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Posts posted by RitaG

  1. Does anyone have recommendations for any games or tips to help kids with their output/practice retrieving their knowledge from their "memory bank" quicker? A subject, in which I observe this difficulty, is science. If I teach a lesson at home, both my girls seem to have a full understanding of the subject, we do hands on experiments/demonstrations and discussions. If we go on a field trip and they are discussing something we have learned, other kids seems to be able to answer the questions quickly and without difficulty. I do not believe it is a confidence or knowledge issue, just a speed issue. I know it may come with time/age, which is why I was looking for something fun. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the replies! I am just surprised at the lack of writing teaching given to the students. How are they supposed to learn, if no one tells them they are making mistakes? She is getting all A's, but it doesn't mean much to me if she is not learning how to write.

    I will continue to correct her mistakes, as I see them come home and I will try to squeeze the writing in as much as I can without overwhelming her.

    The other parents say they are very happy with the school, so I guess I need to lower my expectations, too.

  3. My DD(11) was homeschooled up until this year. A new private ćlassical school opened so we decided it was a good time for her to try out school. I have had a harder time adjusting than her:). They moved her up to 6th grade because she was way ahead of the other kids. She has been getting all A's and adjusted well.

    How did you do afterschooling without it being too much work for the child? The main subject I would like to after school is writing. She did WWE3 and 4 and IEW SWI-B. She can write a 5 paragraph essay, if told to do so and do it fairly well. She has difficulty, if she is not told exactly what to write, such as the teacher telling them to write a descriptive paragraph, but not telling them how long. She made it into one 200+ word story. She was able to fix it, but only after I explained how to do it.

    The class, also does quizzes on the books they are reading. They are done in class and supposed to assess reading comprehension. She says they do not have much time to write a response. Her response sentences includes the correct content and she gets no points taken off for her responses. However, her sentences are run-ons and grammatically incorrect.

    I guess I am worried because they moved her up a grade and I am not sure where she should be for 6th grade. There doesn't seem to be much correction of grammar or writing on anything coming home. Overall, they do very little writing, which is also a concern. I read all the time about how the public school kids write so much in school. I have a meeting with her teacher after Thanksgiving.

    Thanks for any insight you may have on 6th grade writng!

  4. Thanks for the reply. I posted here because all the information I can find is for lower elementary, phonics and spelling. My DD started in 5th grade at a new classical school, but the other children in the class were struggling with the classical model of schooling. They moved my DD up to 6th since she was not being challenged at all. Now it is 7 weeks into the school year and they have not written anything, not even a narration. I have a meeting tomorrow with the teacher. We paid money for her to attend this school and they changed the curriculum, due to the other kids not doing well, so it is not what we expected. We will not be sending her back next year, if things do not improve. My DD loves it, which is why we want to make it work. I own WWS so I was wondering if I should be afterschooling. We did not want to grade skip so she may repeat 6 next year at the public middle school doing honors classes. I have an appointment to meet with them, too.

  5. Thanks for the replies. She is 10 and she will be 11 soon. I joined a long time ago, but never came back to the WTM due to moving around a lot. I need to find my profile and change it.

    They have seen her work and know she needs to be in 6th grade academically. I knew I would be compromising some of her academics, but I was not expecting, like the teachers, below 5th grade work. The 6th grade teacher has not participated in our conversations because I think she is a little overwhelmed with the students she already has in her class. All the lesson plans the teachers did over the summer have to be redone to try and remediate the students coming from mostly the local public school. They were not prepared to remediate such a large amount of the children and all the behavior problems they are having with the students. I am shocked with how some kids behave.

    I have another meeting at the end of the week so I need to decide what I am doing with her. I am going to request that the 6th grade teacher be involved. For middle school, part time is an option, but not elementary. The elementary school is through 6th grade. I asked if I could take her out of school early and just homeschool language arts, but he said no. As it stands today, they said if I assigned her some work, they would pull her out of class and put her by herself to do the work. She could do the worksheets at home and the tests the class is doing during school so she can get a grade. Sounds good, but planning it may be difficult to coincide with the class. I own the MCT trilogy with Treasure Island, Call of the Wild and Invisible Man so I could assign her those books, when the class is doing their read aloud. It is a private classical school and she loves it, but it just seems like a lot of work.

    They bragged that they would meet the students where they were academically, but I guess that only means if you are average or below, not advanced:(

  6. I wanted to introduce myself, finally, to the board. I have been following the forum for awhile. I have 2 daughters, age 10 and 8. They attended preschool, but I have homeschooled them since Kindergarten.

    With the oldest, I started with Calvert 1st grade and Saxon 1, she did really well with both programs. I switched to Math Mammoth for the next year because she did not retain the math facts and continued with Calvert 2nd grade. Half way through the year, things fell apart. She was throwing fits, that is when I discovered the Well Trained Mind. I slowly switched to new curriculum and everything was great until the end of last year. DD1 was in 4th grade, but doing Level 5 work, without difficulty.

    She is an extrovert and it was a rough year socially. It seems like a lot of people in the area end up enrolling their kids in school so the homeschool kids dropped off to no one her age. She was in lots of extra curricular activities but they all have their school friends and she felt left out.

    She has always dawdled with everything, but she really started dragging school out all day. I felt like my nagging and her dawdling was affecting my younger child. There was a new classical school opening so we went to visit. My husband, who travels out of state Monday-Thursday, and I went to visiti 4 times. They reassured us they would work with my daughter at her level.

    Well, things have not turned out this way. She is in 5th grade, but did all 5th grade work last year, which included MM5, CWP, LOF, IEW SWI-B, Hake Grammar 5, La Clase Divertida 3, SOTW 3, Elemental Biology Logic Stage. The school did a math placement test on the second day of school and everyone bombed it. They had planned to do Singapore 5 in 5th grade and then based on the test results they started Singapore 4 instead. I had to meet with the principal to get her moved up. He was acommodating, after lots of pressure from me, to 7th grade math, which is Singapore 6. We were happy about it and DD is doing great.

    I really need advice on Language Arts. My DD's strength is in this area. She is an amazing reader. She can read and comprehend a 400 page book in 3 hours. She will read any book she is given. She LOVES grammar, too. She did FLL 2-4, Grammar Island and Grammar Voyage, and Hake 5. The original class plan was to assign the students a classic book to read at home and then, the teacher would do a read aloud. The first book assigned to read at home was Black Ships before Troy. My DD read it in 30 minutes on the way home from school (about 150 pages). Most of the other students did not understand it so it was switched to a read aloud book. They are still working on it 5 weeks later. Some of the kids have never had grammar so they are starting at a 3rd grade level. I was aware that my DD would be repeating some of the same material, but I thought she would be repeating 5th grade material. She is also starting at the beginning with Spanish. They are also doing SOTW 1 and unfortunately, Elemental Science Biology Logic Stage.

    I don't know how much I should worry about the grammar and literature. She says she is bored. She said she is so bored she is making up her own sentences to diagram. Her progress note came out last week and they said she is doing well, but not paying attention in class sometimes. The teacher is aware of her background, but wants her to stay engaged.

    My DD loves going to school. She said it is like summer camp. She would be devastated if I pulled her out. The school will eventually be a great school. I think all the teachers were overwhelmed with the number of kids not up to the level they had planned.

    What would you do? Let it go and let her have a fun year? Afterschool? Meet with teacher and principal again? What would you say? He does not want to move her to 6th and I'm not sure I want to either because of her maturity level. I'm sure I could convince him to do it, the question is, do I want to?

    Thanks for any advice and I am looking forward to participating in this forum. I am still homeschooling my younger DD, who is also accelerated.

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