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Posts posted by Kirstin

  1. I'm schooling four boys and our computers are on the fritz. I'm going to have to get 4 computers in the course of the next year. We need enough "machine" to power things like heavy internet use, lots of educational sites online, school by CD rom and gaming (like minecraft, etc.) Can anyone suggest a great computer (type, brand, etc.) that is straightforward and simple for a non-computery mom like me to run and maintain for the kids? I'm not sure how to shop for computers or hone in on the best one to purchase. Thank you. 

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  2. It also frustrates me that my 4 boys have to put in and take out the disks each time. But I understand why(from the company's pov). We use lots of different CD roms throughout the day and week, so leaving it in doesn't work for us, either. It's a bummer. But they are getting a lesson in being very careful !! LOL

  3. I teach piano and I start out with the Music For Little Mozarts Series (CDs and flashcards also) and move on to either Piano Adventures (Faber) or Premier Piano Series (Alfred's).....depending on the child's learning type. Both series are excellent IMO.



  4. Piano Adventures and Alfred's Premier Piano Course both are simple, direct and have Audio CD's to aid in listening to and playing along with music. These are what I use when I give lessons. For the VERY young I begin with Music for little Mozarts (and Alfred's Publication) and for children your sons age the previously two mentioned. I'm not one who's good a choosing between things, I own both and like them equally. Hope that helps.

  5. Do you lefties mind italics very much? I ask because while my oldest two boys are right handed, my youngest two, so ironically, are lefties. Xander (5 1/2) is doing really excellently well with A Reason For Handwriting so far. I'll be moving my older two toward cursive, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't for Xander and Ryker and if I should just focus on Italics when it's time to do something beyond printing. I think Italics look nice and it's easy to turn it into a nice looking cursive when necessary. Right? LOL

  6. Thank you so much! I'm sorry I didn't get back to this in a very timely way. I have been busy and away from the computer. But THANK YOU. This is a great thread and was very practical help. I'm that ENFP intuitive who makes things that COULD be simple more complicated than they have to be. LOL LOL!


    As for CC.... CC is whatever you want to make of it. If you want to carry it on through the rest of the week, there is plenty to do to accomplish that. OR if you just want to show up on class day...get the community, drill, peer involvement and hands on stuff out of it....then you can. We chose the latter because of our family life being a bit off track with Cancer and other challenging issues going on. Things have balanced out now and I'm ready to try to tackle TOG. Our CC day will last til 1 p.m. next year. I will probably still go next year because the boys really love it. But I think I'll continue wanting to carve out a TOG path for us with the rest of the week. I'm good at changing my mind though and I have through the spring to decide. I'll practice doing that this spring and see how it goes.


    I love all the suggestions presented. Thanks so much!

  7. I think in "The Core" by Leigh Borton she said to try to have the kids memorize to the 15s and not just the typical 9s or 10s.

    I grab my reading time in obscure left over moments so maybe I read that wrong, but it does seem logical and helpful.

    I'm having a hard time finding a set(s) of flashcards for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division that goes that far up.

    Does anyone have a set? I know we could make them But I just don't wanna if I can buy some. LOL What a wimp huh?


    Also I wanted to say...HOW COOL ARE THESE????!!!!!


    http://www.dryerase.com/MFSP1116.htm < Squeal !! > The teacher in me really gets crazy about stuff like this.



    I absolutely LOVE LOVE this website, and I've already bought a couple of boards (for my music classes) from the bargain bins and the slight blemishes are easy to live with. Some of the boards had ZERO sign of apparent blemish or damage. That's a really nice way to get these boards even more discounted. but really they are just so well priced already. I have the boys work on various boards while I'm preparing lunch or doing dishes. So far we have several of the cool math ones, the clock, and the music ones. The music ones make repetition for learning the lines and spaces, etc.... SO much more fun!

  8. Let me prattle the details to you.


    For one thing, I'm just doing too much. I seem to thrive on the stress of that. :D


    So I'm doing a CC class on Wednesdays. But I wanted to keep CC to just that one day and do TOG the rest of the week. I guess I just stubbornly don't want to give up on TOG. LOL. I know ultimately I'm going to need to pick one. UGh.


    Can TOG even be done in 4 days? And 2ndly, what if I wanted to do Science on say Mon/Thursday and History on Tues./Fri. Have I basically just whittled away a practical schedule for TOG? From what I've read it's pretty much a "hit it daily" system because of everything else it includes. Right?


    And for that matter....My Apologia Science with the notebook and all that is kind of a 4 day schedule too. I was just trying to lighten everything we try to get done in one day because I have to work every evening.


    I guess I just needed to think outloud and bounce my brain off of you fine ladies.

  9. My precious nephew was a perfectly normal/average little guy (2-ish) until his shot. He was profoundly different by the next day's end and sick for several days. He is 13 today and will never be independent. They are using natural health therapy to lessen the effects and level of his Autism but the damage is done.


    ETA: I bet that sounded kinda snippity, I meant it as sad.

    I can't bring myself to trust the declarations of "experts" and "media".



  10. Hahaha! Well, if it makes you feel better....I had to start my music lessons this week at a local private school where I work in the after-school care program teaching music....and some of the moms there with older teens at another nearby private school STILL HAVE THIS WHOLE WEEK OFF!!! So in a sense....this is still vacation week. See, I just totally justified you taking this week to finish your series and feed on chocolate.



  11. Can someone start from the beginning and explain to me about Lego Curriculum. Is there really something more than just buying lego kits at the store and letting the boys build? There is curriculum? I would LOVE to know what all there is .... where do I go to learn more? My boys 9,7,and 5 would LOVE to do educational stuff with legos. OMGosh!


    Thanks for any help.

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