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Posts posted by Lovemyblessings

  1. On other patterns I've used with any kind of small loops,

    like belt loops or something similar, generally you cut one

    long piece (in this case the 3x12 piece). Then after the

    pressing is completed, you would divide the strip into

    However many loops you need, in this case 2. The thinking

    is that it's easier to press one big piece, than a bunch of itty

    bitty ones (it's easier not to burn fingers that way for one



    My guess is that the pattern writer simply left out the step

    where you cut the pressed rectangle into 2 pieces.



  2. Tread lightly here. Has she mentioned adoption? The situation with my second pregnancy was less than ideal. I was absolutely mortified when someone mentioned that I "could" consider adoption. Who did they think they were to make such a suggestion?! My kids and I have a wonderful life now- but that "recommendation" still haunts me to this day. It was not their place- and had they actually wanted my baby as their own, I would likely have cut off all communication with them.

  3. Well, that was nice of you; my own little redhead loves her hair, but gets very selfconscious when other people mention it--which of course they do all the time! (And indeed, there is red hair on both sides of the family, though more on mine.)


    I was this way when I was young also. And it drove me' NUTS when people would ask me' where I got my red hair or freckles especially when I was with my dad who resembles a genuine leprochaun. Duh people....

  4. This happened to me a couple of months ago. The pain in my hip- which came out of nowhere was so excruciating it brought me to tears. It lasted a week. Even Vicodin didn't touch it. Then it mysteriously went away as soon as it came on. Two weeks later I had pain in my chest and found out that the hip pain was a blood clot that moved into my lung. I'm not trying to scare you- but it's worth a doctors visit. I am relatively young (33) and healthy. I was absolutely shocked. Better to be safe than sorry. Good luck! Hope it's nothing serious in your case.

  5. I think there is definitely a possibility of psychosis going on in these situations. Pregnancy hormones can be so unpredictable. Obviously they are responsible- but I can't help but wonder what was really going on in their minds. I had severe pp-depression with my first child. I had pp-psychosis with my second. There is no way to describe with words how I felt or what I thought. Thankfully, therapy, medication, and constant companionship helped me' through it. My husband wanted many children- but I knew my state of mind would revert to those horrible thoughts. I just can't help but think these women are not "all there." My heart breaks for their families.

  6. Wow- I guess my thinking is different from many others. I've never felt gift registries of any kind were appropriate. Whether for a wedding or shower of any kind. What happened to sharing in the blessing of cherished company and graciously receiving gifts that the buyer/maker put thought into? Of course, if someone asks what you need or would like- by all means, do tell :) But it seems rude to assume people want to shop from your pre-made list.

  7. Wow- we have TONS of bats, but this hasn't happened to us in years. Do you think they are living in your attic? If so, I'd probably call a rodent service to have them removed- but not killed! They are so useful. They eat their own bodyweight in Mosquitos every day. We have 3 bat houses outside that the kids built, and they do seem to like living in them.

  8. First I decide how many school weeks we should do. (36) Then I decide how many days a week I will commit (4). Then I go through each textbook/workbook individually and spread it out to fit in our time frame. Some subjects are seasonal, and I figure out when this should be done- with some relating to Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. I plan the whole year at once. Because we do 4 days at a time, our schedule is flexible- we also start during the summer to take pressure off during the Fall/Winter.

  9. If you don't want to say "I know you don't approve, so why are you telling me again?" you could try "You know, you should talk to the man of the house about that. No, really. If you disapprove of his choices for his family, you should talk to him about it. I think his sense of adventure is pretty sexy, actually."


    They probably keep nagging at you because they are concerned, which is pretty natural since what you are doing is a bit out of the standard Wonderbread box of existence. It is a good thing that they care, it's not a good thing they are verbalising it so much. :tongue_smilie:




    I LOVE This!

  10. Thanks everyone, this has been very helpful.



    A second question if you don't mind, have you been able to receive enough in spousal support to allow you to continue homeschooling, or have you had to return to work or find supplemental income?


    I receive no spousal or child support. I work for my family and make my own hours. I am very fortunate in this aspect. But I am living on a single income and homeschooling- so to anyone wondering- in terms of income- it CAN be done! I budget carefully and I'm just overall thrifty :)

  11. I find it becoming more of an issue for me than it used to be. I see so many pretty girls wearing so little these days, and it just makes me' want to say: "Don't you know your value? You don't need such revealing clothes- people will still see your beauty." yeah, I know- teens have their own ideas of what's attractive. I was the same. I don't have girls, so I don't have to police the issue much- my boys are naturally modest.

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