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Posts posted by MountainViewMom

  1. Thankyou Christine! I ordered the MTWBH book but haven't received it yet, hence the confusion with the terms! :)


    I am using Trail Guides with the MTWBH. Not sure how it will go. By this time next year I may be back asking more questions! :D



    I am going to be using MTWBH with Trail Guides next year also! Are you doing it on your own or in a Co-Op? We will be doing it with a Co-Op.

    Would love to share ideas of what is working and not!


    I have started working on a schedule, but don't have it done yet. I am not nearly as efficient as Christine! But I'll share it with you when I am done, if you like.


    We've used Sonlight for history since the beginning of our homeschool journey .... Sonlight is what originally compelled me to start homeschooling and I consider it the heart and soul of our learning adventures. As you can imagine, then, my experiences with SL are quite different from those encountered by Jenn. Which just goes to prove, once again, that different programs appeal to different people with different learning and teaching styles.:)


    ...... nor do I find the schedule overwhelming, even when using two Cores simultaneously. The books have enthralled and educated us, and the reading levels have been a good fit. Pretty much across the board, the books have worked well with my guys ....... on the contrary, we've had an absolutely fabulous journey and I relish the thought of moving forward with SL.


    Does this help at all? I love talking about SL, so don't hesitate to ask if you have further questions.:)



    I have used Sonlight for only 6 years and it has fit our family extremely well, too. I love their Instructor's Guides, but I do love a plan ;).

  3. I understand completely. It took me three (maybe four) years to finally figure out how I wanted to do a timeline. I can't say this is the best way, but this is what I found works for us. Also, we don't have a good wall to use for a timeline either. I always thought that would be good way.


    First, I made each child a timeline beginning 5000 BC going forward until present day. I had it spiral bound at a local copy center. I left the front cover blank for them to decorate. Sonlight has a good one and mine is similar to theirs.


    Now, once a quarter (or whenever) we have a block of time, we add in people and events that we have just studied. We use the Home School in the Woods timeline figures. I have copies for each child to use.


    This way we can add to the book each time we go through the time period.


    Is that clear as mud? HTH!

  4. I did call her and set up a time to meet. She did not show up. I called her from our meeting place and she said she couldn't find everything. Well, she could of just said that. Thats what I figured all the putting off was about for over a year. I just told her find what she could and I will come to her house and get it.

    She ask to borrow more of my stuff. Like will you bring such and such when we meet. What is she thinking? I just want my things back and be done with this person.

    This will be my last attempt. I am ready to let it go. I just hate feeling so used. I will let you know next weekend the results of my visit.

    Thanks for the support

    Just wondering how it went????

  5. We are using R&S English 3. We love the short simple lessons and the teacher's manual is very easy to use. It is a very thorough program and includes writing. It is a hardbound text and we copy our lessons unto paper. There are workbooks which you can purchase for extra practice also and we have them. They make excellent review. The price is great also.:)



    We are finishing R&S English 3, for the 3rd time! I highly recommend R&S English. My oldest has just finish R&S English 8. He starated with 3 and has been using it each year. We think it is a great program.

  6. I guess we do MUS the "lazy" way too! I watch the video with each child, making sure they understand the new concept. They do the worksheets over the week. Hopefully, I check them daily, then when I think they are ready for the test, they take that. Then we move on to the next lesson. Math is very painless around our house.


  7. Jane in NC posted this link on another thread:




    It's the College Board's list of example textbooks for AP US History. Presumably there are similar lists for other AP subjects. Here's a link to the page with their other courses:







    Thanks! I just visited that site and it has great information for someone just starting the high school years!

  8. Oh..and if you like it too..please tell me about that too.


    We like it. It is easy to use. The concepts are explained in way each of my children understand. I have, in earlier years, supplimented with Singapore's Topical Problem Sums (basically, word problems). I go over the new lesson with each one. They usually do their work on their own, giving it back to me for checking. Anything, they need more work on, we do together until they understand it and can explain it to me. Their standardized tests scores have constistently been well above average.

    In other words, it works for us!


    Hope you find a program that works for your family!

  9. This is the poem that has the lines,

    "Theirs not to make reply

    Theirs not to reason why

    Theirs but to do and die..."


    I found the poet himself, Alfred Lord Tennyson, reciting the poem here.What's extra neat about it is that it is a recording by Thomas Edison.



    Thanks, Laura. We need all the help with poetry we can get. I am going to use this with my boys!

  10. When I saw your subject line, I could not help but laugh. All I could think of was Alfalfa from The Little Rascals reciting this poem.


    Am I dating myself, here? Does anyone else remember this episode?


    Funny you should ask. I was sharing the audio with my husband and he said all he could think of was Alfalfa in The Little Rascals reciting this poem with firecrackers going off as he recited it! :lol:

  11. We have used Cores 2, 3, 4 and 6. I like the IG format and needed that organization, especially when I started homeschooling. It was a perfect fit for our family. The books are great and I wanted (still do) my children to enjoy reading. We love the historical fiction. I appreciate being able to use it the second time around with my youngest! It makes planning my week so easy!


    That being said, I am looking at TOG for next year. The teacher's guide just seems way to complicated for me, but I am going to look at it again.

  12. My ds, almost 14, has a summer reading list (from our co-op). I don't know that he would be labeled a reluctant reader, but...the book needs to be pretty good for him to finish it in a reasonable time. Our 3 choices are By Right of the Conquest- Henty, The King's Fifth- O'Dell, and Mary Bloody Mary - Meyer. I need to pick 2. I really need some help here. We need to start one of these really soon in order to finish them.


    We read By Right of Conquest as a read aloud this year and everyone enjoyed it. My ds also read Mary, Bloody Mary and his comment was that it would be better for a girl! He is my avid reader, too! Haven't read King's Fifth, but the description sounded interesting.


    Could you get By Right of Conquest audio as an interlibrary loan? That has worked for us.

  13. In Freedom's Cause, by G.A. Henty is probably too old for your children now, but one we loved. We did it as a read aloud this past year and everybody (dad included) enjoyed it. You might like it your next time through!

  14. Oh thanks, I appreciate the compliment. However, it's actually a schedule that takes just over 2 years to complete.


    Yet, if one were very ambitious, and you have MS Word, you could certainly change it to do in a single year. . . I don't know that you'd want to keep all the readings though (that might make it a bit rough for the kids).


    My eldest just finished this, and I'm thinking to change it a bit. (Like all the 15 pt. quizzes disappearing for one thing.) However, that is not on the priority list at this moment.



    Everytime I go to your website, I loose track of time. I really do enjoy what all you have done. I need to get a few more things done around my house, so I can enjoy your website and schedules, without fear of getting caught "playing" on the computer;)!

  15. I am thinking of starting my dd on the apologia science track a little early. She is a good student. Has anyone done this? What things should I worry about? Can a 4th grader tag along with this?


    I did Apologia General Science with my then 6th and 7th grader. He did just fine with it and has done equally well as a 7th grader, with Physical Science this year. My concern now, is doing biology for his 8th grade year. That will leave a life science with lab to do in high school for him. I am thinking that he can do one later in dual enrollment. Right now, I am planning on him doing biology as an 8th grader. It has been easier for me doing one science with both boys. We have a younger sibling as well, who did enjoy the experiements. My boys pretty much did general science on their own, doing the review with me, so I didn't really include her in their science.

    Does that help?

  16. What are you looking for in a geography program? I'm using Around the World in 180 days next year with my 9th grader. It looks great to me. I've already started the lesson plans. Also, it's designed for multi-age teaching, so mught be just right for your co-op.


    Would love to see what you are doing! I think we are going to use the MTWBH, but we are planning on reading Around the World in 80 Days also. This will be my first time teaching geography, so I am open to see what will work best for our group.




    The new and improved schedule is up on my blog, and you learn the countries through that. Maybe it could work with MtWBH? (I've been meaning to give it a better look over to see if it will, just haven't made the time.)




    I have been wanting to tell you how much I have enjoyed your Core Foundations! I forgot to mark it as a Favorite and couldn't get back to it. Now I can! And I have marked it as a Favorite. I may try your blank schedule sheet and see if I can schedule MTWBH. I'll let you know if I succeed in figuring it out.

    Thanks for your imput!


    ETA: I'd be happy to share some of the games and books we used if you like. They are buried right now as I'm waiting for paint to dry on my new bookshelves.





    Thanks so much for your plan. I really appreciate your sharing it.


    I just spent two days our anual state conference looking for geography ideas. What I think I have decided is to use MTWBH as the spine and use Trail Guide to World Geography and The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide to fill in as needed. We will also be reading Around the World in 80 Days. I like having a plan and this is one I think I can do! If the children can really learn to map the world by heart, I will be thrilled. :hurray:


    That would be great to see what games and books you used. I appreciate all help!

    New bookshelves? How wonderful.

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