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Posts posted by dkt320

  1. I am looking for some input on Living Math. We are currently doing a workbook type curriculum with my DS (9). He is not happy with it, so therefore I'm not either. Math is a struggle everyday. I don't want him to end up hating math. Anyway, he loves history, and I found the Living Math curriculum. It looks good, but would like to hear from some of you who have used it.


  2. Thank you so much for the suggestions, I switched from a very structured workbook curriculum, because we just weren't happy with it last year, but have found myself falling into the same routine with workbooks I have picked out on my own! Definitely not the way I wanted to go this year so I am trying to tweak it before we get too far into the year.

  3. What all do I have to add to Tapestry of Grace? My DS (8) is doing Horizons Math, Spelling Workout, Plaid Phonics, Growing with Grammar, and A Reason for Handwriting. I am having a hard time getting him to do the workbooks. Just wondering how others have streamlined their day with Tapestry of Grace, I would like to include as much as possible in that. We are doing Tapestry of Grace for History.

  4. They have been real hit and miss here.


    But I have read that the illustrations are that way, so that you can easily draw them on your own, and make up your own stories about the characters.


    I hadn't heard that but it makes sense. My DS (6) is reading through them now, I might have him make his own stories too, that is a great idea!

  5. Any tips on teaching addition and subtraction math facts? My DS is 8 and third grade level. He is struggling with his math problems and I think would benefit if the basic ones were memorized. He is reviewing double digit addition and subtraction right now.


  6. I saw that yesterday and was so encouraged. My DS (8) has ADD and we have found swimming to be perfect for him. The races are short enough that he doesn't lose his focus or interest. We have tried other sports, but standing in the outfield waiting for an inning to finish was not for him, basketball is somewhat better because it does move so fast, not as much wait time on the court. But swimming is definitely the best match for him.

  7. My two year old loves to join us at the table, so I will have paper and crayons there for her. She also likes to look at books and is pretty good about entertaining herself, she does watch TV some. But sometimes she does get disruptive and that is when I either let the boys take a break or find some independent work for them so I can get DD focused on an activity.

  8. I was wondering, how do the maps and coloring pages for Story of the World yr 1 line up with Tapestry of Grace yr 1? I am looking for something that would easily go along with TOG and cut down on my hunting for pages. I like that the SOTW student pages can be bought in a package and then I wouldn't need to rely on being able to make copies or print things from the computer.

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