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Posts posted by J'Marie

  1. FYI-My 16yo son says they have violence but not overly graphic, They live in an Abby but don't actually worship anything, and refer to "The Dark Forest" where they go when they die. Villians are completely evil and call each other names worse than stupid or idiot, and just rude like "Muck mouth, boogle eyes" Use h*ll & d*m occassionaly, not very often. Never any magic used or implied.

    Try to get them on tape from your library to listen to one. Although my son says Brian Jacques narrates them and with his Brittish accent it's not that enjoyable audio. But I got one so I could hear it. It was hard to follow and I gave up. My son tends to be diserning and I have allowed him to read them. He's very good at letting me know when he thinks we should get rid of a book.

    He enjoys them.

    They don't read HP they have read Tolkien, but I am borderline on the real difference between the two. I don't know? Here I let my husband decide. And he's ok with them?


    Jeanine :confused:

  2. I remember having about 2-3 dozen prefolds and about 10 covers at any given time. I also bought a yard of fleece (really cheap) and cut it into rectangles to line the dipes with. Poop slid right off this and it kept the prefolds from staining. I used both pins and snappis. _____________


    Dd (17) - Senior at journalism high school

    Dd (14) - Freshman at performing arts high school

    Ds (10) - Ambleside Online Yrs 2&3, Teaching Textbooks 5, Spelling Skills 4, Instant Immersion Spanish




    OK I second this idea even on fitted diapers. let me add I also bought fleece cut it up to line my diapers. It is great for plopping "poops" right into the toilet. Prevents staining. I cut mine in a fitted hour glass shape. The shape you see doublers in. FYI put it on after you fold the diaper....my husband would fold it with the diaper which totally defeated its purpose LOL. Also it keeps a dry layer against your babies skin. If you do plain white prefolds, here is where you can buy cute baby prints. Cut one for every diaper you have. Fleece blankets & scarfs you never use workwell too ( I tended to get these as gifts and they just take up space, now they are "Being used'.


    HTH again


  3. Megan said I don't love our cloth diapers, but they are fine. It's not their fault, it's mostly because I don't love doing cloth diaper laundry....LOL I agree I don't love it, but I am used to it and it's economical. I have been cloth diapering for 20 years.


    I tried a variety of fitted but can't justify the cost to go all fitted or AIO. I am an old fashion prefold pinning girl, We use covers from BestBuyBaby.com. or BabybestBuy.com?? A breathable nylon, they last the longest. I do love my homemade wool legging for nighttime, and I have a dozen wool wraps and plus a dozen prowraps. On newborns fitted are great though! Otherwise the bulk is too much with prefolds. I picked up some carosel brand for these, which I love, and made doublers for. But I can't find these anywhere online. i usually use disposables the first week. (or until the package runs out) I have been tempted by the AIO fitted I saw for around $5 each, Sunbaby? I think? for baby #9. As I am ready to be spoiled. But my frugal New England roots have yet to give in....


    Let me add who will be diapering? We have several kids & my husband who all take turns. Me & the kids like snappies, My husband hates them. My kids love my form fitted velcros with wrap style covers (I do for messies ones too.... less mess than pulling off the pullup kind) I like having a stash of these easy style ones for "anti" CD kids or grandma's who may need to change the baby.

    So definately go ask your husband his preference. The extra cost is worth it for AIO, if it adds another helper to the mix. Thankfully my husband like prefolds & pins.

    And I am blessed that he does the diaper washing too. (although I sacrifice a little because he does it slightly different than I would, but it's worth it)



  4. Thankful that my kids and I have spent hours outside today enjoying spring!


    Thankful for my loving, hardworking and funny DH!


    Thankful to be a mommy!


    Thankful for freedom to homeschool!


    And mine got to dawn snowsuits and go sledding in the fresh 6 inches of spring snow! Only in New England...Enjoying it while it's here...but Thankful it will hopefully soon be gone :confused:

  5. Well I am one of those who bought them & never used them..(ok we did the first lesson) I bought them at the cirriculum fair from Rainbow resource..they were the cheapest but I also still have them if you want to e-mail me for prices..they are almost like new..they are definately a sturdy book

  6. A degree doesn't necessarily qualify you...After all it's not even a teaching degree they usually require...Those who have a degree may then be required to get a teaching degree and where does it stop? I know more learning comes thru hands on teaching of children, than from writing papers, and reading textbooks...Just becuase you have only a HS dilpoma doesn't mean you barely scraped by either..Many choose higher learning outside college..

  7. We have the classic, and I think it is definatly suffucient...the redesign has improved the set up- but personally I prefer the classic, maybe because I am use to it. It has way more than we could complete, I have used it for 4 years, done all four years with all levels..So if budget is an issue buy a used classic- especially with one child..spend the difference on books you can't get from the library (IMO)...I could only compare the classic with the free three weeks they give you online but to mee the differences were not major...and actually it seems they are making everything separate..which can be more costly

  8. This was my favorite as a kid too, I read it in about 5th grade..My kids love it..there is also a movie about it..pretty close to the book(older movie)My son went dressed as the "tollbooth" for a boy scout activity..using a paperbag over his head as the booth ( I recall they had to ise a PPbag as the focal piont)..we still have it..easy to store :grouphug:

  9. I have one of those round tables w/ three flimsy legs, covered with fabric..you could make a much sturdier one with two milk crates and a square or round board & cover with matching fabric... or Go sheek and leave your bed on the floor for a "aisian" appeal..using your pillows as floor pillows. tall lamps in the corner draped with shears, breakfast tray as your side tables...As a teen I put my mattress on milkcrates & plywood as the box spring...you could never tell there was no frame..Banana boxes slid under your bed could work as temporary underdraw beds until you find something else second hand...personally my drawer has lots of little draws that are useless to me.. I prefer a closet with shelves & some hanging space. Consider lowering your closet rod, and adding one or two shelves up top for things that were in your draws.. Stools make neat side tables..if your beds high. Or simplify have a bed, chair & reading lamp..using under the bed/closet for clothes...I've seen the plywood fabric covered headboard, an old door on its side, a montage of pitcures..put it under your window & let the drapes do the work...a short book case headboard...HTH:D

  10. In NH it's 16 if you have drivers ed..but they can drive at 16 with their parent, without a permit..they just need their Birth Certificate. Our dd (and several of our friends did this) will drive with us supervised until 18 then she may get her drivers liscence. It's $500+ here for drivers ed, and we have a 15 passenger vehicle..that I wouldn't let her drive alone anyways..our rural hilly (mountainous for NH) roads, especially in winter can be ferioucious (sp?). She has only driven a few times in my husbands car, (a 7 passenger dodge durango- our small car!!) We may purchase a small car for our family (mainly dad as a commuter car) that has 4 wheel drive..because gas prices are killing us! And we need 4wd to get home in the winter..that she would have use of when available but it wouldn't be hers exclusively..and its if we can get it in the budget..As we will only buy a car outright...not with a carloan...Of course she may save for her own by then..too.:grouphug:

  11. No Rhonda, we are in a small town..the only other person I could find was alomost three time the price..and with seven kids and four currently doing music lessons there was no stretching it. Again the other problem is travel..to get anywhere here is travel and between cost,distance and a lost day of working..we are trying to think of other alternatives..his base may be good enough he can use what others have recommended here, His ear is great! He does just sit there and start playing pieces he knows from church..but has never played before..and with out music...Thanks all I am looking into those resources,:001_smile:

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