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Posts posted by hisacorn

  1. Katilac,

    THANK YOU! This all makes sense, and goes in line with what was on my heart.

    I've decided he will do TT Alg 2 and Geometry. Alg 2, so I can make sure the basics are covered.

    His outside activities are all church related: youth group, student leader, and life group member. All these stop during the summer, except for a few youth get togethers. I've tried to get him involved in other things, but he resists. For the last year, his only real interests are video games {which I hate}, and skateboarding. Recently he decided that if he's required to wear a helmet, he won't skate. {eye roll}  I've encouraged him to get together with friends in person, but he doesn't follow up on it. I'm kinda at a loss. But I'm to the point where I'm going to require some of this stuff. Once, I made him go on a catamaran with friends {he didn't want to go} and he really enjoyed it. I've offered to take him to Hobby Lobby to explore hand crafts sort of thing. He is interested in making some bird houses, but that's dh's department and he hasn't followed up on it yet.

    One of his electives this year is going to be Metal Work with a metal craftsman from our church. I'm hoping this will spark some creative interest.

    I'm not sure what I will do if this continues. I don't know how our local high school schedules their classes, etc. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

    Thanks again, so much!





  2. Last year (10th grade) was extremely difficult. We were doing fine at first, then we had Hurricane Florence and we didnt' get back into a good rhythm after that. {We were not severely impacted as far as property, etc.}

    My son has done Saxon Math since 7th grade. He has done well until this year. We can't really pinpoint where he got off track; I offered to get a tutor and he didn't want one. Then it all just got really hard in general: him not wanting to do much of anything, really. It's been like pulling teeth to get through school and chores for months. I am constantly on him, directing him, etc. and we both hate it.

    I'd like advice for two things:

    Where do we go from here as far as math? He has no idea what he wants to do after high school. He is smart and I feel he can do well in college if that's the path he takes. But he is struggling to finish up Alg 2 {Saxon} and I'm not sure whether to continue with Saxon or to move him to Teaching Textbooks. {My second oldest son who went to college moved to TT Geometry and Pre-Calculus for 11th and 12th grade and did ok. I asked him his opinion and he said it should be fine and to have his brother take an SAT prep course.} I get the whole "We all have to do things we don't want/like to do" line of thinking, and I do agree with it. But it's really become such an overwhelming issue I'm not sure it's a ditch I want to die in as I face 2 more years of high school.

    Second, in general, any advice on making this a much better and peaceful year? I just can't do this anymore. It's a fight every single day to get him to do his work and do his best.

    Thank you for any/all thoughts you can share.

  3. Not sure what you mean by homeschool history... We've always homeschooled and he's been using Saxon for a few years.

    He has no idea what he wants to do.

    So my 2nd and 3rd editions would be the originals you're speaking of?

    I think his main frustration is that it takes sooooo long. And I usually only have him do evens or odds for the practice part.

    So if he does the original Saxon, he does Alg 1, Alg 2 and Advanced Math and a full Geometry course is contained in them all?

    How do you grade for that and how is it written on a transcript?

  4. I have Saxon Alg 1 {3rd edition}

                          Alg 2 {2nd edition}


                          Advanced Math {2nd edition}

    My son did Saxon Alg 1 last year. He did pretty good when he applied himself. But finds it extremely tedious.

    So my questions are:

    1. Should we stick with Saxon? If not, what do you recommend from here on out?

    2. If we do stick with Saxon, what is the order of courses?

    3. Since I have older Saxon texts, I've heard to skip Geometry? How does that work? How do I give a separate grade for Geometry on a transcript?

    THANK YOU!!!


  5. Gosh, y'all! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    I'm counting 5 credits for 9th grade: Math, Science, History, English, and Logic.  {still low, I now realize}

    For 10th grade I have: Math, Science, History, English, Spanish, and Bible.

    He is also doing an elective, Metal Design, with a metal artist from church. {I'm just waiting to hear if he can do this this year.} This would be considered "art".

    If he can do metal design this year, that would be 7 credits for 10th grade. If he can't, then I can add in Health/PE.

    He is involved in youth group at church, and he goes to life group {church related} once a week during the school year.

    I already told him he HAS to have a planner. Just to keep up with chores! LOL! But also to create that habit, ya know?

    Tomorrow and Monday I'll look into every suggestion.




  6. I haven't read the other comments, but one thing that makes things easier is pricing in .25 intervals. It makes it MUCH easier to count prices and give change!
    You could make a sign that says: "Prices FIRM" or "Prices firm until _____pm"
    You can batch price, too:   All softback books .50 and hardback books 1.00 unless otherwise priced
     Good luck! :)

  7. My rising 10th grade son hates school. When I asked him why, he said because it keeps him from doing fun things. {Skateboarding, playing video games -which are monitored by us and not played for hours on end- and hanging out with friends. I have told him multiple times that if he would get his work done by 3pm, he can do those things. That I would take him to skateboard parks an hour away once a week, etc. But he chooses to make himself {and me} miserable. I also asked him what would make school more pleasant for him, and he said, "I don't know."

    With that background info, I need help choosing some curriculum. We did Sonlight American History last year using Hakim's History of US and it went pretty well. He is NOT a reader, so we quickly ditched anything but the spine books. The discussions were good, and sometimes he'd even offer up what he learned and found interesting, which I loved! {and told him so.} However, it did take him a long time to get through the reading assignments.

    Also, my mom died last November, which really affected our school year. {She was in assisted living close by with Alzheimer's and died in our home on hospice.}

    Last year we did:

    Saxon Alg 1

    Sonlight American History

    Literature: Hit and miss. We ended up doing a Progeny Press guide in the end.

    Grammar: Easy Grammar {He said he didn't learn anything and it was hard to follow.}

    Writing: hit and miss.

    Science: Apologia Physical Science

    Logic: Fallacy Detective and Teaching Toolbox



    Here is what I have so far for this year:

    Apologia Biology

    Homeschool Academy Spanish

    Saxon Math {He did Alg 1 last year; should he do Alg 2 or Geometry this year?}

    Bible: Positive Action for Christ {elective}


    I would greatly appreciate advice on History and English. Our state {NC} requires American History, World History, and American Econ/Govt. Possibly American History I and II; I'm trying to get info on that now. As far as English, it requires 4 years to include American and British Literature.

    I would love to find something that will challenge him but not overwhelm him.

    Thank you so much!


  8. My rising 8th grader does well with Math. Not genius, but not average. We did Horizons Math until last year when he did Saxon 8/7.


    Around January, he started taking f o r e v e r  to do math. Like, sometimes 4 hours. It was TORTUROUS for us both. I partly feel this was/is an age thing. I also believe I didn't make school in general pleasant enough. {Let me say that I'm not a "school and everything in life must be fun" sort of gal. I believe there is a balance.} It helped a LOT when I started sitting with him and actually doing the lessons with him.


    Also a little background: I am spread sorta thin with homeschooling, my mom who has Alzheimer's, and a few other things.

    Today I spoke with him about Saxon and he said it's okay, he just really loathes the long lessons, meaning the reading/dvd part. {We used the Saxon Teacher dvds.} He said he understands it okay and when he doesn't it's usually his fault. Gotta love his honesty! :) He does not know what he wants to do in life at this point other than join the Marine Corps and/or be a professional skateboarder! {Mama is hoping for something a bit more...safe! ;) }


    I REALLY want to choose a curriculum that I can stick with from now {pre-algebra} until he graduates from high school.

    Here is what I'm thinking:


    1. Saxon: Just keep swimming. Perhaps doing only odd/even mixed practice problems. I have all the books, but recently found out that I need to have the editions "line up". So I will still have to buy a majority of the books/dvds throughout high school.


    2. Teaching Textbooks: I have all of it from pre-alg through pre-calc. My daughter did it. She liked it; she is not a Math gal. She liked how it was organized into chapters, whereas Saxon flits somewhat from subject to subjects. I have read horrible reviews of TT and just as many amazing reviews, and I'm talking about kids who are good/great in math. I just can't figure out the wide range of opinions!!!


    3. I THINK I have Chalkdust pre-alg somewhere.... My second son liked that the best; he did Saxon, this one Chalkdust and then did TT. But this curriculum is EXPENSIVE!!!!! And that's an issue right now.


    4. Life of Fred. Heard lots of great things. Some say it's complete, some say not.


    I would LOVE and APPRECIATE  your thoughts on this!!!


    Thanks so much!!!



  9. Again, thank you for all the thoughts, ideas, etc.


    OneStep: Thank you for your sweet thoughts! Son should be fine; just needs to stop those nasty body building supplements. Mom is doing well and will hopefully be back to assisted living in 2 days.


    I just wrote out the suggestions/ideas in a notebook. {I do better when I write things out.} I will be thinking of ways to implement them and ordering some new things in the next day or so.


    Again, THANK YOU!!! :hurray: :thumbup:

    • Like 2
  10. Regentude and Texasmom33: What did you switch to in place of Saxon?


    He is taking all day; from 9ish am until after 5pm. Now, of course, he wastes time as well. It's not like he is sitting at the table all that time.


    I like the idea of having all school stuff at the table so he doesn't have to get up and down. Ds wastes a ton of time with just that!


    And setting a timer...


    Thanks, y'all! :)




  11. I'm desperate for some ideas/thoughts/advice.


    12yods is a great and smart kid. He has never loved school, but this past year especially, he loathes it. And lately, it is taking him literally all day to complete it.


    Here is what we do: {He is in 7th grade}


    Balancing the Sword Bible: Read a chapter and answer the questions. {Typically, there are 3-4, and they are factual in nature, not application.} Then I read from Thru the Bible about that chapter. {It's a commentary.}


    Saxon 8/7 Math: He watches the Saxon DVD, does a timed practice test, all lesson practice problems, and 10 of the mixed practice problems.


    Rod and Staff English 6: Read the lesson and if there is a worksheet, he does that. If not, I assign the Written Exercises {sometimes not every one}.


    Geography: Maps, Charts, and Graphs: 2 lessons a week. Online geography games.


    Science: Reading books about a subject and then in a notebook writing 3 things he learned or found interesting.


    History: Same as Science


    I am up for any/all types of advice....from scheduling, change in curriculum, ANYTHING.


    He is a very sweet hearted boy and usually wants to please God and his parents. He just seems "stuck" in this stronghold and I need to get him out of it. For both our sakes! :P


    Dh and I have both talked with him and explained that we WANT him to have time to go out and skateboard, etc. We both also explained that he is not the only person that I have to care for...meaning I have a home, other kids, my husband, my mom who I care for, and just that I am also a person who wants and needs some time to do something I enjoy like crafts, etc. {And that HE needs time for things he enjoys, too.}


    Thank you for any/all thoughts!

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