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Posts posted by flopsymopsy

  1. My 17 year old son is tall and lean. Always has been. I have been asked if I ever feed him? You can see every rib. He is super slim. How does he know that he is not "normal"? Because others feel the need to constantly point it out. He is incredibly self conscious of his body.

    If your nephew has always been thin and he has not suddenly lost weight, then I do not believe you need to do or say anything else.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. A few years ago my 2 middle children struggled doing school together at the table. It made me crazy. I got some tri-fold boards and put them up on days they needed their own space at the table. Opposite ends of the table so the boards were not touching, otherwise touching boards were an issue. I also provided ear plugs for them if they were having trouble concentrating due to the noise(my son complained about pages turning, someone erasing, noises that sometimes I could not even hearðŸ˜). This did help at the time but some days one or both kids came to the table ready to carry on rather than do school. At times I gave incentives to finish school quickly and that helped cut down on that behavior too.


    I am happy to report that my middles are older now and this is not really an issue anymore. So your darlings will stage out of this behavior!😀

  3. we took my son to Shriners about 13 years ago for a bone issue. The doctor seemed knowledgeable and the staff was kind. They offered to enroll my ds in a trial that involved injections into his bone. The deal breaker for us is we would not be told what he was being injected with. So we passed on the trial.

  4. We are part of a couple homeschool coops as well as involved in homeschool sports teams. Both my husband and I are in leadership roles in the homeschool communities. Each year at this time we receive multiple invites to graduation parties. We love being a part of the homeschooling communities however, financially, this is a real struggle for us. Even $20 per student adds up with the numbers of invites we have. Any gift ideas that will not break the bank AND not scream inexpensive? I am open to ideas! Thanks so much.

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  5. Today I took my 18 year old son to the post office to obtain a passport for a mission trip he will be going on this summer. The lady we had the appointment with was filling out his paperwork and noticed he listed "homeschool" on his application. He needed 2 picture ids and he used his drivers liscense and his community college id(he takes dual credit courses there). She wanted to know why he has a college id if he is homeschooled. He responded that he is homeschooled but also takes dual creditclasses at the local college. She had him change the answer on the form to the college name instead of homeschool...........It irritated me but....fine....whatever...... So then he had to sign the application which he does and she says it can not be print, it has to be a signature. He said, that is my signature. She argues and says it needs to be in cursive or it may be denied. My son went to therapy for fine motor issues, we worked on handwriting, his signature is totally legible but in print and that is how he signs everything. Cursive handwriting was not something we focused on due to his fine motor issues. The goal had been legible writing(which happens to be print) His liscense, student ids, his checks etc....are all signed in totally legible print and it has never been questioned. Of course I do not share all this with the lady but I was really irritated now. So she grabs a separate piece of paper to have him practice his signature. At this point i got up from the waiting area(2 feet from where he was sitting) because I knew he probably had no idea how to write his name in cursive. I wrote his name on the paper, he then wrote it on the application and I commented to the lady that this seemed more like a fake signature because this is not how he signs documents. She said that this is what they required on the application. My son is very non confrontational so I closed my mouth but, my husband travels, he has a passport. Guess what???? His "signature" is also print. He has always written his signature as print. He is 45 years old and it has never been an issue? So was this lady being difficult or is a cursive signature truly the only acceptable means to sign at certain times??

    Thanks for letting me vent!

  6. My husband has being struggling with BO for a while now. I am not sure how much he notices it but it is driving me nuts. He is a clean person, showers daily, brushes his teeth, wears clean clothes everyday. When he arrives home i can hardly stand it. I am having a hard time describing the smell. It does have a garlicky smell I guess. On the days he eats out( about once a week) the smell is stronger so I believe food is an issue maybe? Is their anything we can do to battle the odor? He has been very accomodating before he crawls in bed at night but I feel so guilty asking him to clean up beforehand. This has not always been an issue.


    Dh facts

    He is HAIRY, extremely hair. He does not wax or shave his body but I wondered if his hair is hanging onto odor?

    He is about 30 pounds overweight(he has lost 80lbs over the last year)

    He works in an office so his job is not physically demanding.

    Washing up does not always remove the smell and the smell is not in one location, smells to come through all his pores/skin

    Pretty healthy- did have a flair of gout for the first time over the summer.

    We have a busy evening schedule so eating/digestive tract is off at times.


    I would love some input on how to improve this issue.


    Thank you!

  7. my son had an awful experience with an automatic toilet. It flushed while clogged(i was in the stall next to him helping his sister). Water shot out everywhere! I shutter recalling the incident. He would not use a public bathroom again.......for a long time. So, we had a potty chair stored in the back of the van for use. Outdoors if we could find a private area he would go right there. Time is your friend on this one. My son is now a teen and is totally fine with public restrooms(thank goodness)!

  8. I have a daughter who has a reading tutor. She just finshed her 2 nd year with her. When we started it was $25 an hour and a $30 registration fee each semester. She also likes to test once a year to see what is retained and that costs around $275 I think. Last fall the fee went up to $30 an hour and now it is going up again in the fall to $38 an hour(the increase is from switching locations). Their is also a cost of curriculum. Honestly, it has been a struggle to pay her but my daughter is making progress. I have not shared the increase for fall with my husband yet. I am hoping he will not decide to pull the plug on tutoring. :(

    We live in the Midwest.

  9. We are considering enrolling our ds(8th in fall) in public school. We struggle with him at home and he has always had a difficult personality. Last year I did outsource most classes for him(they were once a week classes)and he did very well, but our relationship still suffered. My other children are suffering because of the amount of negativity he brings to the household day in and day out. He feels like nobody likes him at home(he does not connect or refuses to acknowledge that his behavior alienates his family). So this does concern me regarding finding acceptance with peers(will he go towards postive or negative influences????). I am only consodering enrolling him to improve our relationship and home atmosphere. Is that naive to think this will improve things? I have no worries about his academic performance.

    Not sure if this is important but he is number 2 child of of 4. He has always been homeschooled. He is almost fourteen. We have taken him to counselling through the years(therapist recommended enrolling him in school but she was not a huge fan of homeschooling). He has struggled with anxiety in the past but do not see that as much anymore. He is a hardworker, especially manual labor. He loves youth group. He

    knows everything about everything!:\ Oh.....and he absolutely does not want to attend public school. He is content at home while everyone else is miserable(I am being totally honest so please do not flame me). I am weary!


    Can anyone share their experience with enrolling your child in school to improve your home relationship?

  10. I did contact a teacher who I paid to teach writing last semester and asked for a letter of recommendation to submit. I will keep pressing the issue. But I do wonder if this is unusual or the norm for teen homeschoolers that drive? We have Pekin Insurance and they have been fairly easy to deal with thus far. But this is really frustrating because my son has earned the "Good Student" discount and yet its in question. Just makes me mad.

  11.  I am wondering what other families have done to receive a discount on auto insurance for their teen driver?  We submitted a report card but it was denied.   We were told a report card had to be submitted by an accredited school or provide the results of his standardized testing(which our state does not require and we have never done).  I did send the agent information on the requirement for our state, and that we are recognized as a private school but I guess that is not enough.  


    Suggestions?  Or are we destined to pay the higher premium?


    Thanks so much.

  12. I have 4 kids but only one is teenage. He is easy going and compliant....so I vote based on my teen. However, my second born child(preteen), does tantrum:(. It is exhausting. He was in counseling for a period of time and she based his behaviors on anxiety. He has develops some coping skills through counseling but he slips back in old behaviors pretty quickly. Its something we constantly work on.

  13. I am thinking I will request another VCUG scan since her other one is 1 1/2 years old. I guess the reason I am so confused is the rapid test that is done in office during the appt, comes back "dirty" and the doctor says she has an infection. And by all indications, she has an infection between the rapid lab and her symptoms. But when the urine is sent out for culture for 2 days, that is when I am called and told her culture is clean and she does not show an infection. So what are her symptoms exactly?? How does one check for urine acidity?

  14. A little background......my dd is 5. She started having UTI's at age 3. After the 4th infection a VCUG was ordered and she was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney reflux. We were sent to a urologist (only one office in our town) and he wanted her on antibiotics for 1 1/2 years and then redo the VCUG. I was resistant to keep her on long term antibiotics. At a 6 month apt, I ticked the doctor off because I did not follow his instruction. I was trying some homeopathic stuff at home with some success but he was not willing to discuss other options with me. So I did not return to his office. She is not having as many infections but they are being treated by her primary doctor or immediate care when they do come up. August, April, and June, I took her in because she had UTI symptoms. High fevers(that come and go), painful urination, stomach pain(sometimes vomiting), lack of energy and not wanting to eat. Of course each time a urine sample was given and I was told she had a urinary tract infection and given antibiotics. After 24-48 hours on antibiotics she would feel better and no longer have symptoms of an infection. I would get a call from the doctor's office stating that the culture came back clean and that she does not have an infection. So....I am concerned that something is being missed with her. The office always tells me to continue with the antibiotics if they seems to be making her better. This last report said--

    COL yellow

    CLAR slt cldy

    SPGR 1.020

    LEUKO Moderate

    NITRITE Positive

    PH 7.0

    PROT(U) 30

    GLU Negative

    KET 40

    BILI Neg

    URO 0.2

    BLD S

    Our primary doctor is on vacation this week and totally booked next week so I can not get in to discuss this further with her for a couple weeks. I was just wondering if anyone knows whether a culture can miss an infection or are they pretty reliable? Any other thoughts? And please no flames for going against the urologist. If he can't take the time to answer questions and dismiss my concerns like I am some idiot.....then I do not desire his services;). I am considering travelling somewhere for another opinion.

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