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Posts posted by mandymom

  1. I use Plan to Eat, and because you enter your own recipes in, you would set your own parameters.


    I realize you are probably looking for one with meals already planned, but you might take a look at Plan to Eat.  It is quite simple to add recipes you find on the internet to your recipe collection, and then you just click, drag, and drop them into a calendar.  You can save weeks or even months of plans and drop the whole plan into a calendar.


    Then, you can generate a shopping list (which you can access on a phone or other mobile device) that you can add or delete items.


    There are actually quite a few other options as well (such as nutritional info for each recipe), but I really haven't needed many of the other features.


    I've been using the service for almost 3 years, and I still love it!

  2. I'm going to wager a wild guess that you live in a small town. :D





    Nope...she's in a city of approx 6.2 million people, which is not a small town by most standards. I am in the same city, and I use the Ace Hardware for shipping (a different one from her, I would guess). It's right around the corner from my house and far faster service than the post office. :)

  3. It's funny. I never noticed kids out and about during school hours before we started homeschooling. Now I notice, and there are a bunch. Whenever we go to the mall food court for lunch, there are at least 4 or 5 other families. Homeschooling is incredibly popular here, so no one really thinks twice about seeing kids out of school.

  4. I really wanted Penn's charity to win. While I admire the Red Cross, they get many many donations. The winnings would have made a much bigger difference to Opportunity Village.


    I will say that I really enjoyed watching the change in Penn this season. He was a very different player this time. And honestly, I thought he was consistently better this season than Trace was.

  5. When I was in school, I remember watching a few movies. We watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington in government and Ben Hur in World History (same teacher, btw).


    When my kids were in ps (elementary and middle school), they watched TONS of movies. Some I approved of (generally speaking) and some I did not, however I did not approve of the fact that FAR too many movies were being watched and not for instructional purposes. Ugg!

  6. My kids all would have (and always would have) eaten both of them. Dessert is never passed up at my house. Certainly not the cakes you described! But when we have dessert (at home), it is almost always homemade. Homemade whipped cream would not be "weird" to my kids.

  7. And these aren't grade schoolers, they are under the age of six, and they playing near water.



    AND they are trespassing to do it! It's one thing to roam the neighborhood when you're a kid. I did it, and to some degree my kids do it. My not my youngest, and he (or any of the others) SURE AS HECK don't crawl through someone's back fence and then play in their backyard and trash it. If they are invited? Yes, by all means. If they are breaking in? Absolutely not! And my 6 y.o and under kids wouldn't even be given the opportunity!

  8. We've done Y1 and Y2 and we will be on Y3 next year. This year, I made a "workbook" for each unit for each child. It worked well, and I will be doing the same next year. It contained the reading list, all the pages for the appropriate levels, maps, and supplements. The last two years we have used a different writing program than TOG, because as new homeschoolers as of two years ago, I felt we needed a more comprehensive writing curriculum. Next year the older four kids will return to TOG writing. My youngest probably won't until middle school/high school. Other than writing, we've used all that TOG has to offer. My kids, for the most part, really enjoy the reading selections, and we are having great discussions each week.

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