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Posts posted by tlcmom

  1. So, if today would have been your birthday, and you know that your kids (16 & 18) went shopping a few days ago and bought you a present, but then didn't give you anything, would you have asked about it? They remembered the birthday but must have forgot the gift. I didn't say anything. Hmmm. What would you have done?

  2. Does anyone on here own one of these fuzzy creatures? I keep thinking I want to get one - but I don't want to regret it. Could you please share with me the pros and cons? Would you get a pair? Males or females?


    I would really appreciate some input. I am looking at a couple that are on Craigslist right now.


    Thanks so much!!

  3. What does it cost to participate in 4H in your area?


    Last year for us it was $3.00 for membership and then a couple dollars per club you wanted to be in. I just got a note today saying that this year it is going to be $25 and that you can be in unlimited clubs. :eek: What about the kids that only want to be in one club? Ouch! That is a big increase!


    I was just wondering what everyone else gets charged.


  4. My mom has battled cancer a lot. It started with breast cancer. About 5 years ago she was diagnosed with lung cancer, they gave her 6 months and said that there wasn't anything that could be done. Several months later she went to a different doctor. He took out half her lung and she has been just fine ever since. She gets winded easily but that is the only problem. She chose not to have chemo or radiation, since she has an autoimmune disease.


    I also have another friend that was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided not to do anything traditional about it. She decided to treat herself with herbs and diet. The lump has all but disappeared. The doctor refuses to let her have another mammogram because she wouldn't follow his orders so she isn't sure if it is all gone or not. I think the book she used was Nourishing Traditions.


    When my son was in a car accident God healed his internal bleeding and some broken bones on the way to ER.


    With God all is possible. I will definitely be praying. I would also encourage her to get other doctor's opinions.

  5. when I was in 5th grade we went to Weekday Bible School as part of public school (our town still has that - you just have to have parents signature). They had a bible giveaway for whoever memorized a certain amount of verses. I didn't have a bible and wanted to earn one so bad. At the end of the year I was a few verses short and didn't get my bible. Only one person actually earned one (the goal was very hard). I was devastated. I asked for another chance and they said, "my time was up and I didn't meet the goal". To this day I still can't believe that they wouldn't help a child earn a bible that they wanted so bad. In hind sight, all I would of had to do was ask my folks to buy me one and they would have, but I guess as a kid I didn't think about that.


    I think incentives can be an encouragement or a great discouragement depending on the child. I would prefer my children to go because they love Jesus, their friends, and they think it is fun. I don't want them going to earn prizes, especially if it's candy.

  6. My daughter enters two breeds of goats and rabbits in the county fair. She qualified to go to state, but I said NO WAY! I don't want to have to sit in the barns with animals for a week. Ugghh. She was disappointed but she'll get over it. She did really well at the county fair. She was Champion Master Showman over all the 9 large animal breeds.


    We didn't start going to the State fair until a couple of years ago. When my son was 2 1/2 (now 18) he got lost there and we never went back until recently. They were not helpful at all with finding him. I was very traumatized!


    I think the county fairs are great family fun.

  7. forget (sometimes on purpose) the way their own children acted? I will sometimes look at children being totally obnoxious and think to myself - Wow, I am glad my kids didn't act that way when they were little. But knowing deep inside that they did. :001_smile:


    I think it is kind of like child birth. Once you are holding your newborn you forgot the pain it took to get them here. I think once your children are adults or almost adults you forget the "pain" it took to get them there!


    Does anyone else feel that way?

  8. A while back when I was reading my bible I came across scripture that was talking about a person who was judging a fellow believer. It said that they were similar to a pharisee and they didn't look at their own relationship with the Lord but just others. That they shouldn't be going around pointing others mistakes. That is the gist of it. It was quite awhile ago, so I could be a little off on what it was saying, but I would really like to find it. TIA!:001_smile:

  9. She has Nigerian Dwarf goats also. You don't by chance need a registered buck do you? She has one that comes from a great pedigree that is showing great confirmation. She didnt' wether him because someone supposedly wanted him, but now they have changed their mind. Her dad says he needs to go now. The deal they had was two goats. Well those two kidded and now we have four, so we have to get rid of two.


    Would you be willing to share your recipe with her?



  10. My daughter has to dress her goat up in a costume. I think we finally figured it out though. I told her that I wouldn't tell anyone what she is doing until after fair. It should be pretty cute. I will post a picture after next week.


    Last year she dressed one of her goats up as Supergoat and she wore a superman cap. You can see a picture of her here. http://miniblessings.blogspot.com/2007/08/super-goat.html


    Thanks for your suggestion though!!

  11. My daughter's horse kept getting a wound on the front of her "ankles" (I am not a horse person and don't know the lingo, and she is in bed). They kept getting proud flesh in them. We had vets out and tried everything, it took over a year to finally get it to go completely away. What we finally did was give up on the vets and searched the net. We found this product called Equaide. You can research it on http://www.equaide.com . It works miracles!! If it was us, we would use this before calling the vet. The only problem is there aren't very many places that carry it and it's expensive, but so very worth it. A little goes a long way. I hope that she heals quickly!

  12. My daughter is supposed to do a goat costume contest at the fair. I have no ideas at all. It is a really hard time for my daughter. Our friend that died of pneumonia this winter had promised her to make an awesome costume for her. She is really bummed because it reminds her that Annie isn't here anymore. So, it is up to me and I have absolutely no imagination. I would love some suggestions.

  13. A couple of years ago somebody shared with me a couple of amino acids that help with sugar/carb cravings. I took them and they worked. I ran out and started craving/eating the sugar and carbs again.


    Well, I have been off sugar/ white flour for about 5 weeks now, but the cravings are getting worse instead of better. I would really like to figure out what amino acids help with this so I can start taking them again. Can anyone help me, I am about to lose it and got find some sugar (and I am getting crankier by the minute:banghead:) !


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