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Leanna Tomlinson

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Posts posted by Leanna Tomlinson

  1. I had a baby 11 days after my 46th birthday.  It was a total shock. I was SURE it was menopause, after all I was having hot flashes. Then I started falling asleep in the afternoon, so it was a "virus". Then I started feeling nauseated, so I thought it was my gall bladder.  I was almost 8 weeks before I figured it out.


    I have since met two women who delivered at 46 and 47.  We have a club….you can join. ;)



    BTW - our little surprise is an adorable active 16 month old and is only 9 months older than our first grandchild. 

  2. Congratulations! I didn't see this when it was posted! How is she doing? I know she must have been a little early. My little one was born at 37 weeks and took several weeks to wake up and nurse well. I hope all is well with you and your precious little girl. :)

  3. Well after a horrific labor and delivery with bleeding, a partial abruption, a baby with a crashing heart rate, and threats of a C-section, our little one is here. She's been released from the NICU finally and we are in our room. We are both ok and it's truly a miracle. Thanks for your prayers!



    I'm so sorry things were so difficult, but I'm glad you are both OK now.

    BTW- It's OK and normal if you need to cry a little about how things didn't go well. It doesn't mean you aren't completely thankful for a healthy baby.


  4. :grouphug:


    I just went through almost this exact scenario and delivered my baby boy on 10/11/12 at 37 weeks 1 day. My water broke while we were trying to decide when to induce, so that decision was made for me. My delivery was great and my bp was fine during labor.


    I'll be praying for you.


    It is a good you are having a girl. My little guy was (and still is-5 weeks later) a very sluggish nurser. The pediatrician said most 37 week girls are "ready", but most 37 week boys act more like a preemie.


    One note of caution.....have your BP checked at 5-6 days postpartum. Apparently it is very common for BP to spike again at this time even if it's normal after delivery. No one told me this, but I felt horrible at 6 days postpartum. I checked my BP and it was 170/110 - higher than it had ever been during my pregnancy highs. I was put on meds to control it, and I've just been able to go off the meds this week.


    Praying :grouphug:

  5. Our Peter turned one month old yesterday. :)

    Obviously we like it!


    You and I must have the same taste in names. We also have a Luke and Jonathan, and two of your girls' names are middle names for two of our girls.


    BTW- we are in Ohio and asked several people if they held a negative connotation associated with the name Peter. Everyone who said, "yes" was over 60 years old. No one under 35 had the male body part association at all.

    Actually everyone who associated Peter with a male body part had military ties.

  6. Peter Stephen was born on 10/11/12 at 37 weeks weighing 7lbs. 5oz. 20 in long. Our little surprise from God was born 10 days after my 46th birthday. :)


    This pregnancy definitely had it's challenges. The last one being gestational hypertension which put me on bedrest for the last 2 weeks before he was born. I came home from my last prenatal appointment on 10/10 knowing that I was facing at least another week in bed. I was anxious about the baby and my ability to deliver after 2 or more weeks in bed. That night, I was sobbing to my husband because I was afraid. I knew my Dr. was trying to make the best decision for me and my baby, but waiting for the baby to be term while I struggled with high blood pressure caused much anxiety. I begged God to give me patience if waiting was best for the baby, or to bring on labor if that was best. Shortly before midnight that night, my water broke. It was such an answer to prayer.


    My 20yo dd rushed down from school to accompany us to the hospital. We waited several hours for contractions to begin, which they did around 5am. Peter Stephen was born (without an epidural and sunnyside up) at 7:54am. Shortly after delivery, the OB showed us the true knot in the umbilical cord. Thankfully, it was loose and had not yet become a problem, but I am so thankful that God in his wisdom allowed this baby to come a little early before the knot could tighten.


    Peter is acting like a typical late term preemie. He's a little sleepy and won't nurse long enough. We've been in a continual nurse, pump, supplement cycle since we came home this weekend. Please pray that he gets the hang of nursing very soon!

  7. :grouphug:


    How are you and the baby doing today?


    Thanks for checking on me! I had a biophysical profile today and the baby is doing well and growing as expected.


    I'm monitoring my BP at home and it does go up if I do much of anything, so the Dr. has me on fairly strict bedrest. I see him tomorrow. His hope is that I can make it to 37/38 weeks without developing preeclampsia. So far, my bloodwork etc. just shows gestational hypertension.


    I'm sure you know this, but if you develop a severe headache, blurred vision, jaundice, or swelling in the face, go back in. Even if your bp doesn't go back up, if you have those symptoms, go back in. If you develop HELLP syndrome, they can catch it earlier with bloodwork than by waiting for you to start spilling protein. I hope the bp was just stress and not preeclampsia or HELLP. :grouphug:


    One of my friends developed HELLP a few years ago, and that has been a huge fear of mine. Thankfully my blood work is just indicating gestational hypertension right now.


    Bedrest is starting to wear on me, but thankfully my mother and my married dd have been here this week to help. I had my 46th birthday this week, so I'm just thankful that I made it this far without major complications. :)

  8. I have the combo print/DE for three years. If I had to choose one, I'd choose the DE.


    - I like to download it on my Rhetoric students computers so they have access to their assignments, questions, Poetics and Frameworks.


    - it's easier to find things on DE


    - I'm glad I will continually get the updates.


    The only disadvantage to "DE only" is that you may lose the assignments for an old book when it gets replaced by a new book.


    That being said .... I love curling up at night with my Tapestry manual and using my highlighter to prepare for discussions. You can still do that with DE, but you'll have to print the pages first.

  9. Hang in there! That's awesome that you're so far along! I was on bedrest from 31-37 weeks with my 4yo DD for preeclampsia. It was bad but she is healthy and fine! I was on bedrest from 29 to 36.5 weeks with my 1yo DD for BP issues too. Stay in bed and try to stay on your left side as much as possible! You don't want to mess with high bp issues while pregnant! I know it's no fun but it protects that baby! Post away on the boards! :grouphug:



    The left side position really is making a difference! My BP stays in the 130's/ 85-90 when I sit up too long. If I get on my left side it's down to 110/70 very quickly! I knew about the left side position, but never could see until now how much difference it can make!

  10. I had it with my oldest, and she was born at 36 weeks at 4 lb 15 oz but was perfectly fine. Perhaps this will make you feel better: I have heard, and it was validated by my tiny, but perfectly healthy, baby, that your body knows baby's time is up and helps baby mature faster than is usual. None of the doctors were particularly surprised by how well she did. No oxygen, no NICU, no feeding problems, nothing! :)



    Same here. Hopefully my story will make you feel better too: I developed pre-eclampsia with my oldest at 26 wks: BP was 160/120 (normal for me is 100/60) and I had protein in my urine.


    My doctor wanted me to remain hospitalized at that point until I delivered, but my insurance refused.


    My son was born a month early. He only weighed 5 pounds, but he was perfectly healthy and we went home 2 days after he was born. He is now a 6 foot 16 year old.


    :grouphug: Just remember to rest on your left side as much as possible. :grouphug:


    My Dr. basically said the same thing yesterday, but it's comforting to hear from those that actually experienced it. Thank you!

  11. Eight years ago we added on a new kitchen and had a kitchen designer help us.

    She organized the work spaces into "triangles". We have 3 imaginary "triangles" in our kitchen. The idea is that you don't have to go outside of that triangle to do most tasks.


    Because we have a large family and we all like to cook, our designer organized a "cooking triangle" and a "baking triangle", then later she recommended the placement of items so we have a "snack triangle". The idea of the triangle is to cut down on steps, eliminate cross traffic, and organize by use.


    The corners of the cooking triangle are the fridge, stove, and sink. The drawers in that space contain the spices, pots & pans, and utensils you would normally need at the stove. The placement of these items is so logical and really cuts down on the steps. I have a spice drawer, which I love, right next to the stove. I don't have to move at all to get a spice while I'm preparing food. All the dishes I need are within arms reach.


    The corners of the baking triangle contain the oven (separate from the stove), the baking cabinet with baking ingredients, and a cabinet with mixing bowls, etc. It only over laps the other triangle slightly, so that two people doing different things in the kitchen don't keep running into each other. BTW- this means I have two containers of salt. One in the cooking triangle and one in the baking triangle.


    The "snack triangle" contains the coffee maker, a cabinet with snacks, and the fridge. The designer designated cups, snack items, etc. to be stored at the edge of the kitchen away from my two "work triangles".


    Also, the silverware and plates are in an end cabinet towards the table, so someone setting the table won't be in the path of the cook.


    Does this make any sense? I wish I could send you a diagram. It was really helpful talking through the process of cooking/ baking with the kitchen designer and thinking through where things need to be placed.

  12. I guess I need a better section title than How To Do Stuff You Actually Already Know How To Do But Are Currently Too Freaked Out To Execute...that won't fit on the little tab.


    I needed this Thursday as strange noises started emanating from every bathroom in the house. And then the septic system started backing up.....:ack2:


    I could remember that the septic man had blue eyes and curly black hair, but I could NOT remember his name or find his number!! Thankfully dh was in town, not in a meeting, and could break free to help me. I told him I need an emergency book for when I can't think!!!

  13. I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow, and at my Dr. visit yesterday my blood pressure was 168/110. I had not felt well all day, so he sent me over to the hospital and said I may have to deliver. I was not mentally prepared to have a baby last night!!


    They monitored the baby and me for two hours. My bp never rose above 135/85, the baby looked great, my blood work was normal. I was sent home to spend the weekend in bed and collect a 24 hour urine.


    Please pray that my blood pressure stays down and I can let this baby cook a little longer. Thankfully I can monitor my bp at home. It's staying in the 130's/ 85-90.


    I had so many things to do today around the house, so I might drive you all crazy being on the boards. I was nesting, and now I'm in bed!!!

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