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Posts posted by VeganCupcake

  1. I'd say close to 15 loads a week. We cloth diaper our twins, and also use mostly cloth cleaning and personal care items around the house. My older kids are messy and DH is not a re-wearer. DH would probably only use a towel once as well for himself or one of the children if he's supervising bath/shower time, if I didn't rescue them from the hamper on a fairly regular basis.


    ETA: We are 2 adults and 4 children. 

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  2. I guess that is kind of similar to the gal "fashion" of going out in what are essentially pantyhose.



    Can I get a "hear, hear," for a ban on pantyhose? Those things are heinous. 


    Full disclosure: I am wearing a wonderfully comfortable pair of leggings right this minute.

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  3. The boy-o gets his clipped at home by either me or DH. We have gotten reasonably good at blending. And when you're 4, you can afford to look a little weird sometimes. :)


    Oldest gets hers cut every 3 months or so at an inexpensive salon for $15 + tip.


    Twin toddlers just have baby mullets, so they're getting home trims for now.

  4. I didn't change my name, though we live in a pretty conservative area and go to a conservative church. I saw no reason to change my name--it's just a cultural tradition that I didn't particularly care for. Our kids have both names and oldest picks and chooses which one she wants to use at any given time. It's fine with me.


    It does seem to confuse people around here, but I don't mind. 

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  5. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction has been used for chronic pain and other chronic conditions with clinically proven success. Jon Kabat-Zinn has at least one smart phone app that leads you through various types of meditation used in MSBR. There are also books. 


    Here is a link to some of the studies about MSBR: http://www.mindfullivingprograms.com/whatMBSR.php


    I just got my DH this book: Mindfulness for Beginners It comes with a CD. My DH has been meditating and it has been very helpful to him in a variety of ways. He's a skeptic, but he was impressed! 

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  6. I think lots of us would benefit from thinking more about movement and the body's very real need to move a lot during the day, vs. exercise. Exercise often requires equipment and special clothing and can be very inconvenient, but movement is something you can and should do all day, everyday. You can set up your home and life to require a lot more moving (getting up and down off the floor, hanging, climbing, clambering, squatting, etc.) and your body will probably start to feel a lot better because of it.


    That's the thing about exercise/movement: your body needs it, and you will probably notice that your body feels a lot better once you are moving more.

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  7. I wouldn't get a flu shot while pregnant because most still contain thimerosal.


    Just ask for the single-dose preservative-free shot. It's thimerosal free. I think it's the only one my doctor's office has anyway.

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