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Posts posted by Ganna

  1. Do you think the motivation to study is restorable? I feel that 6 month of public school ruined completely motivation to read, write or doing math for my 6 yo daughter.


    She did not have luck with a good learning environment and good teacher, actually the teacher is my worst nightmare. The school is rich and white, my daughter is an immigrant and treated differently (poorly) as some other immigrants. For now she refuses to go to school, but also does not want to do anything at home.


    At the days she go to school I am able to do some things after school with her, but the price is ALWAYS external-a small toy, candy, sticker. She would never grab a book to read on her own. I do praise my daughter's success, but it does not really work.


    Until the end of the year is 4 months and I am scared. I have an option to take her away to private school that was not able to establish itself and be closed in 4 months, the environment there does not seem much better. Teachers are not very well motivated and kids are strange. Plus it expensive.


    So, please, if you have any recommendation or idea share with me. I think this year literally become detrimental for my girl ;-(.

  2. I feel that the situation you describe kind of similar to mine and I really don't know what to do as well. I literally feel that every week I need to do deschooling, my daughter coming kind of strange and seem a bit depressed when she comes, her math began to slip. I feel that tutoring helped her a lot, but it is expensive and tiring after school. Anyway- good luck.

  3. I think that beyond the 'level' problem, there is kind of something else going with this school. I have no proof, but only immigrant parents complain on the level of reading and math of their children. The school is predominantly white and Americans, there some Asians and some Hispanics, but very little of any other minorities. No black and only 2 bi-racial children. Whoever not own house in the community- treated and graded worse than those who does, without any regards of real level. Immigrants with few exception are in the same class and the teacher is very tough to children, she always tell them how bad they are even in situations where other adult would not even react. Most of the teachers who have children send them to that school and they do whatever the director says.

    The after school program operates for three schools together officially- yet children from 2 other schools separated and not allowed to make friends with children from our school. In our school only children of parents who work go to after school, most of the children go home right after school. Those who go to this program see that children get worse and worse in homework and so. Once we saw that kids stand without doing nothing for 40 minutes. For other two schools the program seem normal, games and so. My daughter refused to go there stating that only 'big guys' work there as 'coaches', I found out that indeed only extremely large males take care of those children after school.

    Anyhow, this story is much longer I guess and we probably should just try our luck elsewhere..

  4. Thank you for the answers. Yes, I would like to try home school, I guess...But really don't know yet how to start. I kind of already do aftershooling... My daughter does 4-5 math 1 grade math pages in Saturday, Sunday. Additional 3-4 'Minute' pages for math a week for the second grade, I do dictation for her almost every day of the third and second grade workbook . She read more than 100 books for 6 months, but now kind of stopped, reached her potential in motivation and reads maybe 5-6 books a week. It is very hard to speak with her about comprehension, she yells, cries and does not want to do it. Once she can focus though, she gives verbally very bright answers, when she writes though, she writes very basic correct sentences.

    I still think I lack on her strategic thinking development, creativity and giving place to her own voice- for now and I do not know how to deal with this.

  5. I hope it would be OK to post my question here as well, because I don't really sure where it belongs. I just hope to get some advice or help here. Thank you.


    Hi, I am new and I have 6 years old daughter and need advice. She started her first grade at age 5 in the public school that we believed to be the best in CA. As coming not from the district she was tested at her very first day in reading and writing, next day on math. It was her first day and she tested very low. I felt that she did not have the 'right click' with the teacher from the beginning, but we decided to give the school opportunity and continued.


    I also took a certified tutor to help her with the reading, my daughter progressed very quickly in reading, now she reads at level J-K (18-20) according to the tutor and according to the second grade teacher who I also asked to test her informally. She spells very good, near the end of the third grade. If I can go through her 'don't knows' kind of encouraging her to answers, she gives me (or the tutor) very creative interesting and to the point answers. She started to play piano and learning very quickly.


    Now, her classroom teacher states that she reads at level G (12) and at the end of the class (underachiever) without explaining how she decides so. She never prizes my daughter and never states that she doing anything good or right. The director of the school support the teacher in everything and tells us to abandon the idea of reading some of the magic tree house or even chapter books.


    My daughter states that she hates school, she hates reading and writing. Her output in school is much lower than that one she shows at home. But now her will to read or study almost disappear. She only wants to do crafts, gymnastics and music. But not math, reading or writing.


    I don't know what to do. I think she might be gifted, she catches everything very fast. Should I take her out of this school? Should I home school, even though I am an immigrant (no perfect English language) and work twice a week? How is all this done? Any advice will be appreciated.

  6. Hi, I have 6 years old daughter and need advice. She started her first grade at age 5 in the public school that we believed to be the best in CA. As coming not from the district she was tested at her very first day in reading and writing, next day on math. It was her first day and she tested very low. I felt that she did not have the 'right click' with the teacher from the beginning, but we decided to give the school opportunity and continued.


    I also took a certified tutor to help her with the reading, my daughter progressed very quickly in reading, now she reads at level J-K (18-20) according to the tutor and according to the second grade teacher who I also asked to test her informally. She spells very good, near the end of the third grade. If I can go through her 'don't knows' kind of encouraging her to answers, she gives me (or the tutor) very creative interesting and to the point answers. She started to play piano and learning very quickly.


    Now, her classroom teacher states that she reads at level G (12) and at the end of the class (underachiever) without explaining how she decides so. She never prizes my daughter and never states that she doing anything good or right. The director of the school support the teacher in everything and tells us to abandon the idea of reading some of the magic tree house or even chapter books.


    My daughter states that she hates school, she hates reading and writing. Her output in school is much lower than that one she shows at home. But now her will to read or study almost disappear. She only wants to do crafts, gymnastics and music. But not math, reading or writing.


    I don't know what to do. I think she might be gifted, she catches everything very fast. Should I take her out of this school? Should I home school, even though I am an immigrant (no perfect English language) and work twice a week? How is all this done? Any advice will be appreciated.

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