids are learning and retaining. And that is all a plus as far as I am concerned.

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