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Posts posted by dlpardo

  1. Hello everyone,


    I already posted this in another forum, so I hope it's ok to post again.


    Is there a valentine exchange this year?


    I searched but was unable to find a thread about a Valentine's Day exchange this year. My son participated years ago and I'd like for him and my daughter to participate this year.


    Thank you!

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  2. My son was around three when I started teaching him his letter sounds. We basically became alphabet obsessed, in a good way. We read a ton of alphabet books, played alphabet bingo, made alphabet art, watched The Letter Factory. I did use the advice I received here and focused on the letter sounds rather than teach the name. Another thing we used a lot was refrigerator magnet letters. It was fun for him to play with the letters.


    I once read somewhere that boys respond better when you say "let's build a word" because most boys like building. So, we used the magnets to build words. I still remember once he learned his letter sounds I taugh him up, cup, and pup first. He built the words on the fridge and was so proud. So many good memories. Enjoy this special time.

  3. I have a two year old who went through a phase of running off in public places. She happily wore her owl tether for about a month to break the habit. I didn't feel comfortable with her wearing it at first, but I received so many compliments that I began to relax about anyone judging me. This was within the past six months. Oops, I forgot to add she is not special needs.

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  4. I was outside working and an answer to this question just popped into my mind. You might want to check out Hurty Feelings. It is about a hippo that gets her feelings hurt and overreacts. I know it isn't exactly what you are looking for, but it does show the ridiculousness of overreacting. I hope that helps.

  5. My son really loved Curious George the entire year he was four. He was also liked a lot of books about dogs: Clifford, Harry the Dirty Dog, Carl, Harry McLarry, McDuff, Tucker off his Rocker, Martha Speaks. From here I will just make a list, The Little Engine that Could, Olivia books by Ian Falconer, Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin adapted by Paul O. Zelinsky, The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers plus all the other Oliver Jeffers books, Where the Wild Things Are, Madeline, Kevin Henkes mouse books, Caps for Sale, Frog and Toad, Stellaluna, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, The Seven Silly Eaters,The Gingerbread Man, Richard Scarry Busytown books, the Babar series, and Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. My son just turned five so I was able to remember a lot of books. Hopefully this list helps.

  6. I am in the very early stages of building a house and I spend a lot of time on houzz.com. You can select different types of styles and then select a room and see what others have done. I have also checked out library books about interior design. What I have read is save a lot of pictures of things you like and also keep examples of what you don't like. Really take your time. I like to sketch everything, as many times as I need to, until I get it right. House Beautiful magazine published a book dedicated to paint colors and includes helpful descriptions of where they would work well in a home.

  7. On my last trip to the library I picked up several books of classic fairy tales. One book includes Puss in Boots and my son loves it! It probably isn't the most difficult retelling of the story that can be found but it isn't watered down either. We have read it four times in as many days. He has not been put off by the language but more inquisitive about the vocabulary the more we read it. I know he won't like every older story this much, but I am so glad I didn't wait until he was older to begin reading these stories. Thanks to everyone for all the helpful replies.

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