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Melissa in SC

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Posts posted by Melissa in SC

  1. we love it. This is our first yr and I cant praise it enough!! 10 mins and you are done. You call out the words, then I correct the words in the blank provided. Next pg they write the words and go through a checklist to learn them. Then they write a sentence using that word. I make mine have 5 word sentences (that is just MY way of doing that though, not the program's). LOVE IT!! And it is really working. My kids scored level C, but I started them at the beginning b/c they can always use review :)

  2. I use it for all the curr. books we are using presently or even just for the week. NO crayons, markers, pencils etc. Just workbooks/curriculum (see siggy for what I use). My planners in binders wont fit in it b/c of the way I use it though. I LOVE IT! I am teaching 3 kids this yr so it has helped even more than in past yrs. It keeps everything organized and actually saves space in my opinion.

  3. I only have the first one and my dd started when she was 6 and it was too basic for her. But, she LOVES to cook. The only thing she learned was using one of those cool knives that cut carrots into wavy shapes. I need to order book 2 and 3. My 4 yr old is starting with bk 1 this yr. It is a GREAT program, but like I said, you need to evaluate her level as to where she needs to be.

  4. We use it for math, spelling and bible verse. Also for the *3 strikes* punishment so they see where they are going ;) I highly recommend a magnetic one!!! They are a bit more $$ but totally worth it!! Oh and I also let the kids use their own personal mini white board I bought last yr at Big Lots for doing math facts (uses less paper and they think it is fun!!).

  5. Teach Your Child to read in 100 Easy Lessons is great for learning to read and teaching the basics. I then move to Phonics Pathways (and do every 2 yrs thereafter for review even with older kids) then/and use ETC workbooks (I get them for $5.75 at local hs bookstore. What's Gnu? by Thinking Fun game is GREAT for making words and phonics!!

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