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Lauren R.

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Posts posted by Lauren R.

  1. HI Lauren R! Glad to see you on...maybe you can come and shed some light on all of this confusion for us!



    She's viewing this thread now.


    I was going to start a new thread but I'll just post on this one :)


    The whole troll thing is creepy!


    To clarify about the accounts, my old username was Momof7inTX then I asked the Moderators to change it to Lauren R. because I was moving. I didn't realize that it could take so long, so I just made the Mom in Michigan account. Then It got banned. And the sense they changed the Momof7inTX to the name I wanted (Lauren R.). Sorry about the confusion!

    I haven't actually logged onto my account for awhile, we just got moved in our new house And I'm also 21 weeks pregnant!


    I'm hoping this gets cleared up, I really enjoy reading the forums and just had enough time to start posting again :)

  2. Property is super cheap down there now so it's a great time to come back! And he has a job so you're set. :)


    We actually already have a house, My very-close cousin lives there in a HUGE house, thinking she would have many children. Life didnt work that way and she only had 1 and then her husband passed away. She has lived in the house for 3 years since, hoping someone would buy it, but they never did, so were going too :D


    We just have to sell are curent house, but one of my friends living here has been looking for a bigger house, and im going to see if she wants to buy our house. :D

  3. :) I love Michigan. Where will you be living? I lived in Grand Rapids for 11 years. Now in Los Angeles!! Miss the cold weather sooooo much!


    Eastern Michigan-Macomb County (if your familiar with the area)


    Welcome home! :001_smile:


    Thanks! :001_smile:

  4. Dh got a new job! In michigan!


    I've been wanting to move back there (lived there as a kid)


    All my family is there! And im getting so sick of the very hot weather in Texas.


    All the kids are asleep, and dh wanted to talk to me about it first if i wanted to move, and i do! They will be so excited they love going there!:D


    Just thought i'd share my excitment :D


    But i guess that means, i have to change my username? Can you? Or do you have to make a new account? :lol:

  5. My 9 year old is a very artsy kid and she made a bunch of stuff necklaces , bracelts, bookmarks and other random "one of a kind pieces"


    She would go to the flea market with my cousin & she's made about 450$ in about 9 months, and she's saving it. I think it's great :)


    But if you dont want to have them try to sell them, just say no & hang them up somewhere in your house :001_smile:

  6. Almost 3 & Almost 4 year olds (preschool)- Sonlight Core p3/4 or HOD LHTH


    Almost 5 (advanced) & Almost 7 year old (1st & 2nd grade) - Sonlight Core B (CLE LA at their level & seperate math either way) or HOD LHFHG


    9 & 11 year olds (5th & 6th grade) - HOD CTC (w/ extensions for the 6th grader) or Sonlight Core F (would use CLE LA instead) (seperate math either way)


    13 year old (9th grade) - Songlight Core 100 or HOD Rev To Rev or MFW AHL


    I cant decide..Anyone use any of them? Did you/ your dc like it?

  7. I have a 2 & 3 year old boys and they're often called "the boys"

    I also have a 6 & 4 year old often called "the girls"

    And then the 3 olders kids 13, 9, 11 are occasionally called "the older kids"


    IMO, i dont see anything wrong with it, especially when you have a large family, instead of listing everyone's name its easier.


    As long as you still call them by their names too, i dont see anything wrong with it ;)

  8. In my house everytime you swear or imply a swear word you have to put your money (allowance,birthday money,etc.) in the swear jar, each word has a different amount. Even adult that come in my house, including me and dh.


    We do however allow them to make up some gibberish word, if you get what i mean! ;)


    At the end of the year we use the money to buy something for the whole family (last year we got a wii)

  9. Okay, it's official. Our door is going to be locked tonight. I have decided it is not cruel to lock your kid out of your room. It is cruel to want to beat the cr*p out of them all day long because they kept you up all night. LOL! I'll keep you updated!


    We did this to our now 13 year old she was about 6 at the time and she started crying and banging on the door after a while she sat down right outside the door, after about an hour, she was exhausted, i opened the door and toke her to her room put her in her bed, and she feel right to sleep!

    Mind you, this happened EVERY night for 3 weeks straight! :glare:

    But it finally sunk in. I felt so bad though :(

  10. Thats cool! but i dont think it would work them being so young, but maybe in a few years :D


    Dh told me we should just get the trundle bed b/c even though they LOVE pirates now it will probably not last that long, so we shouldnt invest in a whole room around pirates.


    So they'll get that bed and then im going to get comforter set, blinds etc :D


    I LOVE thinking of designs for rooms and decorating them :D

    I still have to find things for dd13,ds11, dd9 and we have to move around furniture in the 6 & 4 yod's room. (well as soon as dh starts and finishes the wall ;) )

  11. With my idea dh would have to build it so i was a talking to him about it

    and he said it wasnt possible (the ceilings to low) and then i came up with a new one and he said he doesnt have enough time to build it, he's going to be splitting the huge bonus room so dd9 will have her own room and he's going to be building a wall and he also works 40+ hours a week so i'll just have to buy something :D


    Just found this http://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/pirate-bed/


    Im considering that, but im going to keep looking :D

  12. Great idea about the toddler bed! Going to look on the internet for one to match a pirate theme!


    Even if we cant find one, we always have the option of putting them both on the bottom bunk (it will be a full size)


    I'm terrified he'll fall, he tosses and turns all night! So i think we'll do one of the options listed above :)

  13. We will be moving everyone around in our household, and i thought of a good way we can make ds2 (almost 3) and ds3 (almost 4) have an awesome pirate theme room (the love them :) ) but it would require the older ds to be on the top part of a bunkbed, we would get a bunkbed that has mini stairs up to the top bunk and we'd make sure there's rails.


    Do you think it would be okay?

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