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Posts posted by MHowell

  1. And let's not gloss over the fact that in his mind, he DID go to the police.


    The people who sat in the room where he told all the nitty-gritty that he saw where: 1. The president of the school: 2. The Athletic Director, and 3. some dude who was the head of police on campus...not just some hokey-dokey campus security guy, but an commissioned police offer with full police authority, and in McCleary's mind, so he says, he thought was like the "legal authority" there. And in the law's mind, it WAS. That is why McCleary is not in legal trouble. He did report it to an office of the law.


    He reported it to everyone he thought he was supposed to.

    He expected something to happen. They covered it up.


    I know that we could all expect him to do more when he witnessed the encounter. But in that situation, when a person's mind is so shocked and appalled that local hero is doing something so horrifying....well, hindsight is 20/20. It was noted that the "situation" he witness stopped at that moment. So in his freaked-out-at-that-moment mind, it was stopped and the next thing to do was to report it. I wonder had he went in, punched Sandusky, or whatever else we all expected from him, how it would have been handled then? Any differently?


    In the end, he report it. It was covered up. When it finally came to light, he lost his dream job, and now is virtually unemployable, because he DID report it.


    I think the bolded is the part that not everyone is comprehending. Campus police IS a real, functional police station. The head of the Campus Police is an officer of the law.


    Do I think he should have done more at the moment? Yes of course. But he didn't. I'm sure he wished he did. He did report it, and that's what is legally required of him. I can't honestly say what I would do in that situation. Knowing myself and my reactions to things I might have done something similar... it's a very hard position to be in.

  2. We allow pets because of the size of the un-landscaped back yard. There is pergo throughout the house, with carpet only int he bedrooms. Before the current tenant moved in we replaced the carpets and managed to do all three bedrooms for less than $600. The current tenants have 2 dogs and 2 cats. We were there a couple weeks ago replacing the water softener and the house looked great. I noticed a large wooden kennel in the living room and found out that the dogs are not allowed in the bedrooms AT ALL and they sleep crated at night. I can honestly say I swooned! In the past, we did have one tenant who trashed the place, but he didn't even have pets.

  3. For yourself, or a child? And what age is the child?


    Both actually. We are getting a foreign exchange student in about a month and I want us to try and pick up a little before she gets here. K is 10, and/ D is 5 but I don't expect him to study it. :)

  4. This is our 10 year old, minus the boys. She currently has purple tips in her hair, and uses her cell phone on a regular basis. She has strict rules for the phone, and earns the right to have it with chores above what is normally expected (in addition to cleaning up after her self, she is expected to keep the main bathroom clean- toilets, shower, floor, company ready basically; load/unload this dishwasher as needed, and laundry), she also turns it in upon request (1-2 times per week) and we read her text messages to insure she is using full words (no idk, wut, etc), and talking appropriately. She has no interest iin boys (not that we would allow such a thing), though she does have friends who are very into boys. We try to limit the contact with those friends but it hasn't seemed to rub off at all.

  5. A few dogs (or even just 2) outside only with proper shelter for weather is just fine. A single dog or dogs without shelter are not. Cats are harder. As stated above, why would you get a cat to have outdoors only unless you have a rodent problem?


    Our cats and dogs are both inside/outside. We tried keeping the cats in but they think they are dogs and 'bark' to get out. :glare: They do however, bring home lots of gophers from the neighbors field so she (as in the neighbor) thinks the world of our cats. The dogs have free reign of a 1/4 acre (fenced) and have lots of shade under the deck, an insulated dog house, and a mister that we turn off if they have to be outside during the summer when it is 100 plus. They spend the night inside no matter what though.


    My Uncle has outdoor only dogs that are a true pack at the ranch in Oregon. They are only allowed inside when the temp hits freezing. They are loved and cared for- and seem very happy.

  6. We are very excited over here, we have decided to and have been accepted as a host family for an EF Student from Russia. She is 16 and has younger siblings the same age as our kiddos. :)


    I want to work on setting up a short history lesson for our kids on Russia, and maybe a basic Russian language lesson. Any recommendations? Also, if you have experience with taking in students, I'd love to hear some stories on the good/bad from your visits.

  7. Most districts will have the families sign an independant study contract for the length of time they will be gone. The teacher sends homework for the days missed ahead of time and as long as you child turns in the work when returning they are not marked absent. Setting up a trip before hand is not the same as just not showing up. To get a contract you have to be missing 5 days of school as well. I've used independant study plans for trips with our kids in 4 different districts and never had a problem.


    I've used this with our daughter many times. When I was in school I never went during October. I was signed out of the month and did the work while we traveled the country. It was an amazing experience.

  8. Actually, I wouldn't mind cloth diapering, and did so for awhile with my DS. We sold the diapers I had awhile back though before my youngest was born when my DH had lost his job and we needed some extra cash. We don't have the money now to replenish that stash. :(


    PM me your address and the weight of your babies in diapers and I'll mail you covers and prefolds.

  9. But are they still "together" or would you think they broke up completely? That's where I'm really confused. :confused: And if we've been invited to the wedding, should I assume there is one until they TELL me there isn't? :glare:


    Sigh. This is why I hate FB.


    I have a friend who has been living with her ex-boyfriend for the last 6 months. He takes her daughter (HER kid, not his) to school, they eat together and so on, but they aren't dating. She has another boyfriend already, it's just cheaper to stay living together because of the lease (or so she claims).


    There is an 'in a relationship' option, so to me changing it to 'single' means just that. When is the wedding supposed to be? We were supposed to go to one in August that was cancelled 2 days before, but they are still dating. People confuse me too.

  10. FWIW I don't think Patrick needs to apologize at all. What if Scott was having a flash back type of PTSD issue at the time? If he is right in your face, it could turn violent VERY QUICKLY. Patrick did what he thought was right. Even from a legal perspective the charge would most likely be thrown out after the full story was presented to the DA.


    I think instead of a hug it out and talk about it resolution, slowly getting them around each other again will eventually get them to talk, and even if they don't discuss what happened, they could get to being civil again. Over time it will get better hopefully.


    I do think YOU should tell your brother how much this hurts you, and your family to have the two of the not speaking.

  11. Here's the scenario:


    Your husband is military and just got orders elsewhere. You have three boys (6, 4, 2). The oldest is in PS K and has SPD. You really detest your current station. On the way to your next location, your husband will have 6 months of training elsewhere. The military will pay for your family to come along.


    Do you...


    Go with your husband, even though there are six months before you will get to your final duty station?


    Stay where you are until you know your final destination, even if you really hate the area you're in? It's important for you kids to have continuity and stability.


    Move back "home" to spend the 6 months your husband will be in training? You're hopeful that your family will be able to help out. You have visited your family for at least 2 weeks every three months or so so there are already relationships formed.



    I'd stay with my hubby. You're only hopeful and not sure of the family helping helping and you don't like where your at. The moving sounds better since you'll all be together.

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