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Posts posted by Ana

  1. Thank you for the replies.


    He has had 2 MRI's of his brain and they have done a scope down his throat twice. Nothing shows abnormal. The doctors are at a complete loss - on Thursday, the doctor sat down on his hospital bed and pointblank told them that they have no idea what this could be and they are going to try to send them to a hospital in Cleveland, OH that may be able to help them get some answers. This has been a nightmare for our family.


    The panting has somewhat evolved from the gagging. He sounds like he is kind of gagging really, really fast - if that makes any kind of sense. It makes it sounds like a panting.


    Would they have been able to see the Chiari malformation on the MRI? depends on whether they were looking for it and how big it is, I have seen small ones do some terrible things. And would he have had any kind of headaches associated with it? most of the time, yes he would. Also, my husband reminded me that he also has short-term memory loss...they didn't know if that was from the powerful medication he was on or if whatever this is, is causing his memory loss. could be any of the above mentioned. transient ischemic attack, Chiari, medications, just being a 13 year old.


    Any other suggestions, please?


    I hope they are able to find the answer at the Cleveland hospital. The doctor seem very thorough and is willing to do more, seems on the ball, that's good!

  2. I once knew a girl who had something remarkably similar. I know it was a while before they knew what it was, she was out of school for several months. It turned out to be some vocal cord disease/infection/something... I'm sorry I don't remember much more. It does sound similar from what I can remember. You're wonderful for researching, and I'd encourage them to not give up until they have solid answers.


    does epiglottitis or supraglottitis sound familiar? I would think the ENT would have caught inflamed or infected vocal chords?

  3. the only thing I can think of that remotely resembles, right off the bat, is ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) and that's a long shot. Some of the things you described such as the panting (Difficulty breathing, aka dyspnea) flu type illness (Frequent respiratory infections in children.) has he had his heart checked? It's possible he may have had an transient ischemic attack due to ASD that has caused the issues with his tongue, gagging and inability to eat or drink. You did mention an appointment with a neurologist though, any MRI taken? CAT Scan? ASD can also be the cause of poor growth if that is an issue.


    Another thing to check into would be a chiari malformation at the base of the skull. It can cause some of the symptoms you have described such as the difficulty eating, tongue control and gagging.


    also, this:

    He struggles to even eat or drink and has to go the hospital every few days due to dehydration.
    bothers me. why has the doctor not admitted him for observation? I would be asking this question if he is dehydrating that much, that fast. That would have me placing a PICC Line to make sure he didn't dehydrate and make sure he is nourished properly.


    just throwing it out there. Had this kid had came to my office, I would have sent him for a work up with a cardiologist and out for an MRI and Cat Scan looking specifically for transient ischemic attack or chiari malformation.


    hope this may help, I hope it is resolved soon, my heart goes out to him.

  4. I so agree with most of this!


    I agree with most of what you have said. I believe the only real solution is to look at what caused this in the first place:


    We have to get over this entitlement mentality. We have to stop demanding the government provide nearly everything for us and get back to work ethic and individual responsibility. YES!


    We have to get over the idea that utopia is possible if we just spend a little more money and redistribute everybody's income equally.


    We have to get back to using public assistance for what it should be used for and that is as a last resort to keep people from starving until they get back on their feet, except for those who are truly disabled due to age or infirmity, not just to "make life easier", especially when the families have other options but won't take them because they are inconvenient. If we don't rein this in, the help won't be there for those that really need it.


    Restructure welfare so that it has a goal of getting people self-sufficient as soon as possible. This is a must! I agree with this 100%!


    We have to stop making it profitable for people not to work by providing them with everything. Deal with the root causes of poverty instead of just throwing money at the outcome.


    We have to stop making it profitable for teens to have babies.


    We need to stop "nation building". Stop all foreign aid. It usually ends up in the hands of dictators anyway. you can not help others if you can not take care of yourself, America is beyond being able to take care of themselves.


    Stop funding public radio, public television, and "the arts". They can compete for public funds just like the rest of the non-profit organizations. Yes, then they can truly be unbiased and blow the whistle full fledge on politicians who need to be called out.


    Get the government back to doing only what the Constitution charges it with. Everything else needs to be done through the private sector with government regulation only if necessary


    Everyone should pay taxes. Do you know how much national debt we could clear if churches who dabble in politics had to pay taxes? Churches who refuse to help those who come to them for help are required to pay taxes since the government will have to do what God's people are suppose to be doing anyway? Half the population needs to stop looking at the other half as their personal ATM whenever they think they need it. Stop voting for the candidate who promises to raises taxes on those already carrying the majority of the burden so you can live off of it. Learn the difference between "need" and "want". Everyone needs to have a stake in taxes and spending.


    This is just the tip of the iceberg. Not much of this is going to be popular because certain politicians have convinced a large part of the population that the government is responsible for taking care of all of our needs. We are now seeing the results. Is this harsh? Yes. It has to be. The party is over. We need to wake up to reality.



    kudos for pointing out the obvious!

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