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Posts posted by Cherryanne

  1. I attempted to do a dino lapbook from In the Hands of a Child with my son and it was the most exhausting, time consuming thing we've done since we started homeschooling. I wish I knew how other families make them work. I wanted it to be a fun experience for him but in the end it was just a waste of paper and ink.

  2. I read a news story once about a guy who stuck two cherry pits up his nose when he was 7 or so. The doc got one of them out but couldn't find the other one, and assumed he swallowed it. Fifty years later, after all kinds of allergies and sinus problems, his doctor put a probe up his nose and tapped something hard. Out came a calcified cherry pit. :ack2: But I'll never forget the quote from the guy: "You don't know how good it feels not to have a cherry pit up your nose." :lol:



  3. I've been checking out vocabulary programs and to be honest, they all seem rather boring. Do any of you just assign vocabulary from the books your children are reading? We're planning on using SL Core 3 next year and I figure there will be more than enough words to choose from in the readers. If you do this, how do you go about reinforcing the meanings of the words?


    Thanks for any guidance!

  4. Yes! It paved the road for pronunciation and made it fun. I would highly recommend it for your 8 yr old.

    My ds8 and ds6 did it together and finished it in less than four months. They both love it. Now we are doing GSWL together. They are doing very well with it. After that, we will go LfC A. I already have the material.


    Thank you! :)

  5. Diagnostic tests both for LA & Math



    Thank you! I didn't think the samples had everything I needed to test him. I appreciate it!




    Thank you so much for the advice everyone! I'm happy to hear other people have switched successfully mid-year! My son is doing fairly well with Horizons but I just know if the problems were presented in a different manner he wouldn't know what to do. Horizons isn't helping him understand why he's supposed to solve problems a certain way.


    Thanks again! :)

  6. I don't have several children but I still feel like it's impossible to get it all done sometimes. I'm a perfectionist which doesn't help matters much. For those of you who have learned to let things go, what do you do when people come over? I always end up cleaning like a crazy person when people are supposed to come over and I find myself inviting people over less and less because of this.

  7. I know this has probably been discussed already but apparently I've reached my limit on searches for the day. :D I keep getting an error message every time I try. I've been strongly considering switching my son from Horizons to CLE math next year. I've been looking at the 3rd grade samples and I can't help but feel my son is already missing out on some pretty important concepts. CLE just seems to explain things so much better. I was thinking maybe we could start with a later LightUnit within the 3rd grade series but it's hard to know where to start. I wouldn't usually think switching math programs in the middle of the year would be a good idea but I'm worried he will be even more behind next year. I'm also not too keen on having to work through the summer but I don't want him to be lost next year. What to do, what to do.


    Any advice? Please? :)


    In third grade her teacher encouraged us to get her to stop (she was sucking her thumb at school when she did silent reading). We talked to her about being teased at school and her response was "I don't care. It is so ME!" (she has never lacked self confidence either)




    This happened to me too. :glare: My witch of a 3rd grade teacher was always trying to shame me in front of the class about it. My mom took care of that pretty quickly!


    I did stop for a little while in 1st grade when my dad bribed me with a swing set. I started back up in 3rd grade after a traumatic event (which this teacher knew about) so it was definitely a coping mechanism at the time.

  9. I will out myself ;-) I sucked my fingers until I was 11/12. When I got braces it just felt all wrong (my fingers didn't fit in the right places anymore, the braces rubbed against my lips), it totally lost the "comforting" feeling.


    When my braces came off, I tried it again, and my teeth were all in the wrong places and it wasn't the same. So, I never sucked my fingers again. Plus, I had to wear a retainer too, and that also didn't really make it feel the same either....


    Granted, I don't believe I had any special needs, so I can't comment on any of that...


    Me too! I got braces when I was 12 and it was the combination of it feeling wrong and knowing I would have to have braces for even longer that stopped me.

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