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Posts posted by Happy

  1. Do not be guilted into keeping things you don't love or do not spark a memory of the loved one.

    I kept a rickety and not attractive bench that had belonged to my mom. I kept it because it had belonged to my mom, ya know? Not for any other reason. A few years into keeping it, I had a bright light moment. My mom was always rearranging furniture and she loved putting on a good garage sale. Suddenly I knew without a doubt I could get rid of said bench because there is no way my mom would still be owning it if she were alive. Very freeing thought. 

    I agree that the person who said it must be kept should have it.

    Keep all the best memories and get rid of the stuff. 


    • Like 3
  2. IF you want to celebrate, throw yourself a party! 
    I turned a significant birthday last year. Significant because most of my family does not live to that age. So yes, I had one party for some of my family--we invited everyone to join us at a Texas Rangers game. It was fun....and I was not the center of attention, but my birthday was the reason. 

    Then we hosted a dinner party at a local restaurant for a half dozen of my closest friends and their spouses. We had a blast celebrating the milestone. Gifts were not expected and we paid the bill. 

    Life is too SHORT to wait for someone else to fulfill your wishes. DO it! Let people celebrate with you.


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  3. Get referrals from friends and family. 
    Talk to the agent--on the phone and face to face. 

    Ask if he or she is the one you will work with. An agent doing 150 deals a year probably will hand you off to a team member unless you are a high net worth individual. Ask to speak with the actual person you will work with. If you don't get a comfortable vibe, move on. 

    I don't do 150 deals a year. I want to help each of my clients personally from beginning to closing (and after) so I LIMIT the number of deals I do in a year. I do not hand you off to a team member or coordinator. 

    Yes the agent should pay attention to what you are asking to see-- one of the best compliments I ever got as a agent was when a young couple told me 'You knew what we wanted before we did...because you were watching what we reacted to.' 

    Ask about the worst deal they were ever a part of and the best. What were the determining factors in each? What did they learn from the worst one. 

    Ask how many of their deals are repeat clients--people don't go back to a crappy agent, but they happily go back to an agent they liked. 100% of my business is repeat and referral--and I love it that way. 

    Best of luck!

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  4. Inspectors are to alert you to potential problems so you can have an additional licensed pro have an indepth look to determine if you want or can afford to go forward.

    As an agent I see and work with a lot of inspectors. I always give my buyer clients a list of at least three inspectors who do a good job and will explain their findings with the potential buyers. I want the level headed guys or gals who can explain what should be a deal killer, an repair or replace item, or what goes on the first honey-do list. 

    That 20 (or 40 or 60) page format is pretty standard for the inspection industry. Does a lot of cya in my opinion.

    Houses break--a good home warranty can help for some aspects. I tell my clients to start an emergency repair/replace fund immediately-- for the AC and the roof if nothing else.

    Many agents I know work hard to explain the process and procedures of buying a house. It is a convoluted process at times--lots of moving parts. 

    I'm sorry they had a less than spectacular experience. 



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  5. well, maybe you guys can help me find something that is crossbody, that holds the basic things without hurting my back or shoulders.    Something that doesn't look like a travel bag, but rather something that looks a tad bit nicer.  


    I am just exploring my options....can't spend a lot of money...


    we are going to DC in May and I want something that I can wear that won't get in the way when I am walking, biking, hopping on the metro..


    what options do you suggest??


    I have a Healthy Back Bag, but I am getting tired of how that looks.....I would love something different. 

    I love my Vera Bradley Hipster bag for traveling. Lightweight, lots of pockets, zip top close, adjustable strap. 


    ​I wore this a solid week in Orlando-  I travel a lot and this was a fun and practical bag to wear all day long. 


    I tried to do a link but failed--google Vera Bradley Hipster and you'll find images of this just the right size bag. 


    Remember to not stuff it full of other people's stuff....you know like stuff your kids hand you. :)


    Edited --- just realized this was an old thread revived by a possible Sash salesperson. Sigh.

  6. ​My adult son has hypoglycemia....when his blood sugar crashes, he needs protein. Just consuming sugar does not bring it up. 


    With a consistent blood sugar that low, I'd be taking her in. Just to see what the doctor got when he checks it.

    When my son's gets that low, he feels like he is having a heart attack so it does get our attention. 

    • Like 4
  7. ​I keep credit card sized cards that block the ability for someone to steal cc info from my wallet. Found them on Amazon. 

    ​My travel purses are smaller cross body bags with lots of zippers. I just used a cute Vera Bradley bag while we were at Disney. All the pockets and zippers kept everything secure. 

    ​If I'm in a crowded place like Rome, I wear the cross body bag between me and my husband or sons. 

    ​Mostly I try to stay observant. 


    • Like 1
  8. We purchased a new higher end Kenmore 2 or 3 years ago. I LOVE that it is quiet--so quiet we do not know if it's on unless we see the lights on the control panel. 

    ​One thing I really like--the delayed timer. I can fill the dw after supper and set it to run after I've gone to bed. Love that. 


    I rinse my dishes (old habits) and I find they are not clean if I'm using dry powder dw soap. I must use gel. Probably has more to do with our water, but it's something I noticed. 


    Have fun with your new dishwasher!


    • Like 1
  9. Actually, I won't.  I may pick up a few things, but I seriously won't clean to pay someone to clean. 

    I always picked up clutter before the cleaners came...so they could clean more. We are clutter bugs, so it did make a difference.


    ​Yes, do it! I used to have a gal in once a month to clean. She retired and I've not found a solid replacement....and my house shows it. 

    • Like 1
  10. I just spent some time on this. Clicking, scrolling, mapping. Ugh. Anyway, there is really nothing like our property. There is a flip nearby but seems like a small lot....we have an acre plus a big shop and a pool. And while ours is not 100% remodeled it is not a flip....meaning we didn't do everything on the cheap. What we have done is nice. Anyway, the flip sold for $91 per SF. If we could get that we would be thrilled.

    As a real estate agent, that's part of what a seller pays me to do. It is tough to do. 

    ​I wish I were close enough to help. ;) All the best as you figure it out. 

    • Like 2
  11. Many moons ago, when we were broke, but self employed, newlyweds, we owed the IRS $250 on tax day. 


    Great...I wrote out a check, put it in the mail and forgot about it. 


    Until my bank account become overdrawn....it seems I had ripped off a blank check along with the one I wrote. The IRS in it's infinite wisdom CASHED it for the amount we owed. BLANK. No name, no amount, no signature---someone rubber stamped Internal Revenue Service and scrawled $250 on it and deposited it. Oh yeah, along with the legit check I'd written.


    What enraged me was that my bank paid it. No questions, no phone calls. Those were the days before big banks and we were well known clients. 


    We got it sorted out fairly quickly, but it pointed out that the big government machine will chomp on anything you put in it's way. 



    • Like 2
  12. Passion planner a favorite. I've used it for my business and personal life for three years, going on four. I don't use the headings as printed--instead I use them in a way to works for me. 

  13. Simple, but fun. Adults only here.


    A nice cheese and salami spread. We've got a round of Brie in the fridge-- baked Brie with some good crackers. A neighbor gave us a jalapeno salami--we have either a nice Chardonnay pinot gigot to open if we want. 


    I'll pick up some fruit and maybe another type of cheese or three. 


    It's supposed to be super cold so a pot of chicken and veggie soup is always a possibility. 

    • Like 2
  14. It would totally depend on the kind of meal. The one you describe, OP, yes, I wouldn’t appreciate it as much as other more casual meals. I suppose I would lead them towards buns or an extra dessert or something that doesn’t mess up my serving dishes plan, etc.

    I don't like depending on others for elements of my party so asking someone to brings something extra would work, if I had to. We once hosted a small group from our church where everyone contributed. We did the hamburgers, but the family that volunteered for the buns didn't show. I've never let that much control happen again. :)


    I do a lot of buffet style parties, but they are not potlucks. We carefully plan the menu and do all the cooking ourselves. The party and the food are my gift to my friends. If they want to bring chocolate, cookies, wine, or flowers I will be delighted--but it's not required. 

    • Like 2
  15. I hope everyone is doing ok and getting good news. 


    Mine was not good. Invasive mammary cancer. I'm seeing a surgeon today. I'm so sad & scared


    & mad! I had to withdraw from my school right before exams. 

    Well...darn. That is not what we wanted to hear. 


    If it is ANY comfort, yesterday was the 6th anniversary of my diagnosis. Do what is needed, get through it, and go on with your life. 


    May I ask why you withdrew from classes?


    I'll have more later....off to a doctor's appointment myself. HUGS! You will get through this!!!!

    • Like 5
  16. Practically everything is a sentimental thing for us at Christmas. We've collected all the years of our marriage--

    ​The first--the one I would run into a burning house to save if possible is the blue ball. :) The first year we dated, a social club at the Christian school we attended had a fund raiser making personalized Christmas ball ornaments. Since my hubby is both cute and charming, he sweet talked the gals manning the table into letting him personalize one for us. Our dark blue ball has both our names on it in a continuous circle. First ornament we put on the tree each year.


    My other sentimental favorite is a Santa face my mother drew and colored when she was pregnant with me. 


    The last of the true heart tugging sentimental things are our stockings...it's always Christmas when I get those out. 


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  17. I was very particular about the hats I wore...I hardly ever wore what someone else bought me. I did enjoy the scarves I was given because I could wear them around my neck--always cold. I wanted warm and soft, not slick or scratchy. ;)


    If she is doing chemo and all the work...


    ...gift cards for dinner for the family. Pizza works great. 


    Unscented lotion. Satin Hands from Mary Kay is good. In addition, Aquaphore is excellent. 

    Ginger tea or candied ginger. 


    Book or movie gift cards (Amazon or Netflix) 


    Coupon for a house cleaning and or child care


    Fuzzy 'spa' socks for wearing at home


    Uplifting and Funny books like She Who Laughs, Lasts


    If you and she are Christians, a selection of Bible verses concerning healing is good. Print out a list on paper. 


    The most wonderful gifts I was given were not really ones that could be wrapped up--cheerful steady consistent support. Text, email, or mail -- just a simple 'thinking of you' is good. Even if you are not close, a card every so often is good. 




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