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Posts posted by LadyJ

  1. I do not service my machine ever year. I do open it up and clean/dust it and oil the places that need oiled. You can google that info online. I have had mine for 5 years. I simply can not pay for service unless it is needed. I do a lot of sewing and this has done well for me and it is the way my mom always took care of her machine. She has had the same machine for at least 20 plus years and as far as I know has had it serviced once. :)

  2. It is way late in the day but I really need to tackle something anyway. I have been extra lazy recently and when I saw this thread I thought maybe it would give me a boost. So here I am at 4:46 in the afternoon off to finish school with my 9 year old and add snaps to some aprons I promises my MIL a year ago.

  3. DD 11 (12 in Jan) is probably getting the new LOTR lego game and either a LOTR Lego set or maybe a Lego friends set


    DS 9 Is getting the Crayola Digital Light Designer and a new pair of headphones.


    DS 6 No idea yet


    DS 4 (5 Dec) is getting 2 Hardback whers waldo books a homemade wheres waldo hat and maybe the wheres waldo wii game or a waldo shirt if I can come up with one :)

  4. So far I was feeling pretty decent about this month. My husband brings home his first pay check tonight and I am hopeful it will cover the first half of the bills. The really frustrating thing is that my work has not only decided to cut us all back to half the hours we have been working they took away 6 hours I had planned on for this week. :(


    We have groceries for the entire month but we have to paint the house due to insurance and so far we only have the primer. Our tire is flat/popped on one car so we are sharing the van until we can afford to replace it, and I need to be able to pay the other half of the bills next payday.


    So for now the only thing I can do is use as little electricity as possible, cut out unneeded trips to town, and keep up with packing dinners for my Hubby so he does not eat out. (That I have been doing very well at so far)

    I have also been making and taking my own coffee everyday I work. :)

  5. So far Iam doingvery well.


    My husband downloaded one kindle devotional for .97 cents

    I put 25$ Gasoline in the van, I will fill up with my 10 cent off a gallon once we get paid Friday.


    It has been kinda hard not to spend money at my own work this week since a lot of items went 90% off, but I just walked out everyday. :)


    I have cooked and packed a lunch for my Hubby every day so far and he has not had to eat out.


    We go grocery shopping tomorrow. Plan is to buy only needed items, especially items I can do freezer meals with.


    I also got inspired this last weekend and baked 4 batches of muffins and some baked oatmeal to freeze for breakfast. That should help school days go smoother.

  6. I am so in on this. WE have had a seriously rough financial year and suddenly this month had to reroof the house. We were blessed to have family and friends help with the labor but had to put the supplies on the horrid Visa. So we will be having no frill spending/very tight spending the rest of the year.


    Specifically this month I plan on,

    -No eating out (which we have gotten bad about)

    -No Drive through coffee on the way to work

    -I need to pack lunch for my husband, or he ends up buying something out

    -Make and stay in the grocery budget,

    -Make and freeze simple foods for the kids breakfast since they are home with Daddy and he has to feed and start school before I get home from work each morning.

    - No online curriculum shopping or buying, we still need tons for this year but it is all for later and I can wait until at least Jan to even start looking.

    - Make A Christmas gift budget and list and start saving and searching. This will be very tight this year

    - Pay all extra money toward the Visa so we can get it paid off before Jan.


    Phew okay I feel better just typing that out.

  7. It could hve been milk or juice in that spot previously. I have seen similar mistakes made when I am shopping and I try and point them out. Not that people could get away with it anyway. WIC is preprinted checks that only work for the listed items. So no one can convince the store that they need the cool whip instead of milk sadly. Haha

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