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Posts posted by Jennfam

  1. Can my 4th grader jump into AAS? She's been at a hybrid school, but we are homeschooling this year and I just can't quite pick a spelling curriculum. I've used Levels 1-2 with other kiddos so I'm familiar about with the program. Just curious if she could start now and what level would I start her in? Thanks!


  2. Hi! I am jumping back in to full time homeschool with my girls this year after a couple of years in a hybrid school. My oldest, 11, will be in 6th grade. I purchased all of Math Mammoth a few years ago while homeschooling my boys. It was a co-op purchase and we actually never used it. Anyway, I'm trying to decide if I should do BA 5 with her even though she's done a 5th grade math curriculum. The website states that they recommend most students doing a year "under" their current grade level. When looking at scope and sequence for both MM and BA, the topics are the same. I'm just wondering if MM6 is more 6th grade level or if BA5 would be what she needed. I'm hoping I'm making sense. 🙂 Not exactly sure how to word my actual question. 

    Also, I'm planning for younger sister using BA 3 or 4. Part of the reason I'm trying to decide about BA for older sis is the "fun" of BA - thinking she may give me push back with MM when sister gets a "fun' math. 

    Anyone have opinions on the "leveling" of BA?  Anyone used both BA and MM that can give input?




  3. Hi!  Please tell me your favorite Algebra 1 curriculum. My son is currently in a university model school, but we will be completely homeschool next year. This year we have struggled with the material being taught in class (not very well) and then my son does not know how to complete his homework. We have then needed to reteach the material. He is doing wonderfully and is prepared to move on, but I need something that will be video or virtual as I am not prepared to teach Algebra and I would like something he could watch over again if needed.


    I saw the post with all of the math links and plan to search through them all,  I just want to know what you all love, and what you did not like. I am familiar with MUS and thought at first that it might work, but it seems that not many use MUS at a higher level and I would like to know why. 


    We are also considering The Well Trained Mind Academy - anyone have experience with their Algebra 1?


    Thank you all!  

  4. Hi!  My 4th grader is beginning a 4 year cycle this year. He is using MOH at his hybrid school and my 1st and K'er are listening in. I will use SOTW for them also. I haven't started planning them out, but I think I'll be able to sync some of it pretty well. MOH has way more Bible related history, so I think brining the 2 together will be perfect. I hope so anyway. :)


  5. I have a rising 4th grader that is struggling with spelling. I admittedly think I failed him by not following through with phonics. We began OPGTTR in K, and by 1st he was reading well and I stopped using it. He was also doing Spelling Workout etc.. and in mid 2nd started attending a university model school that used Abeka. Anyway, this past year in 3rd I really started to see spelling struggles and I see now it's because there were so many rules he never learned. 


    Here's where I need advice...I am going to start my rising K and 1st graders with AAS. I'm thinking about figuring out where my son would be in AAS and working him through the program too. I don't' mind buying all of the levels because I should have 3 children use it. Does it make sense to do that with a 4th grader?  Is this the best way to systematically teach him the phonics rules? He used A Reason for Spelling this past year and although they go over rules, I felt it was more about learning the spelling words to pass the test. I need something to actually teach the rules so he can really know how to spell. Make sense? 


    Any advice appreciated! I feel like I messed this up and really need to help him so he doesn't struggle anymore.





  6. Hi! I just wanted to pass a new book along to all of you - especially if you have boys! A friend of my oldest wrote a fantastic book. It is the first in a 5 part series. It is full of adventure and my son loved it!


    Will, the author, is in 5th grade and wrote and illustrated the book. ALL proceeds from the first book go to Relay for Life.


    My husband wrote a blog post about it today.




    It would make a great summer read!



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