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Prolife Mom

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Posts posted by Prolife Mom

  1. At a recent Catholic Homeschooling conference, I met Margot Davidson, owner of Hillside Education Press. She wrote literature guides to accompany the RC History program. You might consider contacting her directly She is a lovely lady and will be MOST happy to answer all of your questions and concerns.

    You might also consider subscribing to Mater et Magistra Magazine for Catholic Homeschoolers, a division of Hillside Education.

    God Bless!

  2. Hello!


    I am heading to my first homeschooling conference this Saturday and my head is just spinning over what Math, Language Arts, & Science to choose for my darling daughter Mary for 2nd grade!


    We decided until the end of her 1st grade year on Saxon 1 Math and Calculadder for supplementing drills.

    Since my DD has gone from k-1st so quickly (Sept. to Oct.) in public school and then to being homeschooled (January) I noticed she is a bit all over the map when it comes to math knowledge. She can count and recognize her #'s, but, doesn't seem to grasp the concepts behind addition and subtraction. While I like Saxon, I find that we have to do 3-4 lessons at a clip. Preparing the lessons have been more challenging than I anticipated, and the lessons themselves don't appear to be challenging enough for my DD.


    I'm wondering if I should just stick with Saxon in the hopes that it will get better and buy Saxon 2?? From what I hear, I should find a curriculum and stick with it. Since I am early on in homeschooling, I don't know if I should try something else and THEN decide to stick with something??

    I was thinking about trying Right Start or Math Mammoth for her 2nd grade just to see which curriculum would be best? Any suggestions?


    Also, finding Language Arts curriculum is doubly challenging! I need a structured program...Currently we are using

    All About Spelling (for phonics & Vocab). It's OK.. not sooo thrilled with it.

    Analytical Grammar--my DD found an error in their book & it's very dry.

    English from the Roots Up--Not sure how to teach this, as I don't know any Latin or Greek. I have the flash cards//but no lesson plan?? This seems like a supplement to a curriculum and was thinking about getting Lively Latin or Prima Latina. I am leaning towards Lively Latin

    Was wondering if I should give First Language Lessons a try?? Wordly Wise?



    As for History, we are using SOTW and are very happy with that.

    Science? Well, I bought the book: Exploring God's Creation (I believe Seton uses this???) Since it is spring, I'll do the "Plant/Botany" section!

    I was wondering about Aplogia Science? It seems very expensive. And before investing, would like to know if it is worth the investment. Any other suggestions?


    ANY information anyone can provide will be GREATLY appreciated!!!



    ~ProLife Mom of 2 beautiful girls ages 6yrs & 4months

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