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Posts posted by kozamom

  1. I second the "I See Sam" books...I taught my son to read using ETC and I See Sam. It is such a nice combo. I then moved on to a couple of the earlier books of AAS just becasue they looked like big kid books and yet they used only short vowel sounds...my son grew in confidence as he was able to read a book like his older siblings.



  2. We told people when dh got teAed off. We did have a reason. My dh bikes to work, and you aren't allowed to bike for 2 weeks afterwards. So for two weeks we had to work around car sharing, and everyone of course asked why dh just didn't bike to work.


    The best was when the neighbor had it done. His little boy yelled out to me, "my dad isn't allowed to come outside. He just had his wiener cut off".


    And for the poster whose X had it done without discussing it. That's what my MIL did. She only wanted 2kids. FIL wanted 4 kids. Mil won.




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